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Do I have to do the 600 mile maint. at the dealer.....or can I just change my own oil & rear end lube???? And, if I do it myself, does it effect the warrenty?? I'll take it in if I have to....I just dont wnt to pay 250 bucks for an oil change!!:mo money:



Just make sure you follow the recommended items in the manual and use the correct oils and keep your receipts as proof you did it. They cannot deny your warranty unless they can reasonably prove that something you did caused the specific problem you are claiming. In reality, they will never even question it unless you engine seizes up for lack of oil in the next week or two! :080402gudl_prv:



I just called my local stealer & asked what they did on a 600 mile maint. "oil change, rear end lube,tighten bolts,check steering nut torque & lube cables, figure about 350 bucks." I think I can do all that stuff on my own. I'm not a motorcycle mechanic, but I have been a Ford mechanic for abut 25 years now. so withe the money I save I'll get a good service manual.


I brought mine in for the first service only and it was around $200. I'm not sorry for doing it as it gave me peace of mind that they did the first service. At least if something came up in the future I had something to go back to them with. Since the first I have done my own work without any problems. I guess it all depends on the dealer that you are dealing with. I had a warranty issue and I overheard the new Service Manager asking the owner if they were going to do it or not....the comment from the owner was only if it was someone that deals with them and has had service work done there......so I try to keep on the good side of them in case I do have any issues down the road and support them when ever feasible.



Guest cwil2988

Seems to me that they cannot deny doing warranty work on your bike, regardless of who changed the oil. How many people take their cages back to the dealership they bought it from to get the oil changed, when there are a blue million quick lube places around. Besides, I didn't buy a bike with a 5 year warranty to be told that I am not allowed to maintain it myself. that 150 dollars or so I save every oil change will buy a lot... little I mean... gas, or some chrome or something. Plus my little wallet card I got states Nationwide warranty service at any Yamaha dealer so I am sure that I can do it myself. My dealer knows I do it myself and we have never had any issues because of it. I do buy my oil and filter there, simply because their computer keeps a record of what I buy, so I am covered there also. I take my vehicles and toys serious, and enjoy maintaining them, plus I know that it is done right if I do it myself


:guitarist 2:

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