WRIDR Posted August 7, 2019 #26 Posted August 7, 2019 Cheezies, Don! You are the LAST Guy we'd wish something like this on. Dunno if you recall our personal problem - fighting The Big One since 2006. They gave us five years tops. But... Med-Tech is SO GOOD today even the worst stuff gets stretched out for years 'n years, so PLEASE don't do anything drastic. ALL this stuff takes TIME. Only thing we'd suggest is obvious - you are biting off a chunk of Work-Related stuff that would choke a healthy horse. Look for things to cut back... except for US! With all the Expert Class Prayers in our midst, The VR Group is probably one of your Best Weapons for this Fight. Hang in Bud, ALL of us have your Back. Gentle Hugs, WRIDR
BlueSky Posted August 7, 2019 #27 Posted August 7, 2019 Maybe my name is Nobody, so try me. Okay, here goes. My wife who is Russian from Siberia knew this woman there whom she believed had skills that no one should have. She contacted this woman and was told that I had a cancerous brain tumor. This was as soon as the whistling noise started before I even went to a doctor. She said that the doctors would run test and after test and by the time they found out it was cancerous, it would be too late. I was skeptical to say the least. An ultrasound of my brain was ordered and the doctors saw "something". A MRA was ordered and confirmed something out of the ordinary in the lower left rear of my brain. Then an MRI with dye was performed. Then the doctor wanted to run a tube up my vein from my thigh to my brain to give the "something" a high dose of dye and do another MRI to get a better photo. I declined this test because of the risk involved. I heard this whistling noise as stated every time my heart beat 24/7 for several weeks. This woman in Siberia said she could help but I had to do what she said and I had to have an open mind and mentally allow her to help. So, I agreed. She gave me some directions of what I had to do which were basically meditations several times a day. And she did whatever she did. Almost immediately, the whistling didn't happen all the time and within a few days it stopped. I continued doing what she instructed until she said to quit. Sometimes when I rest my head on my pillow on the left side, I can hear blood rushing through this mass so it is still there. A followup MRI a couple of years later confirmed it was still there but smaller. I told you, you wouldn't believe it. The doctors were amazed. I wouldn't believe it if it had not happened to me. I grew up a poor country boy and managed to get a degree in engineering. I've always been a practical minded skeptical person and the whole episode blew my mind.
leo3wheel Posted August 7, 2019 #28 Posted August 7, 2019 Sorry to hear this Don! Hope things work out for you!
Kretz Posted August 7, 2019 #29 Posted August 7, 2019 Oh! Don that stinks! Hope the tests can find something that's causing the problem. Crap happens as we age & as has been said some of us "older coots" have had similar problems. BP is definitely a major suspect but as Puc said ear problems are so often overlooked. These problems often cause further "stress" which just goes to exacerbate the initial complaint. I used to suffer from quite serious panic attacks, resulting in dizziness & shortness of breath (at times it could be like I was drunk!) all brought on by stress. Lot of guys on here are rooting for you, very best of luck with a diagnosis. Take care!
djh3 Posted August 7, 2019 #30 Posted August 7, 2019 Hope this get straightened out Don. Best of luck.
Freebird Posted August 7, 2019 Author #31 Posted August 7, 2019 Didn't learn anything yesterday. More tests to do over the next few weeks then another MRI the first of September.
Freebird Posted August 7, 2019 Author #32 Posted August 7, 2019 Okay, here goes. My wife who is Russian from Siberia knew this woman there whom she believed had skills that no one should have. She contacted this woman and was told that I had a cancerous brain tumor. This was as soon as the whistling noise started before I even went to a doctor. She said that the doctors would run test and after test and by the time they found out it was cancerous, it would be too late. I was skeptical to say the least. An ultrasound of my brain was ordered and the doctors saw "something". A MRA was ordered and confirmed something out of the ordinary in the lower left rear of my brain. Then an MRI with dye was performed. Then the doctor wanted to run a tube up my vein from my thigh to my brain to give the "something" a high dose of dye and do another MRI to get a better photo. I declined this test because of the risk involved. I heard this whistling noise as stated every time my heart beat 24/7 for several weeks. This woman in Siberia said she could help but I had to do what she said and I had to have an open mind and mentally allow her to help. So, I agreed. She gave me some directions of what I had to do which were basically meditations several times a day. And she did whatever she did. Almost immediately, the whistling didn't happen all the time and within a few days it stopped. I continued doing what she instructed until she said to quit. Sometimes when I rest my head on my pillow on the left side, I can hear blood rushing through this mass so it is still there. A followup MRI a couple of years later confirmed it was still there but smaller. I told you, you wouldn't believe it. The doctors were amazed. I wouldn't believe it if it had not happened to me. I grew up a poor country boy and managed to get a degree in engineering. I've always been a practical minded skeptical person and the whole episode blew my mind. I actually don't find it strange or hard to believe at all. There are a lot of old remedies and cures that modern doctors either don't support or are not aware of. I think that big pharmacy has a good deal to do with that but don't want to get off into my conspiracy theories.
Freebird Posted August 7, 2019 Author #33 Posted August 7, 2019 Stupid question, but I have to ask, did they change your bp medicine to another type? Seems to me that when I have an issue, it is usually one of the meds I'm taking and I figure out which one and stop taking it. I have tried 3 statin drugs and couldn't tolerate any of them. Lipitor made me dizzy by the way. I took tamulosin for a while because I have an enlarged prostate to help me relieve myself but after a few months, it started affecting my vision so I stopped taking it. Later I tried it one more time with the same result. So, think about the meds that you are taking and research them to see if dizziness is a possible side effect. When I was in my early 50's, I was proud of the fact that I didn't need any medications. Boy, now that I'm 75 that situation surely has changed! It may be more than one issue. The dizziness may or may not be connected to the nodule on my thyroid. They have never changed my BP medicine but I think it is possible that it is what is causing my dizziness. I've only been taking a very low dosage for a couple of years. When they first gave it to me, it drove my BP down so low that I would get dizzy and almost pass out. They cut the dosage in half and it has been much better but still gets too low at times. I'm only taking about 5MG a day now but sometimes I think that even that is too much.
bpate4home Posted August 7, 2019 #34 Posted August 7, 2019 Don, sorry to hear about this and we will all be keeping you in our thoughts. Along the line of BlueSky I have several friends who swear by acupuncture. One had similar descriptions of symptoms you have listed. One was a cancer patient with nephropathy and the Dr.'s told him to accept it and learn to live with it. He did the acupuncture and says he is 'cured' of the nephropathy now.
CaseyJ955 Posted August 7, 2019 #35 Posted August 7, 2019 I actually don't find it strange or hard to believe at all. There are a lot of old remedies and cures that modern doctors either don't support or are not aware of. I think that big pharmacy has a good deal to do with that but don't want to get off into my conspiracy theories. Our Western nation does not really embrace non-Western remedies, there is not enough money in it besides much of our medical community wears pride like a stripe and have a hard time accepting that someone else may have an upper hand on certain treatments. Big pharma and insurance often dictate care just via what they cover and dont. Pharma is still in a panic over the increasing legality of cannabis, as well they should be, although I doubt that would help you with this it's nice to see anything take some wind out of the sales of big pharma. It may be more than one issue. The dizziness may or may not be connected to the nodule on my thyroid. They have never changed my BP medicine but I think it is possible that it is what is causing my dizziness. I've only been taking a very low dosage for a couple of years. When they first gave it to me, it drove my BP down so low that I would get dizzy and almost pass out. They cut the dosage in half and it has been much better but still gets too low at times. I'm only taking about 5MG a day now but sometimes I think that even that is too much. A nodule could be it, or not. It sure could effect the endocrine system being on the thyroid, so to rule it out would be premature from what we know here IMHO. My first suspect would be the BP meds. One of your readings up above is a bit light, might have been during a (probably/maybe) orthostatic hypotension episode, or hypovolemia if your not drinking enough water. If your a consumer of ETOH or caffeine then you will need even more water as those are common diuretics and cause you to void enough that you need to drink more to stay hydrated. If cutting your BP med dose made improvements then consider this. If there has been no meaningful med review with your Dr and pharmacist it might be time for that and to look at specifically at the BP meds. So many meds list dizziness as a SE that it might be hard to know what's what but look at anything else you have been doing differently also. Meds, dietary or exercise changes, even ambient temperature or stress levels are connected and effect everything. Without seeing your chart or knowing your H&P or comorbidities it would be risky to assert one thing over another but my top $ is on a medication assuming your properly hydrated. I'm not a Dr. or endocrinologist I'm putting my $$ on a BP med dose adjustment or med change. If you do any altering of your meds your going to want to stay out of the saddle until you know very well how each change effects you. Dont hang the for sale sign out just yet, if your not making headway with your Dr. then ask for a referral to a specialist or try another Dr. Keep running records of your vitals (three x/day maybe), esp pulse and BP until you have this resolved. Also go ahead and record your fluid intake just for fun, it may be relevant to the Dr. Document what your doing and when you have the dizzy spells. Documenting everything you can may help illuminate a pattern with any professionals trying to help sort through it. Hang in there, I hope/think you will find a solution soon.
Marcarl Posted August 7, 2019 #36 Posted August 7, 2019 Okay, here goes. My wife who is Russian from Siberia knew this woman there whom she believed had skills that no one should have. She contacted this woman and was told that I had a cancerous brain tumor. This was as soon as the whistling noise started before I even went to a doctor. She said that the doctors would run test and after test and by the time they found out it was cancerous, it would be too late. I was skeptical to say the least. An ultrasound of my brain was ordered and the doctors saw "something". A MRA was ordered and confirmed something out of the ordinary in the lower left rear of my brain. Then an MRI with dye was performed. Then the doctor wanted to run a tube up my vein from my thigh to my brain to give the "something" a high dose of dye and do another MRI to get a better photo. I declined this test because of the risk involved. I heard this whistling noise as stated every time my heart beat 24/7 for several weeks. This woman in Siberia said she could help but I had to do what she said and I had to have an open mind and mentally allow her to help. So, I agreed. She gave me some directions of what I had to do which were basically meditations several times a day. And she did whatever she did. Almost immediately, the whistling didn't happen all the time and within a few days it stopped. I continued doing what she instructed until she said to quit. Sometimes when I rest my head on my pillow on the left side, I can hear blood rushing through this mass so it is still there. A followup MRI a couple of years later confirmed it was still there but smaller. I told you, you wouldn't believe it. The doctors were amazed. I wouldn't believe it if it had not happened to me. I grew up a poor country boy and managed to get a degree in engineering. I've always been a practical minded skeptical person and the whole episode blew my mind. Yep!!! I believe you, only because I believe that we were all created by the same Being that created the rest of the world and that He also put lots of things in place that could help us. Now, we were not originally made to live in an imperfect world, but rather to live in perfection with no need to be fixed when something went wrong. We messed that up by deciding to run this planet ourselves, but there is\are lots of things that have been put in place to help us through. Some we have been led to discover, others are still hidden from us, but the One who created everything is not hidden, nor is He unreachable. Even though we rejected Him, He is still available to help us through our own total mess and in the end offers eternal peace and rest. Yes, I believe you.
Heimdog Posted August 7, 2019 #37 Posted August 7, 2019 Yikes! This sounds very similar to a situation a friend of mine finds himself. He has not ridden all year, and very little last year as well. Good luck to you getting it nailed down.
BlueSky Posted August 7, 2019 #38 Posted August 7, 2019 Definitely, ditch that bp med. What is that med? Try Losartan. I'm taking losartan daily before bed or with dinner and if my bp starts going up, I take Triam/HCTZ after breakfast which is a diuretic. I will not take Triam/HCTZ daily because it dries out my joints too much and makes my arthritis worse. I don't want any joint replacements if I can avoid them.
dave_wells Posted August 7, 2019 #39 Posted August 7, 2019 Don, I hope they get this figured out soon. I had similar symptoms last year. I ended up in the emergency room. It turned out my Thyroid meds stopped working. They actually though t I stopped taking them. After a change in meds that fixed me up after a week or so. What ever your case, we hope they get they get it figured out. Fingers crossed Dave and Robin
grubsie Posted August 7, 2019 #40 Posted August 7, 2019 Geez Don, Haven't personally met you, but have become quite familiar over the past 6 years I have been on this forum. I am truly sorry to hear what you are going through. Prayers and well wishes are being sent your way. Wait until you find out what is causing the problem before thinking about a for sale sign on your bike. I'm sure whatever the problem is, it's something that the docs can take care of easily.
BG Hawks Posted August 7, 2019 #42 Posted August 7, 2019 Thoughts and prayers sent for a discovery and a simple cure...
Freebird Posted August 7, 2019 Author #43 Posted August 7, 2019 Definitely, ditch that bp med. What is that med? Try Losartan. I'm taking losartan daily before bed or with dinner and if my bp starts going up, I take Triam/HCTZ after breakfast which is a diuretic. I will not take Triam/HCTZ daily because it dries out my joints too much and makes my arthritis worse. I don't want any joint replacements if I can avoid them. I take 5MG of Lisinopril per day. I'm not at all sure that it is causing the problem but will talk to my Doctor about trying something else.
BlueSky Posted August 7, 2019 #44 Posted August 7, 2019 This is interesting! History. Captopril, the first ACE inhibitor, is a functional and structural analog of a peptide derived from the venom of the jararaca, a Brazilian pit viper (Bothrops jararaca). ... Lisinopril is a synthetic peptide derivative of captopril.
videoarizona Posted August 7, 2019 #45 Posted August 7, 2019 (edited) Sorry I'm late for this...just got back from a week in the woods in our trailer. I've had two types of dizziness: 1: vertigo...that is/was cured by doing the Eply manuever. This comes on with me on the sailboat...when I sleep with my head down. Don't do that anymore and so far...no more issues. But let me tell you how quickly I dropped to the floor wherever I was...serious vertigo! No way could I stand up... 2: Dizziness. I would wake up and find myself bouncing off the walls in the middle of the night going to the bathroom. It wasn't fun. Also got dizzy if I got up to fast and yet never had a problem while active. Two things were causing it....my allergies creating a middle ear issue (no cure really except go with stronger allergy meds...not my 1st choice). And my BP meds. Switched to amlodipine besylate 5 mg tab and that has eliminated most of it. The allergy dizziness is mild compared to the meds. I can still ride as riding/driving is an activity that seems to keep all the dizzies away. Thankful for that. So hang in there....and I'll send prayers your way hoping it's a simple med change! Edited August 7, 2019 by videoarizona punctuation
djh3 Posted August 8, 2019 #46 Posted August 8, 2019 I think that big pharmacy has a good deal to do with that but don't want to get off into my conspiracy theories. Yea the whole pharmacy thing in our health care system needs watching. Some drugs are cheaper to buy off the street than thru your insurance program. The wife just ordered some of her meds thru our med program. It has went up to $53 our cost for 90 days, so she looked up a couple online programs and it was over $330 for the same. Yikes
VentureFar Posted August 8, 2019 #47 Posted August 8, 2019 Sorry to hear about this. I have a crazy lifetime friend who lives on a very twisty 50 mile two land road. When he was waiting for surgery he was dizzy like you sound. He just focused on the centerline and no matter what his head told him he kept his bike 4 feet from the line - regardless of where it went. I told you he is crazy. He survived the riding and the surgery. We all pray your diagnosis and treatment will bring a swift cure. VentureFar... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
cptriker1 Posted August 9, 2019 #50 Posted August 9, 2019 Don, what they found exactly fits your symptoms. It sounds like a textbook case. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
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