grubsie Posted June 25, 2020 #1 Posted June 25, 2020 Old couple pulled out of a right side street at the last second. Nowhere for me to go. Tried to go around them. Thought I made it but the saddlebag caught the front bumper and spun me around. Of course the couple said they didn't see me. Everyone showed up. 3 witnesses, town police, state police, county sheriff, emt's and fire. Luckily I have a small road rash on left elbow and sore left ribs but no bad. Just glad my wife wasn't on the bike.
SpencerPJ Posted June 25, 2020 #2 Posted June 25, 2020 Sorry for the mishap. I beep my horn all the time at people I don't think see me. Glad you are safe and with fairly minor issues, and glad you wife was not along as well. Just stinks with everything going on today....
Freebird Posted June 25, 2020 #3 Posted June 25, 2020 Glad you are OK. Damage to the bike looks fairly minor but who know how the insurance will rate it.
grubsie Posted June 25, 2020 Author #4 Posted June 25, 2020 (edited) Glad you are OK. Damage to the bike looks fairly minor but who know how the insurance will rate it. Thanks Don & SpencerPJ. The left side took some damage also when the bike laid down after impact. Left side of fairing scratched along with the left mirror, left running light, left saddle bag and hinge and left speaker cover. Also left engine guard scratched and bent so left foot rest is bent. Also rear left saddlebag guard is bent and the reflector is gone. There were too many pics to post on the site. Can't imagine it not being totaled. Edited June 25, 2020 by grubsie
Freebird Posted June 25, 2020 #5 Posted June 25, 2020 Yea, you are probably right. They tend to total them pretty quickly. All that plastic adds up to a good bit of money.
PastorCurt Posted June 25, 2020 #7 Posted June 25, 2020 Sorry this happened to you. Glad you are ok and you wife wasn’t aboard. You might be sore for a couple days but it could have been terrible.
cecdoo Posted June 25, 2020 #8 Posted June 25, 2020 Glad you were able to walk away from that one, it does rattle you tho, when they pull out rite in front of you. Guess you will probably be bike shoppin this weekend eh. Take care and heal up quickly, I hope! Craig
AGrengs Posted June 25, 2020 #9 Posted June 25, 2020 Old couple pulled out of a right side street at the last second. Nowhere for me to go. Tried to go around them. Thought I made it but the saddlebag caught the front bumper and spun me around. Of course the couple said they didn't see me. Everyone showed up. 3 witnesses, town police, state police, county sheriff, emt's and fire. Luckily I have a small road rash on left elbow and sore left ribs but no bad. Just glad my wife wasn't on the bike. I'm glad it wasn't worse, hope you heal well and get a bike back on the road soon.
uncledj Posted June 26, 2020 #10 Posted June 26, 2020 This kind of stuff scares me. Not so much for myself, but when I have Lisa on the back. It makes it even harder to maneuver these big beasts in a bad situation. Had a rear tire blowout on the freeway at speed a few years back, and I doubt I'd have been able to keep it up with her on the back. That's one of the reasons we're considering a Can Am for two up riding. I'm VERY pleased that your incident didn't turn out worse....hope it doesn't sour you on riding.....Law of averages says you should be good for a while.
djh3 Posted June 26, 2020 #11 Posted June 26, 2020 Glad you got away with that one. Look like right side damage to me. Anywho thats one of the reasons I run a modulator on my headlight. If you cant see that you probably shouldnt be driving. That excuse must be taught to cagers when they get their licence.
N3FOL Posted June 26, 2020 #12 Posted June 26, 2020 It could have also been your right very glad to hear you are ok and still able to ride home. As mentioned before, the insurance company might end up totaling it. I am hoping they will agree to fix it this time.
luvmy40 Posted June 26, 2020 #13 Posted June 26, 2020 Glad to see you walked away. But That just sucks! I have come to the studied conclusion that 90% of the drivers on the road could not care less if they kill someone. I see a complete disregard for safety from nearly every car, truck and yes a lot of motorcycle operators on a daily basis. Then there are the people who are not physically capable of driving safely who still manage to keep a drivers license. Don't even get me started on the statistics where uninsured and unlicensed violations are concerned!
suds Posted June 26, 2020 #14 Posted June 26, 2020 Glad you're ok. Things can be repaired/ replaced, people can't, we're glad you're here to tell the story. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
OrlinEngh Posted June 26, 2020 #15 Posted June 26, 2020 Its a great day when you get to walk away or ride away. Like its been said can always replace the bike. Orlin
Marcarl Posted June 26, 2020 #16 Posted June 26, 2020 Good to hear that you is good. Any day we go out, car or MC, it's good to come back alive, nobody can guarantee a safe ride. We expect it, but it can't be guaranteed, so good to have you here still.
grubsie Posted June 26, 2020 Author #17 Posted June 26, 2020 Thank you for the well wishes everyone. Last night my ribs got pretty sore as I stiffened up from resting and icing. Took some Tylenol and felt better. Woke up this morning and was sore all over like I was in an accident or something. More Tylenol and am keeping moving so I don't stiffen again. Yesterday when I got the bike home, I was a little sore but feeling good considering. I was thinking that I was gonna wait until my wife left for work this morning, then hop on my Ultra Classic and go for a quick spin just to "get back on the horse" so to speak. Wrong. Straddled the seat with some difficulty (not running), tried to stand the bike up (not happening), then wisely got back off. I am way too sore to even try it. Probably just as well as the tow people came by to take the RSV away. In a strange way, an odd good thing came out of this. This is for real. One of the witnesses at the accident site handed me a 10mm wrench he found on the street that I had been missing for quite some time. Must have been in the saddlebag somewhere or a nook or cranny somewhere else on the bike. The accident must have jarred it loose. Got my 10mm back!
cowpuc Posted June 26, 2020 #18 Posted June 26, 2020 (edited) Thank you for the well wishes everyone. Last night my ribs got pretty sore as I stiffened up from resting and icing. Took some Tylenol and felt better. Woke up this morning and was sore all over like I was in an accident or something. More Tylenol and am keeping moving so I don't stiffen again. Yesterday when I got the bike home, I was a little sore but feeling good considering. I was thinking that I was gonna wait until my wife left for work this morning, then hop on my Ultra Classic and go for a quick spin just to "get back on the horse" so to speak. Wrong. Straddled the seat with some difficulty (not running), tried to stand the bike up (not happening), then wisely got back off. I am way too sore to even try it. Probably just as well as the tow people came by to take the RSV away. In a strange way, an odd good thing came out of this. This is for real. One of the witnesses at the accident site handed me a 10mm wrench he found on the street that I had been missing for quite some time. Must have been in the saddlebag somewhere or a nook or cranny somewhere else on the bike. The accident must have jarred it loose. Got my 10mm back! Wowzy wow wow wow,, glad your ok brother and there right with you in soooo glad your wife was NOT onboard when this happened!! That woulda/coulda been disasterous!! Looks/sounds to me too like your RSV will be totalled.. If the claims people look in there and see any tweeking on the frame at foot peg mounts and such it a definite no go on not being totalled IMHO.. Sorry your sore BUT,, brother some of the alternatives are wayyy not good.. Take the over the counter pain meds,, take a break and then get on that Ultra my friend.. By the way,, I think you should take that 10mm wrench and frame it, hang it in the man cave! Thoughts and Prayers Up in your recovery Grubs! Puc Edited June 26, 2020 by cowpuc what a dorkwad I can be,, I meant to say "NOT ONBOARD" but typed "ONBOARD"!! Another typo to my discredit!!
grubsie Posted June 26, 2020 Author #19 Posted June 26, 2020 By the way,, I think you should take that 10mm wrench and frame it, hang it in the man cave! Thoughts and Prayers Up in your recovery Grubs! Puc Thank for the kind words Puc. Coming from you means a lot to me. I haven't actually met anyone from this forum in the years I have been here but most of the regulars are kind of like virtual friends but you are considered one of the special ones and I'm sure most here would agree. That 10 mm wrench you mentioned has been in my possession for as long as I can remember. I was really bumming when I thought I lost it. I don't even know where I acquired it from but it quickly became my favorite over the years. Maybe you're familiar with the manufacturer?
cowpuc Posted June 26, 2020 #20 Posted June 26, 2020 Thank for the kind words Puc. Coming from you means a lot to me. I haven't actually met anyone from this forum in the years I have been here but most of the regulars are kind of like virtual friends but you are considered one of the special ones and I'm sure most here would agree. That 10 mm wrench you mentioned has been in my possession for as long as I can remember. I was really bumming when I thought I lost it. I don't even know where I acquired it from but it quickly became my favorite over the years. Maybe you're familiar with the manufacturer? Grubs, I can honestly say I have never seen that name brand of wrench in my recollect.. I will say this though,, seeing the brand name "HERbrand" on there makes me do a double take!! Seeing that bike of yours and how/where it was hit and knowing that many many years ago a really close friend of mine (buddy I worked with a Gardner Denver in Grand Haven Michigan back in the early 70's) was riding two up with his girl,, got hit in exactly that location on his brand new Norton and his girl lost her life from blood loss from the accident. HORROR does happen but fortunately at other times, as you so fortunately revealed, things don't always end that way.. Having your wrench appear out of all of this, and now finding out that it has right on it = HER BRAND,, makes me know for absolutely positive certainty that I,, if in your shoes, would DEFINITELY frame that puppy with a picture of me hugging my best friend (my wife Tippy) proudly displayed with it!! As far as the kind words, you are more than welcome my friend and I thank you for the kind thoughts/words right back.. Part of being part of this family IMHO.. I know,, we family members fight sometimes,, have our spats and disagreements BUT,, at times like these we always regroup and are there for each other - WOWZY WOW WOW WOW,, just like a genuine family IRL.. PRETTY COOL!! Thanks for being part of it!! Puc P.S. - I also know exactly how you feel about having lost that wrench in the first place.. I am EXACTLY that way too.. Some of the tools in my tool boxes have been with me since I was a kid.. Funny how some of us lop eared life long gearhead varmints can be viewed as heartless but in the end, we can get so attached to a shirt, a pair of shoes or even a 10mm wrench aint it?? Glad you got your wrench back and glad you got it back when you did!!
saddlebum Posted June 27, 2020 #21 Posted June 27, 2020 Thank for the kind words Puc. Coming from you means a lot to me. I haven't actually met anyone from this forum in the years I have been here but most of the regulars are kind of like virtual friends but you are considered one of the special ones and I'm sure most here would agree. That 10 mm wrench you mentioned has been in my possession for as long as I can remember. I was really bumming when I thought I lost it. I don't even know where I acquired it from but it quickly became my favorite over the years. Maybe you're familiar with the manufacturer? First let me say I glad your alive and able to feel pain. The alternative may not be a good thing. Secondly; Herbrand used to be a big rival to snap on I do not believe they are any longer in business. It has been years since I have seen a Herbrand tool truck but during my apprenticeship days I bought quite a few Herbrand tools, some I still own. I guess you could say its a collector wrench now. Now as far as @cowpuc,s suggestion to hang it on the wall. You may want to reconsider. I think it should go back in the saddle bag since it just may be your Gremlin bell. You could have been a lot worse off were it not fo that wrench.
venturesome Posted June 27, 2020 #22 Posted June 27, 2020 (edited) Glad you escaped without major injuries. I have to agree with saddlebum on this one. I wouldn't ride anywhere without that "lucky" wrench! Edited June 27, 2020 by venturesome changed with minor injuries to without major injuries
videoarizona Posted June 28, 2020 #23 Posted June 28, 2020 Man, glad you are ok!! Sad to see the bike took such a hit.... But better the scoot than you! Rest up then get back in the saddle. And I think that wrench is your good luck charm!
The Tooch Posted June 28, 2020 #24 Posted June 28, 2020 Glad your OK. This might be of interest regarding your wrench.....
Poppa Phill Posted June 28, 2020 #25 Posted June 28, 2020 Old couple pulled out of a right side street at the last second. Nowhere for me to go. Tried to go around them. Thought I made it but the saddlebag caught the front bumper and spun me around. Of course the couple said they didn't see me. Everyone showed up. 3 witnesses, town police, state police, county sheriff, emt's and fire. Luckily I have a small road rash on left elbow and sore left ribs but no bad. Just glad my wife wasn't on the bike. Thanking God for sure that she wasnt there. The right leg would have been a bad issue for sure. IM thinking I will get a bigger horn. Mine isnt muich of a noise maker. Gkad you got out of it with just some Rash...
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