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Cinco de Mayo Party

Yama Mama

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Are you feeling sort of down? Is you chin getting rug burns because it is hanging so low to the ground? Do you want to enjoy yourself but you have no place to go to have some fun?

Is that your trouble Bunky?

Well lift your head up high! We have the place for you to go this Tuesday Night at 8:30PM EST.!


Yes, we are having a Cinco de Mayo party! Get that sombrero out of the closet, and find your best mustache to wear! Get a bag of tortilla chips regular or spicy and come into the chatroom! 848cbd90eed8d83c13aa9710db9cd2c8.jpg

It should be fun, but I have been wrong before!

Yama Mama

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I am already depressed I have been out of work for a few weeks and the great politicians open up beaches to the idiots but only day use for campgrounds. I don't understand this because when you camp you are isolated and very rarely interact with other campers where as idiots that flock to the beach don't care about anything. I am off from Tuesday to Sunday and can't camp but I can go to the beach and infect everyone I just don't get it so I will be there to get a pick up.

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I am very sorry you are feeling down Tufftom. You have my deepest understanding of what you are feeling badly about.

You have my personal invitation for Tuesday night. Why not stop by and chat with everyone who shows up. Who knows it might just be you and I.


Yama Mama

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Flyinfool that was so nice of you to say. Oh it is entirely true, but it was still nice of you.

So that is an unbias opinion folks.


Please come to the party. Flyinfool wants it to be a Neked Cinco de Mayo, but I am just not sure. What do you think?




Yama Mama

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Well not sure Mama, that could be either a hangup or a trip hazard? Hmm


We also get to play some clips that we otherwise would dare on the main board.


tonight we showed a 10 minute clip of.... chit I for forgot? Well that is the rule in the chat ;)

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I am with Tufftom,, been crazy here.. On top of this virus thing we have a domestic dispute going on down the street that has resulted in one of the disputers going crazy and dumping nails and screws out on our street corners.. Its been going on for a couple weeks now and its getting old. The police have been involved all along but are having a hard time nailing (pun intended) the perp.. Found out from the LEO that is working the case today that the varmint has expanded his horizons of terror by including 5 more intersections and about 8 mores miles of roadway in what appears to keep his girlfriend boxed in with nails/screws..

Couple that together this crisis that everybody else is dealing with and local/state officials here changing the rules they want us to live by like my 3 year old grandson turning my lights on and off (he is sooo cute when he plays the lights on/off game but not so much when those in power do so) and yeah,, life can get frustrating..

Matter of fact,, I got so frustrated with all the rule changing and the punctured tires today that I looked at Tip curled up on the couch and said - LETS GO FISHIN!! With no idea really whether or not doing so was legal at this point, I tossed our flat bottom boat in the back of Clyde (our historic vehicled ex-Airport plow truck) with the fishing gear stuffed haphazardly underneath the boat,, fired em up and away we went.. Headed for a small inland lake up in Michigans State land that knew of.. It took some doings to get down to the lake once Clyde's granny gear in low range had crawled and knawed Clydes way out thru the sticks and down the extremely steep hill to the lakeside.. Dumped the boat into the water,, pulled the spare batter out of Clyde for the trolling motor,, admired how pretty Tippy was walking in the black muck on the lack shore in her knee boots,,, jump in, pushed off and away we went,, FISHING!! I knew the old battery that was Clydes plow batter couldnt be in to good of shape so I was not surprised when I pressed the battery check button on the motor and it proudly displayed "RECHARGE".. By now though,, being used to what life has become in Michigan,, I just laughed in Murphys face,, grabbed the oars and told Tip we would save the motor for trolling as the sun set and the big ones starting getting hungry and just row around the edges and see if we could snag a pan fish or two. Of course, the pan fish in this particular little lake had no internet access (the lake is wayyyyyy back in the sticks,, only reason I even knew about it was due to my many many years of riding my dirt bikes on those thousands of acres of lands that are owned by us tax payers of Michigan) so had not read the same claim that they were suppose to not be able to tell the difference between the little rubber worms I had purchased online and the worms I used to dig as a kid in the wilds.. I pointed the fish beds out to Tippy and told her it was obvious the place was loaded and that it was to bad they didn't know they were suppose to bite on the little plastic worms.. I then told her to pull in her bobbered line as I was gonna bust thru the brush and go find us some REAL worms.. After untangling our lines hundreds of times from the lakeshore brush growth and standing up in the boat and using an oar like one of Mike Finks river boat men operating a push stick,, we arrived back at shore.. Yes it was mucky,, yep Tip got a big chuckly at me sinking in the muck just to get some worms,, yes Tip - having many years of motherly experience, happen to have a sandwich baggie for me to gather worms in so I wouldnt have to use my Harley hat.. As I tipped the first log over and saw nothing but ants,, I began to tell Tippy that many many many many years ago, at a time wayyy before the evil Syth Emperer who was playing the on/off rules games with our lifes was even thought of,, people used to actually go dig worms to go fishing with just to have food.. As I picked up a great big fat worm and stuffed it into the sandwich bag I told Tip that what I was doing, back in those times,, was serious business...

After we got back thru the brush with several very nice big fat leaf worms staring at us thru the clear plastic of the sandwich bag I randomly grabbed one of those worms, stuck him on the hook on Tippies pole (chivalry is not dead in our 40 marriage,, I dont care what PC says),, watched her give that wiggly little worm a toss into the lake water and WHAMMO - instant NINE INCH SUNFISH!!!! BINGO,, JUST LIKE THAT ALL OUR DULDRUMS OF THE DAY BEGAN TO MELT AWAY!!

The melting away actually continued to melt and came to full fledged outpouring of an amazing feeling of a return to sanity as Tip later hooked into and LANDED a great big Northern Pike while we were trolling!!

Right about now I bet you are asking yourself,, what on earth does all this have to with Mama's party coming up on Tuesday.. Well,, the fact is,, I have never ever cleaned a Northern Pike and figured,, for future reference (yes,, we intend to go back to that little lake on a regular basis - getting away from everything and everybody seemed to do the job restoring some sanity for us) maybe one or two or even three of you lop eared varmints will have suggestions for doing exactly that... :thumbsup:


The End!

Edited by cowpuc
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Carl, I am not doing any zooming! Just a party!


Are you going to stop in Carl?


Yama Mama

For some reason I had to read alllll the way through Puc's long winded story,,, turns out that it was something about fishing, and it all sounded fishy to me. can't figure out why?? in the world he would get out of the boat to get some real worms, when he has a perfect alternative right there with him. What was he thinking?? He would have been at a real loss had he got stuck out there in the middle of nowhere with no one to help him get unstuck, and that might have caused Tippy to get unmoored and would have let the floater slowly drift away to who knows where???and then who would cook supper?? with Puc stuck up to his elbows in worm fodder. Guess maybe I had better make some plans to be in attendance for at least a little bit of time to make sure Tippy is still in good hands and able to keep that old fart from doing things that might be very detrimental to the existence of her own self.

Yah,, I might show up,, if I can remember that long.

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For some reason I had to read alllll the way through Puc's long winded story,,, turns out that it was something about fishing, and it all sounded fishy to me. can't figure out why?? in the world he would get out of the boat to get some real worms, when he has a perfect alternative right there with him. What was he thinking?? He would have been at a real loss had he got stuck out there in the middle of nowhere with no one to help him get unstuck, and that might have caused Tippy to get unmoored and would have let the floater slowly drift away to who knows where???and then who would cook supper?? with Puc stuck up to his elbows in worm fodder. Guess maybe I had better make some plans to be in attendance for at least a little bit of time to make sure Tippy is still in good hands and able to keep that old fart from doing things that might be very detrimental to the existence of her own self.

Yah,, I might show up,, if I can remember that long.


As always,, absolutely nothing fishy,, all fact based and told the way it happened!! Have pictures :rasberry::rasberry::rasberry:.. Not my fault my life is filled with Murphy malfunctions :2143:

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Hey Everybody! Please try to stop by the VR Chat tomorrow night. We should have a huge crowd. I rented extra chairs and tables to keep us 6 ft a part. Yes we honor the social distancing. So no masks needed or nitrile gloves. I will have a sink hand to wash your hands if needed.

So do not disappoint me, I have big hope for this one.


Yama Mama848cbd90eed8d83c13aa9710db9cd2c8.jpg

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I was gonna come but now I'm out ----I need pleasant dreams when I go to sleep not nightmares yikes.gif


Ben please change your mind. I will make sure we keep Flyinfool under wraps for the event.

Yama Mamahttps://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=118748


Well as long as you keep your promise. :bighug:

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So Bob how did you connect those dots man? Purty good logicing of an ironic collision!


Comes from being an IT guy from northern Ohio, living in Texas with a bunch of Mexican friends and having a 'Happy Hour' via Zoom. To be 100% Honest one of the guys probably saw it on the interweb somewhere before we came up with it. We're not that creative.

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We have the decorations up and the chatroom has never looked more festive.

Remember tonight at 8:30 PM EST. we will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo.

Please come in an say hola! All food and drinks will be provided, as long as you can reach the refrigerator from your chair.

Senora Yama Mamasita.315945_10201341363962855_827753055_n.jpg

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