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So Saturday night the company I work for had their annual Christmas Party. The food was fantastic and the live band was outstanding not unlike the band playing at our WNY rallies. A great variaty of music from country to old and new rock was played and as many of you know I do love to dance, so I barely stopped dancing all night, doing waltz's 2 steps, foxtrots, jives and swings and some of those other ones, I guess for the lack of a better word, I will just call freestyle.


All was going great when all of a sudden I felt my right knee pop and I near went down, which almost gave the phrase "how low can you go" a whole new meaning. Went to emergency the next day, were they did an ultra sound on my knee. This resulted in the ground breaking news of "Well Mr Bennink, You tore the Cartilage in your knee. So in one split second I went from twinkle toes to gimpy needing a cane to get around on. Of course I got the usual this is what sometimes happens when people over indulge at parties. Assuming she was referring to my having had too much to drink. I some what sarcastically asked her, so how much water should I have limited myself to, since that was all I drank the whole night. Too which she replied jokingly, well maybe a little would not have been such a bad idea.


Hopefully it heals up ok since I am not ready to give up riding yet. Of course I am surfing the internet now looking for miracle cures which we all know do not exist, but one can hope. Right?


I got to say though that poor leg has seen a lot of abuse from sports injures as a youth. That leg got injured so many times. twisted during high jumping competitions. It got side swiped by a tree during a motocross event through a bush course. Hung up in a stirrup as the horse I was working dragged me across a field were kids later found me unconscious. I once even rolle a skidoo were the leg got pinned between the body of the skidoo and the handlebar resulting in me roling with the skidoo insted of getting tossed free. I guess it was all bound to catch up with me sooner or later.

Edited by saddlebum

At least you did it at a better time of year than me, I did mine the day before the rally in Kentucky that we were going to go to. Mine healed up mostly, but you are older than me was at that time, so maybe you gets to sit longer than me. I had a week off, so was on crutches for that week and then back to work. Maybe it will work as well or even better for you, after all, sounds like your knee has more experience.

Heal fast bro, or the next thing you'll be looking for on the internet will be a Spyder.


Sorry to hear about your accident Ben. I can say, I do feel your pain. Hope you can avoid the ultimate fix.....Titanium. It will set off the metal detectors.


I'm 10 weeks into my second knee replacement and I have been back on the bike but only for a short ride so far. I can walk about one mile before I'm worn out and have to sit. Dancing???? we'll see about that when we get to Texas in a couple of weeks.


Ben, I have a very nice trike you may be interested in purchasing. I've had knee issues myself. Doc prescribed cortisone injections directly into the joint (that's fun!!) but they worked very well. No more issues with that knee. Good luck with any treatment you receive and Merry Christmas my friend.


I have two stainless steel knees and a steel plate in my ankle. Hasn't stopped me from enjoying the bike. I like the look on the faces of the security guys at the airport when I go through the scanner. It lights up like a christmas tree.

Sorry to hear about your accident Ben. I can say, I do feel your pain. Hope you can avoid the ultimate fix.....Titanium. It will set off the metal detectors.


I'm 10 weeks into my second knee replacement and I have been back on the bike but only for a short ride so far. I can walk about one mile before I'm worn out and have to sit. Dancing???? we'll see about that when we get to Texas in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for the kind words all. Nice to know that some of you who have been through it already, were able to go back to riding. That is one of my biggest fears. Not aches, pains and discomforts. Nor the likely hood that knee replacement is probably going to be a certainty. But the fear that it might mean I have to give up riding motorcycles and horses, as well as canoeing and backpacking. At least you people give me hope that these things I so enjoy may still be possible.

SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP.....You can't get out of running the putt putt tournament that easy..you have plenty of time to heal up and try another excuse.. p.s. heal up fast and stay out of the mosh pits...



I feel your pain. I did the same thing a year ago, but it wasn't as bad as your injury. I just limped around on a pair of crutches and a cane for a month. I currently am getting ready for extensive surgery, in two weeks, on my right shoulder due to damage of the shoulder joint and torn rotator cuff. It cut my riding season short this summer. I am hoping to be back on the bike by June 1st, but no guarantees, according to the surgeon. On top of that, I have developed some heart problems that will also require a heart operation in the Spring, once my shoulder has healed enough to be useful again.


I hope you heal fast and are back to dancing the night away!




I feel your pain. I did the same thing a year ago, but it wasn't as bad as your injury. I just limped around on a pair of crutches and a cane for a month. I currently am getting ready for extensive surgery, in two weeks, on my right shoulder due to damage of the shoulder joint and torn rotator cuff. It cut my riding season short this summer. I am hoping to be back on the bike by June 1st, but no guarantees, according to the surgeon. On top of that, I have developed some heart problems that will also require a heart operation in the Spring, once my shoulder has healed enough to be useful again.


I hope you heal fast and are back to dancing the night away!



Jim I know not all shoulder surgeries are the same but I had mine done this past March. They trimmed up the frayed rotator cuff, took out all the bone spurs, and repaired a full thickness labrum tear. Surgery was March 5th, to the dismay of my therapist I was riding locally in early May. I went on a Saddlesore run May 17th covering 1100 miles in 18.5 hours, and went on a 2200 mile round trip up to Niagara, met you at Bob's, down to Don's, and back to KY in June. The shoulder felt better on the bike than in any of our cages. It's pretty accurate on the weather forecast but I'm glad I had it done. I had gotten to the point of not being able to work between the weakness and the pain. I will suggest you have a good recliner, it was the only place I could sleep for a few weeks. After that I had a chair by the bed, I'd prop my arm in a pillow there to sleep. Good luck.


Saddlebum, I gave all my useful(???) advice to Jim on the shoulder. I don't have any experience with major knee injuries so all I can say is good luck and heal well. See ya up the road.


Went to the doctor yesterday and so far sounds not bad. He seems to think that despite the fact that I've had on going knee issues, that it may still heal up to the point where I should not have any problems with the function of it other than some on going pain annd discomfort, which is fine since my I have been putting up with knee pain for some years now anyway, as long as I have my mobility. Time will tell I guess. I know knee replacement is a very likely hood down the road, since they have been deteriating for some years now, but no point in rushing it.

Saddlebum, I gave all my useful(???) advice to Jim on the shoulder. I don't have any experience with major knee injuries so all I can say is good luck and heal well. See ya up the road.

I may take you up on that since my shoulder crapped out too. I took bad fall some months back when one of the techs left an air brake drum right in front of the store room door. Not seeing it because I was carring something I tripped and fell and may have shifted my collarbone. For long time I could do nothing with my right arm. I'm getting an ultrasound in January to check that out.


Thanks Ron, for the info. I have two recliners that will fit the bill nicely and are situated right in front of the TV in our family room. Now, if I can get my wife to deliver the beer to me, I won't have to leave the chair at all!! (wishful thinking, methinks!) Anyway, after another meeting with the surgeon today, I was told they are going to work on my clavicle joint (lateral end) also. It seems arthritis is rearing it's ugly head. After hearing your experience, I am beginning to feel that rehab will be shorter than the Dr's are telling me. And that is good. One way or another I will be riding next summer. Thanks for telling me about your experience.




And, Ben, sorry for hijacking your thread.

Thanks Ron, for the info. I have two recliners that will fit the bill nicely and are situated right in front of the TV in our family room. Now, if I can get my wife to deliver the beer to me, I won't have to leave the chair at all!! (wishful thinking, methinks!) Anyway, after another meeting with the surgeon today, I was told they are going to work on my clavicle joint (lateral end) also. It seems arthritis is rearing it's ugly head. After hearing your experience, I am beginning to feel that rehab will be shorter than the Dr's are telling me. And that is good. One way or another I will be riding next summer. Thanks for telling me about your experience.




And, Ben, sorry for hijacking your thread.

No worries Jim. Never can tell what usefull info falls out of a hijack'n.
Sounds to me like you guys are all getting old,,, glad I can still be around to look after you all.
Dr told me premature disinagration of bone material from too much exposure to sound level decibals of certian frequencies. Told me most probable source would be standing in front of someone with a pension towards speechafying. Said I best stand behind you from now on, instead of facing you. Heck I was surprised he even knew you.
  • 4 weeks later...
Well Ben and Jim how are y'all making out now, haven't seen any updates so I hope all is well.
Some days it feels like it might be improving and other days just not so sure. Thanks for asking. Oddly enough it hurts the worst at night when I am laying down trying to sleep.
Dr told me premature disinagration of bone material from too much exposure to sound level decibals of certian frequencies. Told me most probable source would be standing in front of someone with a pension towards speechafying. Said I best stand behind you from now on, instead of facing you. Heck I was surprised he even knew you.



Way too funny :)



As I've mention in past posts I had an encounter with a misplaced fire hydrant lots of years ago.


A couple years back my knee just started kicking out without warning when turning to my left, my shin and all attached would head outward away from the direction of my thigh. I went to my chiro and started laser and ultrasound treatments. By the fourth one I began feeling the effort was paying off and after 6 my leg staid firm, 2 more treatments and at least 3 years later all is still well other than the meniscus which from time to time starts up; which he said could also be treated.


Here in AB the cost came in at $840. with no down time!


Come to think of it now, I also had these treatments on my elbow in 06ish still holding up fine.

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