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I may be crazy and only dreamed this (I do this a lot lately,,,,,, sure, go ahead and laugh fuzz ball BUT in your laughter REMEMBER,, we all get old!!) but while reading the forum on that tiny little screen, didnt I read where one of you lop eared varmints was looking for a rubber plug for the Anti Dive on a 1st Gen? If you are you and your reading this,,, did you find one?

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Hey Cowpuc, Just a comment, I have really enjoyed you vids and posts and I thank you for the information you have shared. Yes, that would be me looking for that silly rubber cap. Just so you know, you haven't lost it yet. I know it's silly, but it triggers my sense of aesthetics. I got the black vinyl covered braided lines just to keep the color " right " on the front end. Can't have the black cap on one side and not the other. Sadly my quest continues. I have found one, but I have to buy the whole bike. Seems a bit extreme just to get one plastic cap but I am considering it. If the bike was an '83 blond, I would in a heart beat. It's not... There is an '83 getting parted out in W.V.. I may call the guy... So far, no luck on the cap.

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Hey Cowpuc, Just a comment, I have really enjoyed you vids and posts and I thank you for the information you have shared. Yes, that would be me looking for that silly rubber cap. Just so you know, you haven't lost it yet. I know it's silly, but it triggers my sense of aesthetics. I got the black vinyl covered braided lines just to keep the color " right " on the front end. Can't have the black cap on one side and not the other. Sadly my quest continues. I have found one, but I have to buy the whole bike. Seems a bit extreme just to get one plastic cap but I am considering it. If the bike was an '83 blond, I would in a heart beat. It's not... There is an '83 getting parted out in W.V.. I may call the guy... So far, no luck on the cap.


Back at cha brother,,, like all normal folks and lop eared's around here, sometimes my opinions cause issues and I end up in the Penalty Box but then there are the other times :happy34:.. Your welcome!


I got some kibble and bit pieces and parts laying around here,,, ok,, 3 bikes worth (all missin stuff though,, I got "friends" you know :rotf:) that I can actually see peering at me from under their covers out by my tent garage.. It's a little nippy outside right now so it may take a second but I will slip on my carharts and take a meander out there and see if one of those little covers happen to be still be hanging on for dear life.. Before I do though,,, is it just ONE that you need?

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Yessir Mr. Cowpuc sir ! Yep ! Just the one ! Though it's really hot here, 29F at the moment, I won't have a good man going out into sub zero temps for such a thing. Wait for a heat wave, at least 30F, before rushing out to your tent barn. It is a great comfort to know the bike will wobble straight when it's done now. I'm beginning to think I'm the only one that doesn't have one or two Mk1's put back for parts.

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Well,, I got good news and I got bad news,,, which cha want first Vic :stirthepot::hihi:.. Ok, first the good news,,, all ya gotta do is look at the pics below to get this news :happy34:. Now for the bad,,, in this very very unusual case,, a picture is NOT worth a thousand words.. The scoop is is that, being tired, worn out and geezerly (seems to be a common issue around my place) those parts bikes of mine have seen better days - especially little rubber parts like we are talking about.. Something tells me that their owner should probably have spent more time detailing his bike then he did out CTFW on them.. I even checked my current 83 rider and found that one of them was nothing but pieces barely hanging on and it crumbled in my hand. The one on the other side did look to be in better shape so I tapped Tweeksis (thats our bikes name) on the headlight and asked if she'ld like some help with correcting that "out of balance look" that was now plaguing her. She gave the nod so I reached down and pulled off that little remaining cover off and that is the one in the picture. Upon close inspection of this one though I noticed it too has hairline cracking going across it in a couple places - enough so that I am POSITIVE that if a person squeezed it - it too would come apart - it is DEFINITELY an original piece!!!

Personally,, when it comes to these good old 1st Gens,, my love for them revolves around the fact that they take a licken and keep on ticken and not so much on the cosmetic detail side of the equation. Being an old scoot/chop builder at heart though , I am no stranger to detail work and I asked myself if I were in your shoes, would I be able to use the piece. It didnt take long for - ohhhh heck ya - to pop in there. What I would do is I would take it and carefully clean it really really well inside and out with good spray carb cleaner sprayed onto a swab. I would pay extra careful attention to the interior of the cover and all the little edges in there. Then I would go down to the Dollar Store and grab a tube of "E6000". I have used LOTS of E6 over the years for fixing everything from Carb diaphrams to 3 inch holes punched in my side bags from having to roll the bike over to upright it on a mountain side out in Utah. THE STUFF IS AMAZING!! With the little cover clean and dry inside and out I would carefully swap on a real nice layer of E6 into the internal wall and end cap inside the cover, then I would let that dry.. Then I may or may not, squeeze the cover a little and fill in the cracks and then wipe the exterior of the cover back down = good as new!!!

If any of that sounds doable to you, send me a name and address and I will stick the little cover in a small protective box and send it to ya free of charge. If all this sounds crazy and like wayyyyyyy to much trouble, just pass on it and I will keep my eyes open for a nicer one for you!! DSCN7957.JPGDSCN7952.JPGDSCN7951.JPGDSCN7950.JPG

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Oh yeah, that sounds awesome! I'm wondering if the E-6000 is the same or similar to the Yamabond 5 that I already have. That stuff is tough and sticks well too. It's thin enough so it doesn't clog up the ridge on the inside of the cap, compromising the purchase the cap has on the ridge on the anti dive body. Either way, it's better than a piece of rubber tube to camouflage the adjusting screw area. I'm totally up for this. I'll PM you shortly. Thank you so much !

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Anddd your part is on it's way Vickersguy :happy34:!! I packed er up pretty good so those youngens tossin packages like footballs down at the post office dont squish it and cause issues :detective:. Hopefully it serves the purpose and makes that 83 of yours fly full dignity:usa: :beer:.

I too have used LOTS and LOTS of YamaBond thru the years = GOOD STUFF. Matter of fact, besides it's normal application as a fantastic "gasket" material when rebuilding engines where no actual gasket is found between case halves and such, I also used to use YamaBond #5 for diaphram repairs on my 1st Gens very successfully and ran many many thousands of miles on them - that stuff is AWESOME and there should be a tube of it in every mechanics tool box as far as I am concerned. Now this E3000 that I refer to, well,, lets just say that from my experience with the stuff, it is YamaBond 5 on steroids x5!! The secret to using E6000 for applications like we are talking about here is (and again, this is just my opinion) is you gotta make sure you have a fresh tube and that its warm, not hot to touch but about equal to body temp when you go to use it. The stuff is not as runny as #5 BUT unless you do BUT = WOW is it amazingly resilient and does it ever maintain its flexibility. It also has more of an adhesiveness to it - especially when applied to rubber. WORKS GREAT for restoring cracked rubber intake manifolds too!! Here is a little video I put together for another good friend who asked about the stuff. Take a peek and see what you think! As far as what you choose to use,, that is entirely up to you as the part is no longer registered under my name :rotf:. :biker:


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Thanks for the Video. That looks like a cure-all for those pesky diaphragms.... But...keep it a secret :ignore: and don't tell anyone, and we can buy those cheap non-op carb banks off eBay... :-)



But if I dont em, how will they know how well it works and who to come see when they want their diaphrams fixed brother? You KNOW as well as I do that these people dont fix their own bikes:witch_brew:!! You and I are gonna make a FORTUNE here!!! :guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2:


Speaking about making a fortune,,, anyone heard from @Flyinfool? I haven't gotten my monthly cut of the WWW cash and WOWZY WOW WOW is it :snow: here!!! Thinking that lop eared prankster may have run off with the cash and left the White Washer turned on :doh:

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Speaking about making a fortune,,, anyone heard from Flyinfool? I haven't gotten my monthly cut of the WWW cash and WOWZY WOW WOW is it :snow: here!!! Thinking that lop eared prankster may have run off with the cash and left the White Washer turned on :doh:


He's down in the sewer.....

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But if I dont em, how will they know how well it works and who to come see when they want their diaphrams fixed brother? You KNOW as well as I do that these people dont fix their own bikes:witch_brew:!! You and I are gonna make a FORTUNE here!!! :guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2:


Speaking about making a fortune,,, anyone heard from Flyinfool? I haven't gotten my monthly cut of the WWW cash and WOWZY WOW WOW is it :snow: here!!! Thinking that lop eared prankster may have run off with the cash and left the White Washer turned on :doh:


All the cash has run out........ AND you seem to have gone sneaking past my house a couple more times and didn't even wave as you went by.......


As @Condor said, I am down playing in the sewer again..... So a bit preoccupied, I might have forgot to swing the nozzles or to turn it off. Good thing I put on a bigger hopper, Would hate to see it run out of materials and seize up or something......

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Yes Yes and Yes ! The cap blew in this afternoon and there wasn't even any ice on it. It is awesome ! It's even more awesome because it's the first part on the bike with a story, which makes it better than a new cap even ! My cap on the left and Tweeksis's donation proudly mounted on the right ! Thank you so much Puc. Let me show you > I also have found new ways to occupy myself till the soldering station arrives so I can fix the CMU. I've been modifying the plastic mounts for the studs in the instrument pod. Very cool huh ? I guess it's time to play with the epoxy again....



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Yes Yes and Yes ! The cap blew in this afternoon and there wasn't even any ice on it. It is awesome ! It's even more awesome because it's the first part on the bike with a story, which makes it better than a new cap even ! My cap on the left and Tweeksis's donation proudly mounted on the right ! Thank you so much Puc. Let me show you > I also have found new ways to occupy myself till the soldering station arrives so I can fix the CMU. I've been modifying the plastic mounts for the studs in the instrument pod. Very cool huh ? I guess it's time to play with the epoxy again....


LOOKS GREAT MY FRIEND :clap2::dancefool:!! I just took the picture you have here and showed it to Tweeks - she is setting downstairs waiting for warm weather and got great big :big-grin-emoticon: on her purdy face and gave you the double :thumbsup:!!

Hope your other repair job has gone well and you got that purdy scoot of yours all back together @Vickersguy!! SPRING IS COMING and its almost time to let em buck!!:missingtooth:

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