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Puc and Tips: Fun With Guns thread! Sharing ours and hopefully you will share yours!


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Well I figured that I had better get this next installment on the way. At the rate cowpuc is drooling here ,,,,,,, Well lets just say there is already enough flooding in the Midwest part of this country.


This one started life as a 1943 vintage Swedish Mauser chambered in 6.5x55. There is now nothing more than a couple of screws that are still either from the original gun or still in a stock configuration.

I found an old cracked sporter stock for the gun and stripped it down to bare wood,, I then repaired all of the cracks. Those brass dots that you see all over are #4-40UNC brass threaded rod that was run thru the stock to reinforce all of the cracks. That is why they are not evenly spaced, they are structural not cosmetic. I then recontoured the space for the barrel to have a free floated barrrel and at the end I glass bedded the action into the stock, the final finish is all automotive, 2K PPG satin clear coat. I brushed on the first coat heavy with a foam brush to get it into all the pours of the wood, using the slowest drying reducer and hardener to give it maximum time to soak into the wood good. Once fully cured, I was able to sand it down to remove all traces of wood grain at the surface and not break thru the clear anywhere. I then sprayed the final coat of the same clear to get a perfectly smooth low gloss finish.


Next part was the receiver, since this is the part that carries the serial number it is the part that is legally considered the gun. The first thing I did was to drill and tap for Leopold steel scope bases, This was tricky because those old Swedes new how to make metal HARD. When I first set it up the first HSS drill bit instantly melted when it hit the surface of the receiver, not even a scratch. OK so grab a cobalt drill bit, yup it melted the tip off too and left not a scratch. Soooo I had to special order a 3 flute solid carbide drill bit, As expected that drilled thru with no problem. Now how to tap this stupidly hard receiver???? A really good quality tap broke as soon as the cutting edges touched the receiver. So what I did was to place one of the burnt drill bits shank into the drilled hole and heat the drill bit up to a very bright orange heat until that heat was getting into the receiver a bit, then slowly reduced the temp of the bit until it was no longer glowing then let it all air cool to room temp and repeat for each of the next 3 holes. This process allowed me to anneal just the small area around each hole so that the tap could cut the threads.

I unscrewed the barrel and tossed it in the trash. It was literally so rusted that you could not see daylight looking down the bore. The PO had put the gun back in its case wet from hunting in a snow storm and then left the case and gun in the garage until the next deer season.:scared:

The next step on the receiver was to get it set up in the lathe and face the front of the receiver to square it up, and face the lands for the bold to get them nice and square.


Then the bolt was next up, I did start with the original bolt, I loaded it up on the lathe and faced the bolt face, and the lugs to get them all squared up. I then cut off the bolt handle since when the bolt is opened the handle is pointed straight up, this will not work with a scope. so the handle had to be forged into a new shape and then welded back on at a different angle to allow operation of the action and still clear the scope. The stock safety was also not possible to use with a scope so it had to go. This meant changing how the safety worked as well as modifying the shroud to accept the new safety design. The firing pin also had to be modified to work with the new shroud and safety, the firing spring was also replaced with a lighter spring since I did make a significant reduction in the weight of the firing pin.


Now the fun parts, I ordered a new Shilen barrel blank in 6.5 mm with a 1:9 twist. It comes as just a bar of metal with the rifled bore. I had to cut my own taper and do all of the threading to fit the receiver and then cut my own chamber, and crown the other end. This all took a lot more time than it did to say. It took many setups on the lathe before it was all done.


For the trigger I put on a Timney adjustable trigger to give me a real nice clean break with no perceptible over travel, unlike the stock trigger that felt like pulling your finger thru a box of rocks and literally had about a quarter inch of travel before it broke at some random point.


After all of this it was just a matter of putting all the pieces together. The gun once assembled was painted grey using a Teflon / epoxy finish that has held up perfectly over the last 15 years in the deer woods. The automotive clear coat finish on the stock has also held up perfectly to the woods and all of the cleaning chemicals used on a firearm.


I am sure that I probably have forgotten a lot of the little things that went into the building of this gun. There are a few small details that I would like to clean up, like I never did finish making all of the bolt work pretty, there are still some visible tool marks and welds, but it shoots so good I hate to mess with anything.


Once I got it all together and put the first 100 rounds thru for proper break in, this gun, IF I can do my part will shoot 1/4 MOA groups. It is not often that I am good enough to do that, but the gun is.








Tonights weather = flood warnings are in effect :178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178:


WOWZY WOW WOW WOW,, now THAT is what I am talkin bout = GORGEOUS SHOOTER FOOL = NICE JOB:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Also, a HUGE thank you for the full report brother = THANKS JEFF!!

Now I got a request,,, I would LOVE to see a close up of the finished barrel crown!! IMHO, "Crowning" makes or breaks a good shooter, almost as important as good bedding, and I would love to see what worked for you. Is it still 6.5x55? What does it like in bullet weight/configuration? What's the farthest you've shot it?

NICE,, REAL NICE!!:thumbsup:

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A big PUC WOW!! Thatsa nice rifle... It's hard for folks to realize just how much work goes into customizing one of the older Mausers...

I picked up this Custom Kimber in 6.5x55 Swede made with a '96 Gustoff Mauser Action. It was built when Kimber was in Clackamass, OR. Not anywhere as nice looking as yours Jeff, but still pretty neat. Most if not all of my Mausers are drilled and tapped. Never realized it was that much of a problem?? Here's a couple of pics.




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A big PUC WOW!! Thatsa nice rifle... It's hard for folks to realize just how much work goes into customizing one of the older Mausers...

I picked up this Custom Kimber in 6.5x55 Swede made with a '96 Gustoff Mauser Action. It was built when Kimber was in Clackamass, OR. Not anywhere as nice looking as yours Jeff, but still pretty neat. Most if not all of my Mausers are drilled and tapped. Never realized it was that much of a problem?? Here's a couple of pics.


:scared:and yet another WOWZY WOW WOW WOW:178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178: piece of shootin iron brother:thumbsup:,, while I agree with ya Jack,, not quite as :173: as Fool's shooter (mainly cause I too LOVE custom work and that Fool definitely put the time into that sweetheart bringing it to FlyinFool spec) but still,, WOWZY WOW WOW WOW what a NICE shooter ya got there in it's own right:thumbsup:!! Lots of the WW2 guys that I shot dynamite with many years ago used those Mauser Action shooters. A lot of Sporterized pieces back then,, sort of an art form back in the day I would say. That Swede 6.5 was also known for some real accuracy too, 1/4 stick of dynamite hangin on the clothes line @200 yards = NO PROBLEMO.. Side note: I dont know much about the "Creedmore" or the 6.5x284, never had the honor of owning or touching either off but I wonder if the 6.5x55 Swede that you two lop eared lead tossin varmints own had a connection as a predecessor to the 6.5x284 or the Creedmore.. I noticed those at a big gunshop in Sparks Nevada once (see vid) and have since done some reading on em,, sounds like some amazing shooters too from all I have read..

KEEP IT UP GENTLEMEN,, you guys got the blood running strong this morning!!:thumbsup:


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Nice video of the Candy Store.... :-) There are quite a few wildcat calibers in 6.5 mm that have become mainstream lately. Many of them appearing in the last 10-15 years or so. The Creedmore is really popular, and I'm not sure if it's because the name sorta rolls off the tongue, or it's that much better than all the rest. Posing a question about a 6.5 on a gun board is almost as bad as asking what's the best oil on VR.org... The NOS stands for Nosler of the bullet company. They are also making their own ammo. Military snipers latched on the the 338 Lapua, and every testosterone laden 20 year old had to have one. I own a 338RUM (Remington Ultra Mag) in a 700LSS. Not because I just had to have one, but I won a bunch of custom manufactured ammo in an auction and then had to go out and buy a gun to shoot it in. Ain't rationalization wonderful.... :-) I'm also a staunch supporter of the 6.5, and have been shooting one for close to 60 years, in 264 win mag. 264=6.5. I think there are so many flavors of ammo 'cuase every one is chasing a rabbit that doesn't exist..and never will.. A rifle that will shoot like a frozen clothesline to 1000 yards, deliver knock down power at that distance, and has zero recoil... :whistling:

rem700.338RUM.1 (Medium).jpg


2016-11-27 12.16.32 (Medium).jpg

Edited by Condor
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Tonights weather = flood warnings are in effect :178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178::178:


WOWZY WOW WOW WOW,, now THAT is what I am talkin bout = GORGEOUS SHOOTER FOOL = NICE JOB:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Also, a HUGE thank you for the full report brother = THANKS JEFF!!

Now I got a request,,, I would LOVE to see a close up of the finished barrel crown!! IMHO, "Crowning" makes or breaks a good shooter, almost as important as good bedding, and I would love to see what worked for you. Is it still 6.5x55? What does it like in bullet weight/configuration? What's the farthest you've shot it?

NICE,, REAL NICE!!:thumbsup:


The crown is just a standard 11° target crown, nuttin special. I have a piloted cutter made just for doing 11° crowns. This was about the easiest part of the whole build. Pick the correct pilot stick it in the reamer and a few turns later, a perfect crown. I will see if I can remember to get a pic of it.


Yes it is still a 6.5x55 Swedish. I load 140 grain bullets, I started out with the 140g Nosler partitions, only because at the time there was no 140g ballistic tip. This is a deer gun first and foremost and was a fun project gun second. for maximum accuracy the rounds can not be put in the magazine, they must be individually loaded directly into the chamber. This is because the Partitions have a very soft lead nose that is easily damaged feeding up the ramp. If I load the mag the accuracy drops to "only" 1 to 1.5 MOA. The ballistic tips are well known for extreme accuracy and low drag t o help retain velocity down range, that hard plastic tip also is very hard to damage and upset trajectory.

The longest shooting range around here is 300 yards. So that is pretty much the farthest that I shoot anything under controlled conditions. I can play out to 600 yards when in the woods. But this gun has not been shot at more than 300. In a stock mil surplus 6.5x55 I tested several over the years and in everyone of them the NoGo chamber gauge fit in the chamber just fine with the bolt closed. After more research I found that there is also a "field" gauge. this allows for an even bigger chamber. In all of the guns I checked I only ran into one that the field gauge closed the bolt on. I recommended that the owner take it to a smith and have the chamber fixed BEFORE shooting again. When shooting ammo out of these sloppy stock chambers you could only get 1 or 2 or sometimes 3 if you were lucky reloads before the brass would split. Sometimes it split on the very first firing. The Small ring Mauser action is not very strong so loads have to be kept pretty light for safety. But since I made my own chamber right at minimum specs the brass fits nice and tight so I can load a bit hotter, and the brass only needs the neck resized for reloading.


This certainly the most work that I ever put into any one gun with all of the custom machining. And then there is all of the special tools and holding fixtures to do all of that machining that had to be made or acquired. If you include all of the expenses it cost :mo money: :mo money: :mo money: :mo money:And it took me 3 years to do.

Edited by Flyinfool
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YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::clap2::clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:


My son in law called this morning and says,, DAD - GUESS WHAT - THE CALIFORNIA HI CAP MAG LAW HAS BEEN FOUND UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!:usa::usa::usa::usa:


Apparently there is absolute truth to what he was telling me as some of the big vendors have already dropped California from their "Can Not Ship To These Socialist States" restrictions.

My response to my son in law went something like this: THAT is OUTSTANDING in a genuine, gotta LOVE being a Constitutionalist kinda way!! So,,, what do you got laying around that's quick release Magazined that your gonna be grabbing mags for before the RUSH starts. His response: Ruger 10/22 but the rush is already started Dad, Brownells is backlogged from here (Sac) to your house..

Note to all interested in Hi Cap Mags (over 10 rounds, 10 Rounds has been the max in California),, might not be a bad idea to grab what cha need BEFORE this really goes nuts out there in the market place!! :missingtooth::stirthepot::stirthepot::witch_brew::witch_brew::happy34:

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YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::clap2::clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:


My son in law called this morning and says,, DAD - GUESS WHAT - THE CALIFORNIA HI CAP MAG LAW HAS BEEN FOUND UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!:usa::usa::usa::usa:


Apparently there is absolute truth to what he was telling me as some of the big vendors have already dropped California from their "Can Not Ship To These Socialist States" restrictions.

My response to my son in law went something like this: THAT is OUTSTANDING in a genuine, gotta LOVE being a Constitutionalist kinda way!! So,,, what do you got laying around that's quick release Magazined that your gonna be grabbing mags for before the RUSH starts. His response: Ruger 10/22 but the rush is already started Dad, Brownells is backlogged from here (Sac) to your house..

Note to all interested in Hi Cap Mags (over 10 rounds, 10 Rounds has been the max in California),, might not be a bad idea to grab what cha need BEFORE this really goes nuts out there in the market place!! :missingtooth::stirthepot::stirthepot::witch_brew::witch_brew::happy34:


Yeah, a federal judge just declared it unconstitutional, but.... the state will appeal, and until the stay goes thru and becomes law, the 10rnd mag restriction will still be in effect. So, anyone buying or selling hi-caps will be subject to legal action... So hold yer horses on buying anything... We'll get excited...or disappointed... later.. Remember any appeals go thru the 9th district federal court... About as liberal left as you can get...

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You guys are getting more like Canada every day! Here all handguns are limited to 10 rounds max (except for 22LR) If the standard mag is more than 10 rounds it has to be pinned at 10!

Today I saw one of the most ill informed anti's spouting to the media. He was part of a nationwide demonstration against "assault weapons" (which cannot legally be purchased in Canada anyway). He stated "We need to change the laws that allow people to carry these things around!" Thing is, we already have such a law.... any restricted firearm (which includes all handguns & many (restricted) long guns that "non-shooters" would consider to be "assault weapons" can only be transported when unloaded, in a locked case & fitted with a trigger lock.

So we already have the law this guy wants, but he was so ignorant he didn't know that. Oh! BTW he was a doctor who one hopes is an intelligent person.

Sometimes I just despair at the ignorance out there BUT these seem to be the people that get listened to. Oh for an NRA equivalent up here! All our advocacy groups do is argue among themselves as to which one is best. None seem willing to take on Gov't head on.

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Received a flash sale email from my gun dealer today offering the Kel-Tec PMR 30 .22WMR for $359.00 (msrp $450+). Got excited but I have heard lack luster reports on this. Went online and read multiple reports that left me with the opinion of "ho hum", and put the idea out of my head. Great range gun but not much more, because at the range you don't have to depend on the gun firing every time. Had this problem with my Ruger MK III at the beginning but Ruger took care of that.


On to bigger and better projects.



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Yeah, a federal judge just declared it unconstitutional, but.... the state will appeal, and until the stay goes thru and becomes law, the 10rnd mag restriction will still be in effect. So, anyone buying or selling hi-caps will be subject to legal action... So hold yer horses on buying anything... We'll get excited...or disappointed... later.. Remember any appeals go thru the 9th district federal court... About as liberal left as you can get...


Ok, here's some more info on the 10 round mag issue happening in Kommiefornia.... I received this this morning. So I guess it still means that you can't cash'n'carry or sell a hi-cap after 5p-dst, or you're a criminal... until the liberal courts decide if the law is unconstitutional....


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[TD][TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD=class: GalleryItem][TABLE=width: 100%]


[TD]Court issues Stay on decision to overturn California magazine laws.


The Stay goes into effect


Friday, April 5, 2019 at 5:00pm.




If they are "in transit for delivery" and they arrive after 5:00pm THEY ARE ILLEGAL.





[TABLE=width: 100%]


[TD]GOC will continue to keep you Armed & Informed. Follow our blog, forward our e-news alerts, join us at our upcoming fundraising events, and help us continue the fight to defend the Second Amendment in the courts.

We must stand together!














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Ok, here's some more info on the 10 round mag issue happening in Kommiefornia.... I received this this morning. So I guess it still means that you can't cash'n'carry or sell a hi-cap after 5p-dst, or you're a criminal... until the liberal courts decide if the law is unconstitutional....


[TABLE=width: 100%]


[TD][TABLE=width: 600, align: center]


[TD][TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD=class: GalleryItem][TABLE=width: 100%]


[TD]Court issues Stay on decision to overturn California magazine laws.


The Stay goes into effect


Friday, April 5, 2019 at 5:00pm.




If they are "in transit for delivery" and they arrive after 5:00pm THEY ARE ILLEGAL.[/TD]



[TABLE=width: 100%]


[TD]GOC will continue to keep you Armed & Informed. Follow our blog, forward our e-news alerts, join us at our upcoming fundraising events, and help us continue the fight to defend the Second Amendment in the courts.

We must stand together![/TD]














Well thats a heck of a note Condor!!:95:

I ordered and received two :95:30 rounders for my Sacramento daughters and my son-in-laws 10/22's that I was gonna ship to them as a Welcome Back To A Free America gift :95:!! Oh well,,, looks like I may have to make some lemonade again (you know brother,, when life deals ya lemons.....) and now go searching for a good deal on a Ruger 10/22 just so I can use the mags here in Michigan :big-grin-emoticon:... DSCN8275.JPGDSCN8276.JPG

Edited by cowpuc
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Well thats a heck of a note Condor!!:95:

I ordered and received two :95:30 rounders for my Sacramento daughters and my son-in-laws 10/22's that I was gonna ship to them as a Welcome Back To A Free America gift :95:!! Oh well,,, looks like I may have to make some lemonade again (you know brother,, when life deals ya lemons.....) and now go searching for a good deal on a Ruger 10/22 just so I can use the mags here in Michigan :big-grin-emoticon:... https://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=115964https://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=115965


Yeah, it wasn't surprising. What really tics me off is they spend our tax dollars to pass their damn unconstitutional gun laws, and then we have to dig into our pockets to fund the legal fees to fight them. It's a double edged sword. We're screwed no matter what end of the stick we're holding... Also with any gun action that's being tried, you'd think that every gun organization needs to beg for money to fund the cause. Whether they have anything to do with it or not.. Talk about a gravy train... And it seems like every beg email I get they're always short of their goal. It's almost like the cure is worst than the disease.... OK off soap box...for a while... :-)


Sorry you jumped the gun (pun intended) on the hi-caps Puc. I'd say that if... they hand carried them back home no one would be the wiser.... :think: It's not illegal to own a hi-cap if it was acquired before the 10 round went into effect...but who's to tell..?? I have a couple of 30's for my 10-22 squirled away... They are legal except for a brief period after Prop 63 was enacted and that part of the bill was canceled...

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Yeah, it wasn't surprising. What really tics me off is they spend our tax dollars to pass their damn unconstitutional gun laws, and then we have to dig into our pockets to fund the legal fees to fight them. It's a double edged sword. We're screwed no matter what end of the stick we're holding... Also with any gun action that's being tried, you'd think that every gun organization needs to beg for money to fund the cause. Whether they have anything to do with it or not.. Talk about a gravy train... And it seems like every beg email I get they're always short of their goal. It's almost like the cure is worst than the disease.... OK off soap box...for a while... :-)


Sorry you jumped the gun (pun intended) on the hi-caps Puc. I'd say that if... they hand carried them back home no one would be the wiser.... :think: It's not illegal to own a hi-cap if it was acquired before the 10 round went into effect...but who's to tell..?? I have a couple of 30's for my 10-22 squirled away... They are legal except for a brief period after Prop 63 was enacted and that part of the bill was canceled...


So now the big question I just gotta ask ya Condor, can you legally use those hi cap mags in the field without worrying about west coast Socialist :bobby: coppin (pun intended) an attitude and :mugshot:ing ya? What fun is owning em iffen ya cant use em?? :missingtooth:

If it's one of those things where if you can prove they were purchased during the pre-ban but are not mailable into Commifornia,, perhaps I could just give em the receipts and the mags when they come to Michigan for my other daughters wedding in June and then hand carry them home with the paperwork in their possession to show the Gestapo if they need it...

The plot thickens


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So now the big question I just gotta ask ya Condor, can you legally use those hi cap mags in the field without worrying about west coast Socialist coppin (pun intended) an attitude and ing ya? What fun is owning em iffen ya cant use em??

If it's one of those things where if you can prove they were purchased during the pre-ban but are not mailable into Commifornia,, perhaps I could just give em the receipts and the mags when they come to Michigan for my other daughters wedding in June and then hand carry them home with the paperwork in their possession to show the Gestapo if they need it...

The plot thickens



The way the law reads is you can't buy, sell, import, or manufacture any mag over 10 rounds. There was one part of the bill that made it illegal to own one over 10. I have a 14 round Smith that I had to pick up a couple of 10 rounders for just to make it legal. And...maybe :whistling: I squireled away the 14's. So now they're legal to own but I'm not sure about the using them part??... I'll have to check on that one??

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My newest edition to my collection is a S&W M&P 40 I have not taken it to the range yet but I will this weekend and compare it to my Glock 22 I can tell you already the ergonomics is far better than the Glock and if it shoots as well I will sell the Glock.M&P40.jpg

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My newest edition to my collection is a S&W M&P 40 I have not taken it to the range yet but I will this weekend and compare it to my Glock 22 I can tell you already the ergonomics is far better than the Glock and if it shoots as well I will sell the Glock.https://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=115980


WOWZY WOW WOW WOW Tuffy = NICE!!!!! Noticing it came with a variety of grip sleeves for personalizing to your hand? Are those slide on/slide off or does the grip gotta come apart to tune to your hand? What mags does it use and are they double stackers to create hi cap? Either way, that is a slick looking shooter,, cant wait to hear your full report my friend!! :thumbsup:

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WOWZY WOW WOW WOW Tuffy = NICE!!!!! Noticing it came with a variety of grip sleeves for personalizing to your hand? Are those slide on/slide off or does the grip gotta come apart to tune to your hand? What mags does it use and are they double stackers to create hi cap? Either way, that is a slick looking shooter,, cant wait to hear your full report my friend!! :thumbsup:

It is easy to change the grips just drop the mags and it comes with 13 round double stack but has extentions for 15 round mags that I ordered and just twist the half moon and pull then the grip comes out.Grip Removal.jpg

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The bug is starting to nibble again..........


My Rem 700 ADL, Stainless Steel, 7MAG deer gun is showing its age. It has devoured thousands of rounds over the years and the throat is pretty well shot. I have been debating with myself whether I should replace it with a new one, or rebuild and accurize this one. If I rebuild it it will cost about the same money as a new one and it will effectively be a new gun. If I go new I can probably sell this one for $600-$700 to recoup some of the costs. It looks like new on the outside, But the group size had opened from 3/4 MOA to about 1.5 MOA. For most deer hunters this could still be the most accurate gun they ever owned. I have sold my "worn out" deer guns before and the buyer was always super happy with it.


Rebuild would include;

Recut bolt face to square it up.

Recut lugs to square them up.

Remove barrel and get a blank barrel to make for the gun, which would include cut taper, threads, crown, and chamber.

A new glass stock, that would have to get aluminum bedding.

Bigger recoil lug.

Reface receiver face and locking lugs.

New scope.


Either way will be around $2K, and be a wonderful gun.:mo money:


What to do? What to do? What to do? What to do?


I know, I know, If in doubt do both........... but........:mo money::mo money:

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My newest edition to my collection is a S&W M&P 40 I have not taken it to the range yet but I will this weekend and compare it to my Glock 22 I can tell you already the ergonomics is far better than the Glock and if it shoots as well I will sell the Glock.


NICE!!!! I've had the hots for one of those for quite a while now. The only problem is it's not on the CA Roster so the only way to find one is buy it from another CA resident. And of course because it can't be imported from out of state they get pricy.... They pull $750+ for a clean used one... Hopefully the SCOTUS will declare the damn roster unconstitutional....

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In my opinion it is a no brainer. Upgrade and save your labor and frustration. :backinmyday:




The "labor and frustration" are half of the fun. I am not a machinist by trade so to me doing all that machine work is a blast and just as much fun as the shooting part. (or does the blast come later???)


That and when I am done I will truly have a one of a kind custom rifle that I can say "I made this". True the deer do not care much either way. :whistling: They taste pretty much the same whether I use a store bought or custom rifle.

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I do not have a lean yet, As I mentioned maybe the proper path is to buy a new one for the instant gratification part and then can take my time building the other one.


Last night some one made me such an offer on a very low miles Ruger, in 7 MAG with a good scope and even a muzzle break.

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The bug is starting to nibble again..........


My Rem 700 ADL, Stainless Steel, 7MAG deer gun is showing its age. It has devoured thousands of rounds over the years and the throat is pretty well shot. I have been debating with myself whether I should replace it with a new one, or rebuild and accurize this one. If I rebuild it it will cost about the same money as a new one and it will effectively be a new gun. If I go new I can probably sell this one for $600-$700 to recoup some of the costs. It looks like new on the outside, But the group size had opened from 3/4 MOA to about 1.5 MOA. For most deer hunters this could still be the most accurate gun they ever owned. I have sold my "worn out" deer guns before and the buyer was always super happy with it.


Rebuild would include;

Recut bolt face to square it up.

Recut lugs to square them up.

Remove barrel and get a blank barrel to make for the gun, which would include cut taper, threads, crown, and chamber.

A new glass stock, that would have to get aluminum bedding.

Bigger recoil lug.

Reface receiver face and locking lugs.

New scope.


Either way will be around $2K, and be a wonderful gun.:mo money:


What to do? What to do? What to do? What to do?


I know, I know, If in doubt do both........... but........:mo money::mo money:


The "labor and frustration" are half of the fun. I am not a machinist by trade so to me doing all that machine work is a blast and just as much fun as the shooting part. (or does the blast come later???)


That and when I am done I will truly have a one of a kind custom rifle that I can say "I made this". True the deer do not care much either way. :whistling: They taste pretty much the same whether I use a store bought or custom rifle.


IMHO, Fool is a true blue, genuine "BUILDER" while many of us, myself included, in taking parts and pieces and putting a shooter together are "ASSEMBLERS".. I went thru that discussion many times over the years when attending the Sturgis Rally and yakking with other builder and assemblers there concerning Choppers. When the Chopper craze hit and the flood of Cookie Cutters hit the market - "Assemblers" became numerous and "Builders" became very scarce..

I HIGHLY commend that lop eared White Washin varmint @Flyinfool for his building endeavor and share in the joy he speaks of in putting the time in (and I KNOW building anything can be time consuming). WAYYY COOL FOOL!!:thumbsup::clap2::dancefool:

On the other hand though,, for those of us who are retired, have no longer got the use of worn out ol hands (and minds in some cases), have sold off machinery needed to make chips or tig up a mount but our lead tossing days are still not done :Laugh:,, turning into an ASSEMBLER can be fun too :hurts:..


A perfect example,,, this is what I would rate really simple assembly.. PSA recently ran a sale on their complete uppers (if you wanna keep it as simple as possible when assembling an AR,, make sure the Upper you purchase comes with the Charge Handle and the Bolt Carrier Group).. PSA's lowers were on sale a couple months back for CHEAP. Fold the hammer back on the reciever so it's in the Cocked position, flip the safety to ON, push the two receiver pins over to allow the upper in, drop the upper into the forward pivot pin location and push the pin in, pivot the upper into alignment with the buffer and push in the rear pin. Slide in a magazine and WHALA,, instant AR47..

***Probably a good idea to take a stroll down Hickock45's AR15 cleaning vids if your gonna shoot one of these puppies though,, IMHO of course :Bunny:


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It is easy to change the grips just drop the mags and it comes with 13 round double stack but has extentions for 15 round mags that I ordered and just twist the half moon and pull then the grip comes out.https://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=115981


WOWZY WOW WOW WOW :178:,, now THAT is SLICK Tuffy,,, wayyyyyyyyy cool :cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10:


I love the design! Being a lop eared simple minded varmint like myself, I am sure it would not be to hard for anyone to understand my glee in seeing the advantage of easy peasy instant change from fitting big hands to small hands in a matter of seconds and right out in the field!! I REALLY like your new shooter brother = NICE:happy34:

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