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So...any problems with the new server


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How is the site working on this server? I've had no problems at all. Seems about as fast as we could hope for with all the modifications I am running. If it's still slow for you, then I have likely overdone some of the additions. Things like "who has read a thread", "who is browsing a thread", even our flags and etc. suck up a lot of server resources.

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How is the site working on this server? I've had no problems at all. Seems about as fast as we could hope for with all the modifications I am running. If it's still slow for you, then I have likely overdone some of the additions. Things like "who has read a thread", "who is browsing a thread", even our flags and etc. suck up a lot of server resources.


The chat start up, is much faster on this host, never seen it this fast before:thumbsup2:. Everything else that I have looked into, has been great so far.:thumbsup2:



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Hi Don.

Not a criticism, but an observation to let you know - - - when I open a post it seems to take longer than it used to. Anywhere up to 5 or 6 seconds. Is that right, or just the curse of distance between USA and AUS?

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I don't think it's the server. Probably just something in the pipeline between you and the location of the new server. It's open very fast for me. I'm at a hotel in Berkley, WV right now with a very poor connection. So poor in fact that I'm checking out of this one this morning and going to try another hotel just up the road. My WIFI is showing NO SIGNAL and this thread still opened in 2.1 seconds.


You might want to go to start, run and type CMD in the box and hit enter. When the window opens up, you can type ping venturerider.org and it will show you where any delay might be but there really isn't much you can do about it.

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By the way, the only problem I have seen is that we are running at the upper edge of our memory. I just have way too many features added here. Most are not essential just make things a bit more fun. I really don't want to do away with any of them so first I plan to pay for some more memory. I also need to optimize the server for our forum.


This is a lot different than when we were on a shared server. On a shared server, you could keep going until your site started having a negative affect on other sites hosted on the same server. So if you were running high memory, it was not an issue until they noticed that you were hogging the resources and then they would just shut down your site until you got it under control.


Now, we have "X" amount of memory and it is ours and does not affect anybody else. The difference is though, if you exceed it, you will just get an out of memory error and can't access the site. We are way to close for comfort. I think that optimizing the server will help a lot, adding some memory will give us some cushion.


I'm very inexperienced in managing a server at the root level. Optimizing scripts, php, MySql, etc. This is going to be a real learning curve.

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Don, with the Ping Utility, you can pretty much only see the Response Times of the Server and TTL Rate. If they are slow, that's all you know.


The Route Trace Tool shows much more Information, but i'm not sure if one can analyse the Informations provided.


The Trace Tool is called 'tracert' under the Command Window. Refer to the System help for further Informations and Options.

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I find that the site is loading slower for me....not real slow but slower than before. Why is it that there will be 48 members signed in and 173 guests ? I've noticed the guest number is aways considerably higher than the members....is this an accurate count? Is it actually guests or is it something else that maybe causing a strain on the server? Don't get me wrong not making an issue of guests....just a thought!



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Don, with the Ping Utility, you can pretty much only see the Response Times of the Server and TTL Rate. If they are slow, that's all you know.


The Route Trace Tool shows much more Information, but i'm not sure if one can analyse the Informations provided.


The Trace Tool is called 'tracert' under the Command Window. Refer to the System help for further Informations and Options.


Thanks...that is what I was thinking about, not ping.


I find that the site is loading slower for me....not real slow but slower than before. Why is it that there will be 48 members signed in and 173 guests ? I've noticed the guest number is aways considerably higher than the members....is this an accurate count? Is it actually guests or is it something else that maybe causing a strain on the server? Don't get me wrong not making an issue of guests....just a thought!




Guests are a combination of actual guests, members who haven't logged in and search engine spiders. Not much you can do about it if you want to be found in the search engines. As for speed, again, it is likely just that this server is located in a different location that the last one was. It could be faster for some folks and a bit slower for others depending on various bottlenecks between you and the server. I'm adding memory so that will make the server perform a bit better but there is nothing I can do about any bottlenecks in the network between each member and the server.

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One other Thing is, i've heard about a 'War' on the Backbone Providers 2 Years ago, regarding Money for transferring the Data over their Networks.

I think the Problems have been solved, but maybe there's a little Rev Limiter hitting the Line between the Continents.


Also, we shouldn't forget, even if nowadays they use Glass Fiber Wires, even the at the Speed of Light, it takes some Time. There are some Miles between US and Australia. Satellite Communications also need some Time.

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As I said, we were running at the very upper end of our memory. It was either remove some of the "pretty" feature here or upgrade the memory. I chose to add another 256MB of memory at this time. We are now running about 45% of our memory capacity where we were running between 85%-95%. Way too close for comfort.


Also, I am not experienced at optimizing the root processes. PHP, MYSQL, Apache, etc. I finally decided to hire some outside help to optimize the server for us. He is working on that now and will be watching and making changes to some of the server settings over the next 3 or 4 days.


You may see some very short interruptions as changes are made. Most will not cause the site to go down but there may be a few times when he has to turn off the forums while he recompiles the PHP and etc. Any outages should last only 2 or 3 minutes in that case.


We are getting there folks and I think we are in good shape now. Thank you all for your patience as we go through these little growing pains.

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