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Wowzy wow wow wow zzzz wow wow wow what a month it's been!!

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1. 4 weeks before wedding my brother makes his journey to his new home with the Lord - see obit = https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/douglas-barnhard-obituary?pid=192813014

2. Funeral planning for brother.

3. 1 week before wedding my Cousin makes the same journey - see obit = https://www.klaassenfuneralhome.com/notices/Timothy-VanderKooi

4. 5 days before wedding my favorite Uncle of all times (a REALLY great person) joins my brother and cousin at God's throne - see obit - https://obits.mlive.com/obituaries/muskegon/obituary.aspx?n=charles-hackney&pid=193008112

5. 1 day before daughters wedding work butt off setting up for wedding at park in Fruitport and pickup sound equipment in GR.

6. Wedding day = WOWZY WAS IT HUGE!! Massive thunderstorms come thru and attempt to blow down Arbor and both 3 pole big top tents = didnt work!! Son In Law from California LOVED the storms,, said he had never seen anything like em,, was VERY impressed with the HUGE lightening bolt hitting the lake and the loud CLAP of thunder right after being pronounced "Husband and Wife",, PERFECT TIMING = HIS WORDS!! No pics till daughter/son in law approve me to post them!

7. Immedially after wedding ceremony begin tear down.

7. 2 days after wedding on the way home from returning sound system, Tippies mom called to inform me that Tippies favorite Uncle of all times had joined my brother, cousin and uncle at his new home with the Lord - see obit = https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/richard-harig-obituary?pid=193046509.

8. 4 days after wedding recent passing of loved ones funerals begin..

9. 6 days after wedding complete packaging of arbor to ship to daughter and new son back in Cali.

10. 1 week after wedding this lop eared varmint REFUSES to call an end to all the wedding fun and decides continue his stay with Gramp and Gram till tomorrow - see pic..




I had no idea about all the death and storms you went through. Very sorry to hear it all. But you know that you are on my permanent prayer list.


I hope your trip to MD relaxes you and Tippy. I will send you a pm soon.




What are you going to do this month? After a month like that you KNOW you can handle anything! That’s a testimony to the faithfulness of God!!


Our Condolences for what your going thru Scott.

Also went thru alot, it is a long tough journey, but time does help. Our prayers for your healing.



"loud CLAP of thunder right after being pronounced "Husband and Wife" "


Only The Pucster could arrange an event like that!


Sincere Condolences on all the Bereavement Issues, Bud. So relieved to read it's over!


We strongly suggest taking the rest of June OFF!!!~




My brother I am feeling your pain and sending you and Tip our sincere condolences. Know you and Tip are loved and there are a lot of folks that don’t know what to say but are right there with you in support. Love you my brother !



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HI Puc

You were asking about my where abouts over on the Facebook part of this forum and how I haven't been around much.


I told you I had been lurking around both here and over there keeping up on the news but that I just didn't have much to say. Well it was more like I had lots to say but just wasn't ready to say it.

I can be an ornery bastard and mostly to the point and sometimes way too blunt.......you are fighting something you have no control over and so am I......It's grabbed us from somewhere we had no way of knowing or expecting. I have no way of knowing what you're dealing with, but know I support you and respect, all that you're going through.

You deal with it as you have too and fight your fight. You got this.....your fight also inspires me!


........so to the point.

This is bad I have advanced Prostate Cancer and it is very aggressive. It has spread several places we know of already and they will be looking for more. I will be having a total body bone scan Mon. Or Tues, to find what else is going on if anything.

The number one priority right now is the tumour in the lower spine in the nerve bundle at the base of my spine. It already effects the strength and control of my legs. And can easily paralyze me from the waist down. It could then start a march up my spine heading for the nerves in my chest heart/breathing or further north to the brain. (None of it good.)

So radiation is targeting getting rid of or shrinking that tumour.

There will be more surgeries later to fix some of the other things and then chemotherapy to go after others.

The out look is probably not to really be cured but to build and maintain a good quality of life and then to extend that quality and life as long as we can. That's the goal, that's my fight...look out cancer you picked the wrong guy.

Don't anyone bum yourself out for me, do your thing for you and your family that's what's important and it supports me knowing you're dealing the best you got and I can do the same.


I had to cancel my annual June bike trip which was supposed to be to Maggie Valley this year. Been in the hospital since last Tues. tests, scans and biopsy and won't get out till at least this coming Tues. after the radiation treatments are done.


Family, friends, love and fun, just living the first things on the list.

The Tooch has spoken......get er done! :biker:

Love you Brother.

HI Puc

You were asking about my where abouts over on the Facebook part of this forum and how I haven't been around much.


I told you I had been lurking around both here and over there keeping up on the news but that I just didn't have much to say. Well it was more like I had lots to say but just wasn't ready to say it.

I can be an ornery bastard and mostly to the point and sometimes way too blunt.......you are fighting something you have no control over and so am I......It's grabbed us from somewhere we had no way of knowing or expecting. I have no way of knowing what you're dealing with, but know I support you and respect, all that you're going through.

You deal with it as you have too and fight your fight. You got this.....your fight also inspires me!


........so to the point.

This is bad I have advanced Prostate Cancer and it is very aggressive. It has spread several places we know of already and they will be looking for more. I will be having a total body bone scan Mon. Or Tues, to find what else is going on if anything.

The number one priority right now is the tumour in the lower spine in the nerve bundle at the base of my spine. It already effects the strength and control of my legs. And can easily paralyze me from the waist down. It could then start a march up my spine heading for the nerves in my chest heart/breathing or further north to the brain. (None of it good.)

So radiation is targeting getting rid of or shrinking that tumour.

There will be more surgeries later to fix some of the other things and then chemotherapy to go after others.

The out look is probably not to really be cured but to build and maintain a good quality of life and then to extend that quality and life as long as we can. That's the goal, that's my fight...look out cancer you picked the wrong guy.

Don't anyone bum yourself out for me, do your thing for you and your family that's what's important and it supports me knowing you're dealing the best you got and I can do the same.


I had to cancel my annual June bike trip which was supposed to be to Maggie Valley this year. Been in the hospital since last Tues. tests, scans and biopsy and won't get out till at least this coming Tues. after the radiation treatments are done.


Family, friends, love and fun, just living the first things on the list.

The Tooch has spoken......get er done! :biker:

Love you Brother.


1st off,,, THANK YOU Dave for bringing us up to speed on what you are going thru!! I hope you KNOW (and I am assured you do) that you are in my thoughts and prayers in your battle with cancer my friend and brother! Though REALLY tough stuff, I know you are stepping up to the plate with solid determination (my brother Tooch is one tough varmint) to bring the fight to that nasty intruder! A word in the way of encouragement for the battle, something the enemy really does not know how to deal with (IMHO) is a pure commitment to keeping a smile on your face and an element of joy in your heart as much as possible. I am still convinced that ones attitude helps set his altitude. As I am sure you are, I am also saddened to hear that your summer ride plans have been altered due to this health stuff brother, maybe take the time while in the Hospital to over view the pics and video's you have of past years adventures in an effort to bring uplifting to your heart and :stickpoke: that enemy.. Also, please keep us updated on your progress so our thoughts and prayers are relevant to your progress brother!! Love you too Dave:bighug:!!

2nd = THANK YOU AGAIN for all the thoughts, prayers and concerns about this thread!! You folks are, beyond words,, my favorite lop eared group of varmints! :bighug: to all!!




Well Tooch, we've not met, or even mutually yapped, BUT sadly we do share something really nasty!~


Stage 4 Metastatic Prostate Cancer - like yours, incurable. Large Tumor popped up on our Collarbone of all places, and that really threw the Medicos for a loop... until they FINALLY tracked it back down to the Pelvic Bone - go figure!!!


Months later, after a series of Isotope Injections, and Testosterone Blockers, the Grapefruit-sized Tumors in our Abdominal Cavity reduced to nothing... for a while. When they came back; same old same old, and away they went again. This has occurred several times.


Here's what we hope may help a bit: Ours happened in 2006!!!


Strategies our Family employed in The Battle are: a) DIET. So important to continued Quality of Life. b) Ignore the Beggar as best you can; continue Living and Loving Life each Day the Sun comes up - a BIG Win by itself. c) You'll soon discover this last one in the immediate Days Ahead: despite universal griping about lousy Medical and Hospital care, any Serious Illness immediately goes to the Front Of The Line. You won't wait long for anything!


Dearly wish we could offer more. You have a TON of Friends here, and we know everybody will be pulling for you BIG TIME. Please add us to that List.


Warmest Regards, WRIDR

. As I am sure you are, I am also saddened to hear that your summer ride plans have been altered due to this health stuff brother, maybe take the time while in the Hospital to over view the pics and video's you have of past years adventures in an effort to bring uplifting to your heart and :stickpoke: that enemy.. Also, please keep us updated on your progress



Yes I can live this summers ride vicariously through the guys they are blogging and keeping me posted on their adventures. Myself and anyone can just follow along at https://friendsandriders.wordpress.com/

Yes I can live this summers ride vicariously through the guys they are blogging and keeping me posted on their adventures. Myself and anyone can just follow along at https://friendsandriders.wordpress.com/
THANK YOU for the link brother!! It is ALWAYS a joy to follow along on such adventures!

You are probably still in the process of the full body scan at this time my friend. Please keep me/us apprised of its out come. Also KNOW that we are here rooting for nothing but the best and are in constant thought and prayers for your health situation. Your not facing it alone David, we are here for you!






I'm on the mailing list and get the emails. Yea, they are having fun and I'm enjoying riding with them!

Next year, Dave...next year!


"Wow!" Is right! Glad to see you've got a positive attitude through that emotional rollercoaster. When it rains, it pours; literally and figuratively.

"Wow!" Is right! Glad to see you've got a positive attitude through that emotional rollercoaster. When it rains, it pours; literally and figuratively.


Tellin ya Dog,,, I feel like I need about 2 weeks of CTFW to tent camp on the back of the Bad Lands N.P. where there is nothing but Coyote's howling, Prairie Dogs chirping and an occasional Antelope walking by. Snuggling down on mother earth and listening to the ghosts of Indian Ponies for a few nights would DEFINITELY be theraputic to these old geezer bones after that month brother!!


This is THE spot if you should ever find yourself in the need:


Well Tooch, we've not met, or even mutually yapped, BUT sadly we do share something really nasty!~, WRIDR


You Sir;


Timed that one perfectly.......it hit the spot......I can not THANK You enough right now!


I will PM you later when I feel up to it, for just a chat, to thank you again.


(You're right when it is serious our health care system steps up big time and gets on it. I had unbelievable priority evaluations, tests, treatments and care. I got moved to the front of the line so many times or just fit in. They called in a crew to do my radiation treatment on a Sunday! Wonder what that cost us tax payers?! Ha!)


Tooch :biker:

HI Puc

You were asking about my where abouts over on the Facebook part of this forum and how I haven't been around much.


I told you I had been lurking around both here and over there keeping up on the news but that I just didn't have much to say. Well it was more like I had lots to say but just wasn't ready to say it.

I can be an ornery bastard and mostly to the point and sometimes way too blunt.......you are fighting something you have no control over and so am I......It's grabbed us from somewhere we had no way of knowing or expecting. I have no way of knowing what you're dealing with, but know I support you and respect, all that you're going through.

You deal with it as you have too and fight your fight. You got this.....your fight also inspires me!


........so to the point.

This is bad I have advanced Prostate Cancer and it is very aggressive. It has spread several places we know of already and they will be looking for more. I will be having a total body bone scan Mon. Or Tues, to find what else is going on if anything.

The number one priority right now is the tumour in the lower spine in the nerve bundle at the base of my spine. It already effects the strength and control of my legs. And can easily paralyze me from the waist down. It could then start a march up my spine heading for the nerves in my chest heart/breathing or further north to the brain. (None of it good.)

So radiation is targeting getting rid of or shrinking that tumour.

There will be more surgeries later to fix some of the other things and then chemotherapy to go after others.

The out look is probably not to really be cured but to build and maintain a good quality of life and then to extend that quality and life as long as we can. That's the goal, that's my fight...look out cancer you picked the wrong guy.

Don't anyone bum yourself out for me, do your thing for you and your family that's what's important and it supports me knowing you're dealing the best you got and I can do the same.


I had to cancel my annual June bike trip which was supposed to be to Maggie Valley this year. Been in the hospital since last Tues. tests, scans and biopsy and won't get out till at least this coming Tues. after the radiation treatments are done.


Family, friends, love and fun, just living the first things on the list.

The Tooch has spoken......get er done! :biker:

Love you Brother.


Well Tooch, we've not met, or even mutually yapped, BUT sadly we do share something really nasty!~


Stage 4 Metastatic Prostate Cancer - like yours, incurable. Large Tumor popped up on our Collarbone of all places, and that really threw the Medicos for a loop... until they FINALLY tracked it back down to the Pelvic Bone - go figure!!!


Months later, after a series of Isotope Injections, and Testosterone Blockers, the Grapefruit-sized Tumors in our Abdominal Cavity reduced to nothing... for a while. When they came back; same old same old, and away they went again. This has occurred several times.


Here's what we hope may help a bit: Ours happened in 2006!!!


Strategies our Family employed in The Battle are: a) DIET. So important to continued Quality of Life. b) Ignore the Beggar as best you can; continue Living and Loving Life each Day the Sun comes up - a BIG Win by itself. c) You'll soon discover this last one in the immediate Days Ahead: despite universal griping about lousy Medical and Hospital care, any Serious Illness immediately goes to the Front Of The Line. You won't wait long for anything!


Dearly wish we could offer more. You have a TON of Friends here, and we know everybody will be pulling for you BIG TIME. Please add us to that List.


Warmest Regards, WRIDR


I'm sorry for everyone's tough time with the big C and @cowpuc I'm sorry for all the losses this last month. One thing to be grateful for is that you've been busy with that wedding.


Not huge on words, especially with serious situations like what you gentlemen are in.


All I can say is that you all are in my thoughts and prayers! Take care guys!


Thanks a TON Chaharly, those kind words are very much appreciated.


What we CAN tell you - and the Rest of The Old Guard on behalf of The Tooch - is he's already got his Head around this Crap in impressive fashion. Took us best part of a Year to get to that point, and wasn't easy.


The Tooch will get'r done, just watch.


Warmest Rgds, WRIDR

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