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Don - I erased all cookies etc. Then used Google to find the site. Booked marked from there and hit all sorts of links. Seems to be very fast and stable. Tried my cell phone connection and I can see a visible difference. Good job and the double move.

Thanks for all your work.



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i never even noticed that a change was or had , taken place.

i still log in and out , with the same bookmark, that i have always used.

i will admit, though, i was "sitting around waiting for the house to fall in on us"!

you did an excellent job, Don. very smooth transition, for me.

just jt

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Didn't we just do this last week?


I'm either off my rockers (again) or this is the second server move in two weeks.


Yea, but I like to change servers every week or so just to keep things fresh. :)


Actually, it just wasn't working out and I decided to cut my losses and move on to something hopefully better.

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Okay Don.

This is a technical-type question for you and all the other computer savvy people on this site. (Doesn't include me I'm afraid.)

Can you identify this item being loaded into the hold of the aircraft?


I'll give it a couple of days to see if anybody comes up with any ideas, before I post the answer.

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Its a hard disk in 1956....

In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first computer with a

hard disk drive. The HDD weighed over a ton and stored 5MB of data.


Makes you appreciate your 4GB USB flashdrive, doesn't it?

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