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Timeline is missing something important; after taking country away from the indigenous people already living there and then kicking the British out. (wars and fighting over lands have been going on since the fall of man,, kind of sad when I read the Bible and think of what could have been had Adam/Eve not fallin into sin)


As much as some would like to make United States into a Christian nation aligned with "my personal form of Christianity" (never wrote that, quoting who?), this is not a Christian nation (thinking God himself wonders that at times). Some founding fathers may have had strong personal beliefs, but they worked hard to keep those beliefs out of the founding documents. They created a secular goverment because of the dangers of combining church and state that were learned from church/state goverments in Europe at the time (to that our opinions are align somewhat) . Didn't a lot of folks leave England to get away from religous persecution?(fact, imho - the Brits were ruthless in their dominance even involving State Church)


The Consitution is a secular document with no mention of Christianity (in that Christianity is a religion - your next sentence is in disagreement with this one). "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" Article VI prohibits religious tests as a requirement to hold a goverment posoition.


"Unalienable rights endowed by our Creater" - Purposely generic langange that could apply to all religious groups. (tracking right with you, not until a coming great day will that which is unknown become known by all who were created and faith will become fact)


As for present leadership spearheading a Christian revival; that someone honestly believes this is hard for me to fathom (totally get that my friend, I recently was told the same by a religious leader who stated the same about anyone who believes, as do I, that Jesus is God in the flesh - faith built belief systems are often hard to fathom) . Even though we hear current leadership publicly supporting a very small handfull of Christian belief buzzwards, when balanced against their words and actions the current leadership is far further from a Christian moral belief system than any adminstration in my lifetime (although far from sinless perfection, current admin has: been actively/passionately building a Supreme Court that hopefully will over turn R v Wade = Abortion is abhored by God according to His Word. Unlike past admins, present admin has reinforced our alignment with Israel and, unlike broken promises by past admins - successfully moved the U.S. embassy in the Holy Land to it's rightful place in Jerusalem acknowledging Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. Unlike past admins, present admin has been actively supporting Schools of choice and Home Schooling,, acknowleging Christian beliefs in Gods word commanding that children are the Lords property and not that of The State. . What color was Jesus (Olive skin, his mom was a Jew, His dad was God), what language did he speak (Aramaic/Greek for sure and probably Hebrew, by faith many belief he spoke every language known as He is God and all knowing), where was he born (Bethleham in a manger), what did he think about the poor (same as all, hoped they would accept His free gift), what did he think of wealth(same as poor - acknowledged tougher for the rich in love with worlds material items making it harder for them to accept His free gift), what did he think of foreigners (no such thing,, all men have equal access to his free gift) and what would he think ofH us now (broken hearted about those who have not responded to His free gift)?



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Thanks for encouraging me to remember what the big picture in this virus stuff is all about my friend!!

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I have zero idea why religion is having any input into this discussion. We are living through a time when a country who is searching for more control has either purposely released a virus to the world or done so through incompetence. Apparently, it appears that the virus contains genetic aspects which could only have been derived from a laboratory. If that doesn't give you a moment to think - I don't know what would.


I'm hoping to survive this and I hope the same thing or all of my VR friends. Gonna spend the afternoon hauling my wife's garden junk to the dump. Should be a zoo since it has been closed for months. Only one car at a time into the drop off area.



Here on the other side of the pond you would stopped by the State Police and ticketed and returned home if you tried to go to the dump - they are now in total enforcement mode. We are allowed outside for walks but cannot drive to walking area's or use our cars/motor vehicles for anything other absolute essential things like going for food, pot or booze. Even boats with gas engines on them are now locked down. Hopefully, and very soon, a definite discovery of who is vulnerable to death caused by this virus will be announced. Then those most vulnerable can take personal responsibilty for their own health/well being and self quarintine and all the rest can go back to work if they choose.. I personally dont care much whether the CCP did it in a lab or by accident,, their lies and response to the Pandemic are war crimes IMHO and should be handled as such.. As should the varmints responsible for supporting/empowering the CCP for decades.. The "NWO" and their push toward Globalism should be addressed in the same trials,, IMHO of course..


My oldest son is a firefighter and oldest daughter is a nurse, both living in Canada. I'm all for people having freedom of choice for own personal well being, but when it comes to an individual's choice putting others in harm's way I'm not down with that.


If ending social distancing before qaulified experts recommend increases risk of those on the front line I'd prefer we continue to stay home.




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Just my opinion and nothing more.


Lack of regulation = total free trade = big business stomps all over the little guy=near monopoly= big guy does whatever he wants=big guy always wants more= drive for higher profits=move production to China ( no unions=low wages=no health or safety=no pensions=cheap) = more profit for big guy=China brings in regulation and now owns big guy. Everyone else suffers. Greed wins, or looses, depending on which side of the ocean you are on.

Here on the other side of the pond you would stopped by the State Police and ticketed and returned home if you tried to go to the dump - they are now in total enforcement mode.


Just got back from two trips to the dump. All garden stuff goes into the composting part. Other than restricting the number of cars in the dump area, it wasn't a problem. Got rid of my wife's gardening junk and a bunch of cut sod. Next week we are supposed to have brush pickup and that should get rid of the big piles of brush inside the garage and outside.


Now Marcarl, You know your in for a "White Knuckle Ride!!!!!!:Avatars_Gee_George:



Funny, poor Carl always jumping into traffic;)


Yahhhh Carl has very little sense and so no fear of danger,, wifie says I wouldn't recognize danger if I did see it.. I can argue with her on that,,, anymore than 6' off the ground I find is not just dangerous,,,,it's just plain stupid!!! So don't go showing anymore vids of those roads in South America,,I couldn't sleep for days!!


As far as this thread goes??? not so bad so far. I guess what happens though, is that we all want to prove a point to show that we either know better, believe better, or have a better handle on things. It's when that starts to happen, we get a little hot with words and then the train comes off the rails. As long as we write and type to present information and keep it to that, the readers can digest and respond in like kind and the whole family is happy. I'm one that loves more info, and then I can be the judge if I want to accept it as mine, or let it pass so the next varmit can deal with it.

Posted (edited)

Well, thankfully we are not shut down completely and the dump is open again today. My wife has a bunch more garden debris that needs a new home. Pretty pathetic that my life now revolves around dump hours! How exciting! We still have giant piles of brush but, supposedly, the village is going to send around trucks with chippers next week.



PS I am still delivering meals to old farts that cannot get out of their homes. Gonna make another run this morning. The community center now sets everything outside - big insulated bags with color coded tags and lists of the addresses.

Edited by zagger

A couple things on my mind:


Zag in Uncle's thread I posted a link that mentions the gene coding, it may be of interest to you.


Remembering back to the AIDS virus, I recall religious leaders preaching about our sins as the cause and therefore this was the answer and, our punishment.. As a Biblicist I prefer to over lay the Word of God over not just our countries founding documents and other issues of life but also the words that flow from the mouths of men.. In other words Patch,, I take everything presented, whether written or spoken by man with a grain of salt.. That said, I do somewhat agree with the religious preacher you are quoting.. From a Biblical standpoint, which is the only source proven time and time again to be 100% accurate/trustworthy, since the fall of man every trouble man has encountered is the result of sin. God did not create this world to have problems/sickness/trials or even death.. All of that and even more is a direct result of the fall of man, according to the Bible..

At that time in our history of course there was no internet, we had to take the news formats as they were and also at face value; pretty hard to unhear what you just listened too, outside of mirage that is. This is exactly why I became an ardent student of the study of the Bible.. I simply could not accept a person interpreting for me of something that I needed to understand on my own. I remember a discovery I made years ago on one of my first readings of The Book.. I found out that after the time of Christ, His death - burial and resurrection,, the time of the earthly "Priests" was over for ever.. Christs ones (aka as Christians) being people who had accepted Gods free gift of eternal life by having Jesus's blood sacrifice and the forgiveness found because of it had their sins forgiven and removed from Gods memory as far as the east is from the west. After this happens, the new Christian is indwelled by the Spirit of God (God has three parts clearly stated in the Bible = the Trinity) who is indwelling the Christian until his earthly journey is over.. The Spirit of God carries prayers to Jesus and Jesus is the believers ONLY mediator between God and man, the function of the pre-Jesus "Priests". All this leads to a Biblical principle that each Christian is a Priest unto themselves, to those who have studied Gods word and take it/accept it literally and fully, this is The Priesthood of the believer..

Today tho we have many menus to choose our news from, we can also choose to do our own research then as Carl mentions decide for ourselves. We can also discuss issues well outside of our family/friends circles, many times this opportunity helps us via opening our minds to differences in opinions, objectives, concerns and at times this shared knowledge cuts thru the propaganda surrounding our intake. to which you and I THRIVE ON!!


Puc I read post 30 several times I see your passion and as many of us know you are a good man I know many people that would debate that, also that you follow your beliefs in your version of Christianity, nothing wrong in that mutual respect is always a good thing . I don't know that you know much about French Canadians and our history on this continent tho I think you highlighted and quoting me on my previous statement about being dumber than a duck concerning Canadian matters,, I was serious. We were families of families and we built and we donated we strive'd for a better than Europe way of equality. We had partners too and eventually for those of us that didn't flea to the States we made deals with the British as well as the Church you know to help us make fairer deals for the french minority. Anyways, my side of the family were carpenters my great grand father built the largest "carpentry shop" on this content by sponsoring trades from europe. He build churches start to finish everywhere the Catholic community wanted, hmm.

Today tho in quebec that has so many churches yet have so few parishioners, sad but true, see one day the people realized they got taken, mislead, lied to, and just chose to walk away. IMHO, you have just described a big part of the reason that early American patriots chose to part company with Englands way of life,, including in a big part,, the State Church dominance over common man.


Men of faith may be honest men the Bible says there are NONE rightgeous = not even one not necessarily pure their only purity comes from the forgiveness they found thru the blood of Christ that I mentioned earlier tho certainly not as the good book would like us to reflect as, as men of faith because that spell as you mention what spell did I mention? was broken a long time back.

OK now, be careful to whom you put your faith in when it comes to men I put my most sincere faith in no man, I put my faith and trust in God and God alone.

I mention often to what end is China building so much,,, there must be a purpose right? funny you mention this.. in another quote you mention General Spalding.. I met General Spalding at a conference down in El Paso Tx where a new section of border wall had just been constructed and he was speaking about America's need to protect herself against foreign intruders - drug smugglers doing our country bad and all that.. Contrary to the quote about the General you found,, I found him to be extremely intelligent concerning Bible knowledge and also concerning matters of China, the peaceful hard working Chinese people and the evil to the core CCP.. After about a 2 hour one on one discussion with Mr. Spalding, I actually asked him the exact question that you posted above.. His immediate and most sincere response was: They want to make slaves out of all of us!! I BELIEVE THIS..

Yes the senate is concentrating on the federal and supreme courts; but, if you think we think that your president personally chose the supreme court candidates out of his personal Christian values, then certainly you must believe us and our values corrupt (as of a different opinion) I am reasurred on a regular basis that our President openly stated right from the beginning that he was/is adamantly Pro-Life (means against killing babies either outside of or inside of womb) and that his selection of Supreme Court judges would be of such men/women who totally agree with this.. Personally, I see this stand in total alignment with what is in Gods Word and therefore find any other perspective that involves the taking of innocent human life as corrupt . But on the other other hand if your faith trumps all those that differ from yours, and yours must triumph by any means necessary which would have to include deception yea,, I see your point,, ya gotta understand - just because I have the Spirit of God indwelling me I am still not perfect = only forgiven,, therefore, as an example - if I were hiding Jews in my basement during Nazi Germanies final solution and a Kraut SS filth came to my door and asked if I was hiding Jews = I would lie like kid who just robbed the cookies jar,,, and I would laugh with the Kraut about his intentions and even put a gun to the back of his head and pull the trigger as he was walking out the door (stating all that to try and cover a whole bunch of Biblical commandment violations), then you and your supreme court will loose in stature in the end yet to be seen my friend,, neither rapture or judgement day have happened yet,, we shall see.

The eyes of the world will know that the newly elected justices are not men of honor, not men of their word, not men of unshakable faith, in fact they would have lied to achieve their position. Therefore a new ruling or the disregard of R. v W. would be without solid foundation and will crumbled you seem to have forgotten that our Supreme Court consisting of non-Biblical minded Justices at the time actually decided to make Abortion legal back in 1973.. From my perspective, if in 2021 the present day Supreme Court whose justices were hand picked by POTUS Trump decided that the previous Supreme Court had made a hideous/horrible mistake and they over turned the previous ruling and put us back to agreement/alignment with our countries inaliable rights (those are rights given by God himself - NOT by any man or any government) I would say that your claim concerning a decision about passing abortion and it crumbling just happened - only to the proper corrupt previous decision.

Some can be deceived some of the time but not all of us all of the time and certainly not all at once.

when adam and eve were decieved by the fallen angel Satan (who had placed himself equal with God - fun study right there Patch as it is alarming to people who have studied the Bible as to how many humans in todays day and age actually fit into that exact act = making themselves equal to God,, to the point of even convincing themselves that they can change the laws of nature) their sin changed everything, for everybody = yep,, we as a species were deceived as a group..

Now if China believed they can shape our thinking and resolve to this virus then what and who has shaped their thinking, or maybe why and to what end? Somebody had somebodies ear at the start of this and somebody is using somebody.

Too many people in positions to know have been remoeved. This didnt begin with Bush but he is the only one left to hang so I will start with him.. The Bush/Clinton/Obama/Biden NWO (NEW WORLD ORDER) globalist play a huge part in it.. They have sold America out in an effort to promote the globalist cause of turning the worlds common man into slaves. A short study on your part would probably support the fact that Clinton was Mr. NAFTA.. He and his cronies adamentetly and without pause worked double time to promote the offing of American jobs to areas that were more conducive to slavery.. Obama and Biden made many many deals with the CCP to take advantage of their enslavement of the Chinese people,, including things like funding the WHO and the WTO that are both in alignment with and agreement with CCP ethics = as anti American as it can get.. Things were so bad that POTUS Trump pointed out that he wrongs the CCP far less than our own past admins and I agree with him.. I think if/when War Crimes Trials begin,,, right beside the CCP should sit a bunch of U.S. officials waiting their time for sentencings.. Try to make slaves out of me and my friends will they,,, not so fast :group cheers:

Maybe we will have to wait till the movie comes out;)


Well there ya have it,, more to chew on Patch.. Notice I didnt mention any of your own politics/politicians in the above thoughts? I am sure there I many many other countries leaders involved in all this globalist/socialist movement stuff besides those of my own countrymen.. I have a hard enough time comprehending my own countrymen and women who entertain selling out and giving up America's way of life that the boys on places like the beaches of Normandy fought so hard to maintain.. I will leave your thoughts and considerations concerning your own countries movements toward or away from the endeavor for Freedom of which I hope you seek..


So I am still linking thru the artical you posted Zag... Hopefully done before my beard reaches my knees lol

But I'm post a short bit here that seems to contain pertinent information.


“Suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 is a purposely manipulated laboratory virus or a product of an accidental laboratory release would be utterly defenseless, truly unhelpful, and extremely inappropriate,” Gallagher says.

Still, lab safety has been a problem in China. “A safety breach at a Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention lab is believed to have caused four suspected SARS cases, including one death, in Beijing in 2004. A similar accident caused 65 lab workers of Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute to be infected with brucellosis in December 2019,” Huang wrote. “In January 2020, a renowned Chinese scientist, Li Ning, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for selling experimental animals to local markets.

And China is hardly the only place to experience such accidents. A USA Today investigation in 2016, for instance, revealed an incident involving cascading equipment failures in a decontamination chamber as US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers tried to leave a biosafety level 4 lab that likely stored samples of the viruses causing Ebola and smallpox. In 2014, the agency revealed that staff had accidently sent live anthrax between laboratories, exposing 84 workers. In an investigation, officials found other mishaps that had occurred in the preceding decade.

Whether a lab accident could have led to the COVID-19 outbreak remains unclear, but making that determination is worthwhile, Ebright says: “Understanding the origin of the outbreak is a crucial step to reduce the risk of future outbreaks.”

Editors note: A previous version of this article implied that Lijian Zhao, a spokesman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, supported the false conspiracy theory that the coronavirus was a bioweapon. Instead, Zhao made an unfounded allegation that the US Army was involved in beginning the outbreak.


Bret Baier who is a news reporter, not an opinion reporter, of Fox News, was on Hannity a few minutes ago and he said that he has been told by several high officials in the government that they have evidence that the covid-19 virus escaped from the laboratory in Wuhan. China reacted by locking down all travel between Wuhan and the rest of China but did not shut down international travel between Wuhan and the rest of the world. So, it appears we can totally blame china for this virus and from their reactions I personally have to think that the spread internationally was intentional.


What started out as a discussion about Covid-19 has sunk to discussion about abortion and other topics. If it continues, this thread WILL be deleted. It should have already been but I've tried to be patient. That patience is wearing thin.

What started out as a discussion about Covid-19 has sunk to discussion about abortion and other topics. If it continues, this thread WILL be deleted. It should have already been but I've tried to be patient. That patience is wearing thin.


This should be a discussion about Covid-19 since this mess is affecting all of us in important ways. I certainly don't see any reason to drag in other topics. Maybe just boredom? I'm starting to wonder when warmer weather will come and if travel restrictions will be lifted so that I can get my bikes on the road.



Don't know who created this chart, but I like it. Think we are entering the purple warning stage.51a2706c77530972eec55aa430b3f7c0.jpg


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Bret Baier who is a news reporter, not an opinion reporter, of Fox News, was on Hannity a few minutes ago and he said that he has been told by several high officials in the government that they have evidence that the covid-19 virus escaped from the laboratory in Wuhan. China reacted by locking down all travel between Wuhan and the rest of China but did not shut down international travel between Wuhan and the rest of the world. So, it appears we can totally blame china for this virus and from their reactions I personally have to think that the spread internationally was intentional.


One thing is certain, with China's rich history of blatant dishonesty and misinformation on damn near everything we will never be certain of anything that we can not scientifically prove ourselves. That being said, I do believe it was an accident. Not because China somehow has a moral issue with causing the deaths of so many, even their own, but because they (IMHO) would put greed ahead of everything, including vindication or their contempt for cultures not tolerating their oppression. I think the bottom line is that for no reason would they willingly wipe out masses of folks that cant stop buying up their crappy products. Japan has vowed to start divesting from China, and its damn well past time for us to do the same, not only on a national level but on a personal level too. What more has to happen before we collectively start paying attention? Can we now stop funding their vile behaviors? I hope so!


Don, Thank you for the second warning shot, feeling like this one might be slipping onto thin ice haha.


China is focused on being in control of the world. They would do almost anything to make that happen. They've been allowing the smuggling of illegal drugs like fentanyl into the USA for years. When travel from china was shut down Jan 31, they protested mightily. They have declared war on the USA and we have to protect ourselves.


Anyone have thoughts on following statement from senator Chris Murphy:


"The U.S. had a program that put scientists all over the world to identify viruses early so we could get a head start on vaccines and treatments.


The program was working in the exact lab in Wuhan that identified coronavirus in January.


The program was shut down last September."




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What started out as a discussion about Covid-19 has sunk to discussion about abortion and other topics. If it continues, this thread WILL be deleted. It should have already been but I've tried to be patient. That patience is wearing thin.


Sorry Boss,, my bad.. You know me, my love for the debate platform can easily get the best of me.. My apologies to both you and the Club.. THANK YOU for your extended level of tolerance Don = it is greatly appreciated! :thumbsup:

Sorry Boss,, my bad.. You know me, my love for the debate platform can easily get the best of me.. My apologies to both you and the Club.. THANK YOU for your extended level of tolerance Don = it is greatly appreciated! :thumbsup:



Thank you cowpuc. I appreciate your honesty.


Thank you cowpuc. I appreciate your honesty.



You are more than welcome brother.. Being it was your thread that I side tracked/:hijacked: I owe you a double apology my friend,, that apology is extented Zag!! :thumbsup:


When I was in the learning mode,,, (that's years ago),,,and I was a youngster,,, (that's also a couple of years ago),,,,before I started getting grey hair,,( just yesterday) anyways,,where was I going with this thought?

Oh Yah, I was taught that if somebody posted something on a board, it was not somebody else's privilege to remove it. Now I would like to 'clean' up this thread and remove posts that don't pertain to Corvid,,,, any problems with that? you who posted?

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