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Mike, it's a 1937 , brough, pronounced "bruff".

then and now, it is considered the "rolls royce, of motorcycles"!

did a little googlin, to find that out!

each bike was hand fitted, twice! once for fit. and once after painting.

the "ss80", was sold with a written guarantee, that it had been ridden at least 80 miles per hour!

lots of neat stuff, associate with these bikes.

LOTS of race victories.

out of 400 or so that were produced, about 304, are still up and running.

1st gen?

i hope mine survives that long.

just jt

Thats pretty neat never seen one of those before. That thing can't be much newer than a first gen couple of years maybe.


Probably right Mike. It's a shame none of the 2nd gens will live to see their 30th birthday. They will either die on their own or be killed by their owners in a fit of remorse and/or anger.:hihi::hihi::hihi:


Now back to the thread. Great looking bike. Thanks for posting pics.


Holy Crap!!


That reflection in the nameplate scared the Hell out of me!!!:shock3::shock3::shock3:





brad ONLY you would notice that!

i honestly never noticed it 'till you mentioned it.


i did find out the cost of the old bike.

would you believe a guy paid $100,000.00, for that bike ,,,delivered to his door , of course!


oh this is only one of about 40 vintage bikes he has managed to buy over the past 15 or 20 years.

just jt

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