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RATATATAT,, WHAT DO YA THINK OF THAT!! Finally a binary for 10/22!!

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I don't know how many shots that thing fires in one goround, but I do know that I would not get one. If I fired one shot, i would miss and feel bad,,,, can you imagine how bad I would feel if I fired all the shots??? Not going there, I feel bad enough already.

Never mind, I googled it. Is it just for .22 cal. or are they available for larger calibers?




It's a pull the trigger and it goes bang, release the trigger and it goes bang again trigger platform. Pretty ingenius apparatus IMHO. It also has a 3 position selector switch = safe, semi auto and binary making it close to full auto type without all the nonsense a person has to go thru to actually own a full auto (wish I was rich,, I would have a basement full of those shooters LOL).. The Franklin binary is REAL popular with the AR platform shooters and have been made for years for them. To answer your question concerning caliber selection,, what ever caliber is available in an AR platform (and that is endless = 9mm, 45 acp, 300 Black Out, 308 and on and on and so forth) the binary is good to go except you do have to make sure what ever AR your using has a mil-spec trigger assembly.. The Ruger 10/22 binary is Franklins first step away from the AR platform that I know of..

There you have my eternal brother Sly,, like the mag on my 1911, my brain is now empty:big-grin-emoticon:


It'll get banned.


:no-no-no::no-no-no:I hope not,, to much banning ruins all the fun for us law abiding American's.. :happy34:


I have a 10-22 and think that would be really fun. I looked at their website and don't see it listed yet for the 10-22 but the ones that they have listed start at $429.00. Too expensive for me.

A lot of the accessories for the 10/22 cost more than the gun. I have one and am repeatedly blown away by what folks will put into theirs. :mo money:


Yep, that's like buying a motorcycle and adding gadgets, doodads, chro.......... uuuhhhmmmmm never mind.

I finally received my Ruger 10/22 that has a hard wood stock and stainless barrel it is so purdy I don't know if I want to shoot it.https://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=118443https://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=118444


:scared: WOWZY WOW WOW WOW,,, that is one PURDY little lead tossin varmint Tuffy!!! My son in law grabbed one not long ago,,, FYI,,,, for his birthday I grabbed him a variety of 25 Round Mags (both official OEM Ruger - thinking "BX25"s or something like that) and a few other after market 25 rounders... I also picked up a grip loader ( https://www.google.com/search?q=speed+loader+for+10/22&rlz=1C1AVFC_enUS750US750&sxsrf=ALeKk03DIGqQRVKN-pGuW7QRe879XihaqQ:1583383162179&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Zmt0MQ0UhXubNM%253A%252Cc-yZsrrrTtIfZM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQ7ck76VOVt_iIUuGuB33d-ReR-3Q&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi737L3wYLoAhVKZc0KHYfHClgQ9QEwEXoECAgQGA#imgrc=Zmt0MQ0UhXubNM: ) for him.. I have one of the loaders and they work AWESOME!! Only thing is,, the loader does not function with OEM Ruger mags.. All of the aftermarket mags I purchased (and I grabbed one for each manufacturer I could find to use my Sons birthday as a testing mags day) wforked perfect with no failure to feeds...

LOVE your shooter brother = just gorgeous!!:thumbsup:

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