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Well, I found a salvaged shock from a wrecker in Montreal. Picked it up for $65 and got it to my door for a total out of pocket of $86. I wish I'd taken pics along the way but I just dove in and got to it. I ended up having my 12 year old daughter come out and help me so it turned into one of those memory moments and added to my experience. She had a blast turning wrenches with me. Here's a side by side of the two units. I'm not exactly sure what went wrong with the old one but the ride height wasn't adjusting.


I also replaced the rear tire, I went with a Dunlop E4 since I'd had good luck with the E3's. I didn't realise how worn down my rear tire was after two long trips last year for a total of about 10,000km on those two trips. (I believe it was my fourth season on the tires for a total of 36,000km)


The other pic is with all the plastic off and after reassembly.


All in all it started out feeling a little daunting but the satisfaction of doing the jobs myself was worth it. With each job I get to know this great bike more and more.


The next thing I want to tackle is checking the valve clearance but I have to read up more on that before I dive into that job!




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gaj1917 Did you do yours with the carbs on?


Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk

Yes, I did it with the carbs on and the engine in the frame, unlike what you see in the Venturers forum writeup. Very tight quarters, even after you get the heat shields and valve covers off. But it's doable. Getting the shields and covers off, and back on, is very tricky. As I recall I undid the rad mounting bolts so I could push the rad a tad forward to make a bit more room. Even so, it will take a lot of wiggling to get those things out, especially the covers. Getting them back in is another story. You'll want to replace the cover gaskets. Getting both the covers in with new gaskets attached is challenging. I used some nice sticky gasket cement (Permatex 80062 High Tack) to hold the gaskets to the covers. It helps to have two people do the install - one to push from one side and the other guy to guide and pull from the other side. I made a practice run or two without the gasket in place, to find the best route. Once in place, make damn sure that the gasket is correctly in place and not rolled over somewhere. Maybe it would be easier to take the carbs off, but that's not trivial either. Others here on the forum may chime in with additional advice. Have fun!


AWESOME PIECE OF WORK THERE SUDS :clap2::dancefool::thumbsup:!!! You and your 12 year old daughter do some fine wrenching (please tell her ol Grampaw Puc said he's proud of her and to keep up the good work spinning those wrench's:backinmyday::bowdown:)!! Hope the two of you now get to spend some time out CTFW on that gorgeous road rompter and have fun making even more wonderful endless memories together as a Dad and Daughter team = aint nothing on this planet more better than that IMHO. @suds, after wearing out several rear tires thru the years on my 1st Gens I finally caved and spent the big bucks on an E4 dual compound and WOWZY WOW WOW WOW = I have been impressed!! The ONLY thing I am thinking would be a real issue with having gone E4 is that I highly suspect that in the event of a flat rear tire while on the road, a tire changer would be required to remove the E4 (aint no way that puppy is gonna be "spooned" off the rim like I customarily do).. WOWZY did my E4 go on hard!! Other than that, I really truly do believe that Dunlop was not to far off when they said "this tire will go ocean to ocean shore 3 times before needing replacement"!! A more worthy tire I have not found!!

You and that wrench spinning precious daughter of yours ride safe out there and enjoy my brother!!


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