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Well for a change I think/hope that I am taking a step in the right direction.


Things have been getting pretty shaky at work this year. First they did an across the board 20% pay cut. That was pretty bad to get used to. Then on Oct 1 we were informed that as of July 31 we no longer have health insurance. OUCH!! That is a really scary feeling when one has a lot of assorted and very expensive health issues. That was the final straw and I spent all of this month job hunting.


Finally The news is getting better, I was able to get a special enrollment to sign up for health care with the Govt health exchange that will start up on Nov 1. Today I went for an 8:00 am interview for a new job and the interview lasted till 10:30am and 2 hours later they called with an offer that I excepted. So I start a new full time job on Nov 12 (2 weeks notice). I also had applied for a part time job at Menards as a kitchen designer and I got that job too, I start there tomorrow (Oct 30).


So things are finally starting look a bit less scary around here.

There was even a nice fresh layer of snow on the ground to greet me this morning, It don't get no better than this. :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::snow2::snow::snow2::stirthepot::stirthepot::thumbsup::thumbsup:



This makes me so happy for a change.

Edited by Flyinfool

I thought this whole Obama care thing was anyone that worked "full time 40 hr" they had to provide "access" to health care. Now some of them are dangded expensive but they offer it. Glad you got a plan in place that seems to be working out. I only work (well get paid) for 30 hr a week. They sent me a letter saying I could participate in insurance program. I work at a small state college. If I participated with the wife on my policy I would bring home about $30 a month.


Congratulations :happy65:on the new jobs Jeff. Pleased things seem to have tuned a corner for you, Hope the jobs go well & that you enjoy them. Crazy expecting folks to be able to take 20% pay cut & no health insurance, sounds like your old company is really going down the pan. Good luck & all the best! :beer:


Congrads Jeff on the new Jobs!

Unfortuantly Good paying Jobs with benefits are a thing of the past. Corporate Greed, and Maximum Profit is ALL most of these Companirs want. They have forgotton that hard working Americans is what made America Great.


Congrats on the turn around and good luck with the new jobs. As for the snow, not so sure about that. Left northern Ohio about 14 years ago for Houston and can't see myself ever moving back. Life without snow (winter in general) has been better and I even like to ski, but it was horrible on my knees. I had a hard time even just walking in the mornings for about 4 - 5 months during the winters up there, here it's 4 - 5 weeks :p.


Good to hear that things took a good turn for ya. Hate to have you missing with that sno-machine,,,, hey, that keeps the entertainment up in the cooler season.


I am just so happy that I think that for tomorrow to celebrate, I should whip up a little snow storm just for you guys.........:snow2:


That always makes me feel better .........:snow::snow2: deblneige.gif boule-neig.gif


Our local Lowes could use you for sure. A few months ago when we went to Lowes for a kitchen cabinet quote, we spent a couple of agonizing hours with the woman kitchen designer who could use their program. She blamed the program. Another place we went to did it in about 15 minutes.


Best wishes with the new jobs.


When I got "downsized" at age 50 (It gave the co. a good excuse to get rid of 20 yr guys who were building up too much of a retirement package), I worked as a temporary engineering contractor until I retired at age 70. I did about the same job for different nuke plants but I got paid more and got paid for every hour. I liked working temp contracts. Suited my independent streak and had very little trouble staying employed. I worked in WI twice for a couple of years total and in 13 states in all from NY to FL to AL to NE.

I thought this whole Obama care thing was anyone that worked "full time 40 hr" they had to provide "access" to health care. Now some of them are dangded expensive but they offer it. Glad you got a plan in place that seems to be working out. I only work (well get paid) for 30 hr a week. They sent me a letter saying I could participate in insurance program. I work at a small state college. If I participated with the wife on my policy I would bring home about $30 a month.


The "required" part of the health insurance is only for companies with more than 40 (or 50, I forget) full time employees. And if they do not provide the insurance there is only a fine at tax time. The fine is a lot less than the cost of providing insurance. Some companies are finding it cheaper to stop the insurance, give every one a dollar an hour raise to keep them from being POed, and pay the fine. The companies laugh all the way to the bank.


Very happy for you, Jeff. I think you should crank up the WWW for a break in trial. Wouldn't even mind if it came all the way to NC. Been tolerable here but too warm for this time of the year. Should be 15-20 degrees cooler in the day.


I really hope you like your new positions.




It's a dog eat dog world out there. We should always keep our interests and family's interest tops in our priorities. Putting the employers interests first is a bad idea. I was always happy to see the end of my temp contracts. I smiled with the plant in my rear view mirror. I always tried to get a week or two off between jobs and was happy to go to the next one. But, it isn't for folks who worry about not being employed all of the time. "Permanent" employees are a thing of the past unless you work for the guvment.


WOWZY WOW WOW WOW = AWESOME Fool = :ice_congrats-vi6886 my brother!!! All the absolute VERY best of wishes as you break in a new employer my friend!!:You_Rock_Emoticon:


Congrats on the jobs Jeff. Feel free to keep that special WWW batch up yonder. Life has been in the way of riding lately, the wife and the bike are both biting at the bit to go somewhere.


Glad to hear that everything is still going your way. The Motto is "Never Give Up." There is really a lot to be thankful in this world. Regards. :D

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