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rough night in KC area


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what a night.........storms...tornados.......went thru about 3 rounds of it last night.....


started here around 8 pm.......the entire ford plant while Dale was at work got sent downstairs for tornados......baseball size hail about 40 miles north of here...glad we didnt get that....

the worse round came thru about 2 am........huricane strength winds....they call em staright line winds here...lol./.... ..they some reached 120 mph......they say about 200 homes and businesses were flattened a lil south of here......

it woke me from a dead sleep when that one came thru......looked out my window and it was unreal....

luckily no damage here.......yard is full of tree branches.........and one tree behind our shed lost a huge branch...didn't fall on anything other than the neighbors fence.....couple nieghbors have some trees down also..

we have a brand new trampoline in the back yard......still there!!! we have sand bags on the legs cause we know what happens around here...don't think it would be in one piece this morning if we hadn't secured it.

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Cindy, Sure glad you and Dale made it threw the storms ok and no one got hurt.

Makes for a long night ...wondering if and when....

I noticed in pic #4 that your nighbors lawn chairs are still on his back cement slab...suprised they didnt get blown over or into your yard..

It amazes me during a storm , how one thing is blown apart and yet the item right next to it, or close by, isnt touched..

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