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Adventures with Craig's List! or: What the hell was I thinking!


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I found a 1986 VR on CL in Sydney, OH. About 200 miles from me. The post clearly stated there was no title and the crappy pictures(13 of them) showed a bike that had been partialy torn down. "I bought this to build a trike and then changed my mind." was the gist of the description. The asking price was $300.00


The only damage I could see in the pictures was a fairly harsh scrape on the top rear corner of the "cheekbone" of the left main fairing. it didn't look smashed, just scarred.


I called and a asked specifically if there was any serious damage to any of the plastics as they were my main interest. He said the scrape in the picture was the worst of it but there were some other scrapes and scratches. Nothing broken.


I dove down there today. 3hrs, 18 minutes one way.


That thing looked like it had been run over buy a truck The scrape in the picture was the best part of all the plastics!


The bike was in a pile at the edge of the road just off the driveway with a "for sale" sign sitting on top of the mess. It looked like it had been sitting there all winter, uncovered.


What did this idiot think I was going to do? Just give him $300.00 for a pile of crap because I just drove 3 hours and didn't want to go home empty handed? It was all I could do to not slap the stupid off of the guy. I took one look and said "Thanks for wasting my Saturday", got in the truck and left a skid mark down his driveway.


Why can't people be honest? Serious question.

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Sorry to hear you wasted your Saturday! I really don't know what's wrong with people nowadays, why lie, you're going to see the stuff before you buy it, so why say it's something it's not! Sometimes I just despair with people.

Hope you drive was pleasant at least!

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When I look at getting a deal on some auction or other 2nd hand seller, I always consider the shipping cost. In this case my thought would have been: how far is it, how much gas will it take, how many hours will it take to complete the transaction, and what will meals cost me for the trip. All told, it adds into the costs of what I might think to be a bargain, but in the end may not be so cheap as I might think,,,,, for,,,, the fact must also be considered what if I don't want what is for the offering, then it's all a waste unless I have more reasons to travel that way or that I might enjoy the trip just for the sake of the trip. If the calculations work out for me, I go, take a buddy or my wife, and see what there is to see. Iffin the figures don't work out, at least I didn't waste my day. If things don't figure out out for me, I stay put and let somebody else be happy with the find. If transaction screwed up,,,, as happened in your case, the only person hurt here is yourself,,, and I hate hurting meself.

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Had a similar situation with the current 88 that i have. I wrecked my 99 and was looking for a first gen because i missed it. Found my current bike and saw the photos. Talked to the guy several times. Said he moved out to Montana and the bike is at his buddy's in Ohio. Hasn't run in a few years and he only put like 3k miles on it in the 7 years he owned it. Said he was the second owner and the body is in GREAT shape. Asked a pretty high price on it that i agreed to and drove from Randolph Nebraska to Cleveland Ohio to get this bike. Got there and every piece of plastic had some sort of break. The drilled a hole in the trunkand wired a lawn mower battery to the actual battery. Ran like crap which i expected. It was covered in cat prints and only 1 speaker worked. I told that guy that his buddy is a crook as the guy who was actually selling the bike was 2k miles away but since i invested so much to get it we took it anyways. I've done a ton of work to her but she's been an amazing machine for me.


I just wish i could get my hands on that dude

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