Woody Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 on my way to work tonight I stopped to fuel up my truck and while I was standing there I heard something that sounded like a spark of electricity. I spun around to see what was going on and there was two young girls one was pumping gas in the car and the other was sitting side ways in the drivers seat with the door open pointing a tazer at the girl pumping the gas and pressing the button! I about had a heart attack right there! These girls were maybe 20 years old or less so I said Miss do you realize that you could blow us all up killing your friend and possibly many more people because gas fumes will ignite and set your world on fire. Now in my defense I was a little firm but I was not yelling and this young girl looks at me and says HEY OLD MAN MIND YOUR ON BUSINESS. I ain't gonna lie at that point I began to yelling and I hard my pump kicked off and I quickly got in my truck and left. What are the kids of today being taught where is the common sense? whew thanks for letting me vent.
bpate4home Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 Common sense is a forgotten art. Few have it and those that do are the real geniuses. I tried hard to instill it into my kids as common sense is just basic logical reasoning. So far so good. They have their moments but. . . . . for the most part they think about their actions.
Atlanta Bill Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 These kids today.....lol. At least she was able to formulate a complete sentence that conveyed what she felt, as opposed to just "ok, boomer" or something. The universe has a way of making people like her not last very long. The secret is to not be standing too close to them ever.
Marcarl Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 The problem now becomes even for acute,,,, well at least for her,,, because after all, nothing happened and you were just blowing wind,,,, these old folks,, think they know everything!!!
CaseyJ955 Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 Common sense and common courtesy, both ironically named in todays society. It's been handily replaced by a blinding overabundance of political correctness and entitlement. If I were her dad I would have her standing before you apologizing for back chatting. At least they didn't have a gun haha.
BlueSky Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 Yeah, I've seen young girls filling their car's gas tank with one hand and holding a cigarette in the other hand. I left as soon as possible.
skydoc_17 Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 And the DARWIN award goes to: They walk among us!
cowpuc Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 "Never argue with stupid people they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience" - Mark Twain
cowpuc Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 on my way to work tonight I stopped to fuel up my truck and while I was standing there I heard something that sounded like a spark of electricity. I spun around to see what was going on and there was two young girls one was pumping gas in the car and the other was sitting side ways in the drivers seat with the door open pointing a tazer at the girl pumping the gas and pressing the button! I about had a heart attack right there! These girls were maybe 20 years old or less so I said Miss do you realize that you could blow us all up killing your friend and possibly many more people because gas fumes will ignite and set your world on fire. Now in my defense I was a little firm but I was not yelling and this young girl looks at me and says HEY OLD MAN MIND YOUR ON BUSINESS. I ain't gonna lie at that point I began to yelling and I hard my pump kicked off and I quickly got in my truck and left. What are the kids of today being taught where is the common sense? whew thanks for letting me vent. So Tip and I pull into the gas station on Tweeks. A couple little kids across the fuel island were outside their parents van tossing party poppers onto the pavement and enjoying watching them go BANG as the poppers hit the pavement.. I walked over calmly and explained to them what kind of issues could prevail should one of the sparks from a popper ignite some gas fumes.. One of the parents corrected me for correcting their off spring..
Drews Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 So Tip and I pull into the gas station on Tweeks. A couple little kids across the fuel island were outside their parents van tossing party poppers onto the pavement and enjoying watching them go BANG as the poppers hit the pavement.. I walked over calmly and explained to them what kind of issues could prevail should one of the sparks from a popper ignite some gas fumes.. One of the parents corrected me for correcting their off spring.. That's right puc there're going to produce more like themselves to pay your retirement
Woody Posted December 3, 2019 Author Posted December 3, 2019 Common sense and common courtesy, both ironically named in todays society. It's been handily replaced by a blinding overabundance of political correctness and entitlement. If I were her dad I would have her standing before you apologizing for back chatting. At least they didn't have a gun haha. I wish their Dad had been there I would have addressed him instead of her. when I started to talk to her I thought what if she comes at me with that thing but I had my hand in my pocket just incase but then I would have had to prove self defense and that would have been an uphill battle. Glad it worked out and nothing more happened.
Woody Posted December 3, 2019 Author Posted December 3, 2019 Yeah, I've seen young girls filling their car's gas tank with one hand and holding a cigarette in the other hand. I left as soon as possible.
Woody Posted December 3, 2019 Author Posted December 3, 2019 These kids today.....lol. At least she was able to formulate a complete sentence that conveyed what she felt, as opposed to just "ok, boomer" or something. The universe has a way of making people like her not last very long. The secret is to not be standing too close to them ever. OK Boomer, might not have pissed me off as bad. but yes I know what you mean.
BlueSky Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 My wife and I went on an air boat ride in the FL Everglades about 10 yrs ago. The boat engine kept spitting and sputtering and then cut off. The dipstick driving the boat drained the fuel filter on top of the black battery that had been sitting in the sun with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and then hit the start switch. That battery was very hot from being in the sun and the gas was evaporating quickly. One spark from the battery or that cigarette and the boat would have gone up in flames. I told my wife to get ready to jump overboard. Luckily there was no fire. I told the guy about it when we got back but I'm afraid I didn't make much of an impression. I was too nice I suppose. He claimed he could put out his cigarette in an open container of gas. I didn't ask for a demonstration for proof. If I remember correctly, it was Coopertown on highway 41 across southern FL.
saddlebum Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 on my way to work tonight I stopped to fuel up my truck and while I was standing there I heard something that sounded like a spark of electricity. I spun around to see what was going on and there was two young girls one was pumping gas in the car and the other was sitting side ways in the drivers seat with the door open pointing a tazer at the girl pumping the gas and pressing the button! I about had a heart attack right there! These girls were maybe 20 years old or less so I said Miss do you realize that you could blow us all up killing your friend and possibly many more people because gas fumes will ignite and set your world on fire. Now in my defense I was a little firm but I was not yelling and this young girl looks at me and says HEY OLD MAN MIND YOUR ON BUSINESS. I ain't gonna lie at that point I began to yelling and I hard my pump kicked off and I quickly got in my truck and left. What are the kids of today being taught where is the common sense? whew thanks for letting me vent.Your next comment should have been WERE MY LIFE AND THIS ENTIRE BLOCK IS CONCERNED IT d@@ WELL IS MY BUSINESS. and under the circumstance angry yelling would have been more than permissible considering you were still alive and well enough to be able too. There is a reason why fuel trucks ground there units while loading an unloading fuel in order to prevent static spark.
luvmy40 Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 My wife and I went on an air boat ride in the FL Everglades about 10 yrs ago. The boat engine kept spitting and sputtering and then cut off. The dipstick driving the boat drained the fuel filter on top of the black battery that had been sitting in the sun with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and then hit the start switch. That battery was very hot from being in the sun and the gas was evaporating quickly. One spark from the battery or that cigarette and the boat would have gone up in flames. I told my wife to get ready to jump overboard. Luckily there was no fire. I told the guy about it when we got back but I'm afraid I didn't make much of an impression. I was too nice I suppose. He claimed he could put out his cigarette in an open container of gas. I didn't ask for a demonstration for proof. If I remember correctly, it was Coopertown on highway 41 across southern FL. The fact that this is true does not mitigate his stupidity. Anyone who cannot see the difference in these two situations needs to lay down. They are too stupid to walk and breathe in tandem.
djh3 Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 They dont teach science and usefull stuff. The teach FCAT or what ever test they use to get the federal dollars. I got high school students in my auto mechanics classes that cant tell you what temperature water boils at, what temp is freezing and how to do some simple addition and subtraction of decimals.
CaseyJ955 Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 I wish their Dad had been there I would have addressed him instead of her. when I started to talk to her I thought what if she comes at me with that thing but I had my hand in my pocket just incase but then I would have had to prove self defense and that would have been an uphill battle. Glad it worked out and nothing more happened. You only used words when she placed your life (and everyone else's) at risk, had she come at you with it, or without it, you would have been justified striking her in defense of yourself. If you were wrong her disrespectful verbal response might be warranted, but this was not the case. I would not put it past someone that disrespectful to use violence in response to words. Besides most filling stations have CCTV cams all over. I dont want to strike anyone, but if someone strikes me I will no longer consider gender as I strike back with all I got. Our society has made it abundantly clear that discrimination will no longer be tolerated in any form. Equal rights = equal responsibility/accountability. We no longer have to take the crap we once did simply because someone is young or the opposite gender.
saddlebum Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 They dont teach science and usefull stuff. The teach FCAT or what ever test they use to get the federal dollars. I got high school students in my auto mechanics classes that cant tell you what temperature water boils at, what temp is freezing and how to do some simple addition and subtraction of decimals.Heck you think thats bad I supervise a bunch techs at the truck dealership I work at, that are just as well educated and some are even fully licensed. .
Sailor Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 I was at the scene of an accident. Car upside down and draining the gas tank onto the pavement. I was directing everyone away from the scene when a guy came up behind me and asked what had happened. I turned just in time to grab the cigarette he was about to light out of his mouth and grab his lighter. I pointed out none too quietly that we were both standing in an inch deep puddle of gasoline. I was on the car deck patrol and found a guy just about to light up a joint in the middle of the cars. You would be surprised how many cars have leaks. I told him there was no smoking allowed and to put it out. His reply..." It's ok man, it's not tobacco."
Jthomas Posted December 8, 2019 Posted December 8, 2019 I bet if they did go start a fire the family would sue the gas station and/or gas companies for making gas flammable. Thats when hitting the emergency pump shut off button may come in handy.
CaseyJ955 Posted December 8, 2019 Posted December 8, 2019 I bet if they did go start a fire the family would sue the gas station and/or gas companies for making gas flammable. Thats when hitting the emergency pump shut off button may come in handy. I'm pretty sure that once you ignite a filling station it is hard to put that **** back in the dog haha. Maybe the stun gun manufacturer would be completely responsible, at least by all the precedents of firearm manufacturers being responsible for people misusing the tools they make. If I ever have to shank anyone with a screwdriver for trespassing I'll be sure to sick my lawyer on Snap-on for their blistering negligence in making a damn fine driver with an almost indestructible point haha. My smileys and likes don't show up anymore, but I'm snickering like an idiot right now. My less funny point is how crazy it is that a manufacture of a mundane item or tool like a firearm or taser, or automobile can be held liable for someones poor judgement or negative intent.
BlueSky Posted December 8, 2019 Posted December 8, 2019 This country has way too many attorneys and way too many residents who think of suing like they are winning the lottery. Reminds me of the guy many years ago who was driving drunk in his cheap Pinto and crashed the car killing his son. Then he tried to sue Ford because they had the technology to make a Pinto safer in a car crash but didn't. It was a frontal crash not the infamous gas tank exploding. Wasn't his fault for driving drunk. It was the fault of Ford. People like that are a waste of oxygen.
djh3 Posted December 14, 2019 Posted December 14, 2019 This country has way too many attorneys and way too many residents who think of suing like they are winning the lottery. Reminds me of the guy many years ago who was driving drunk in his cheap Pinto and crashed the car killing his son. Then he tried to sue Ford because they had the technology to make a Pinto safer in a car crash but didn't. It was a frontal crash not the infamous gas tank exploding. Wasn't his fault for driving drunk. It was the fault of Ford. People like that are a waste of oxygen. Not to steal your storey, but more to add on to no self accountability. There is a family sueing a major cruise line because the grandfather dropped a yound child out an open window on the ship to their death in Puerto Rico. Its the cruise ships fault for having an open window, not the family member for lifting the child, putting them on the window ledge allowing him/her to fall. The grandfathers excuse "I didnt know the window was open and it wasnt marked as open"
Woody Posted December 15, 2019 Author Posted December 15, 2019 Not to steal your storey, but more to add on to no self accountability. There is a family sueing a major cruise line because the grandfather dropped a yound child out an open window on the ship to their death in Puerto Rico. Its the cruise ships fault for having an open window, not the family member for lifting the child, putting them on the window ledge allowing him/her to fall. The grandfathers excuse "I didnt know the window was open and it wasnt marked as open" I hate that this world has come to this and I hope we have Judges and juries that are smart enough to throw such cases out
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