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Got this letter from Yamaha Canada

Hello Bill,


The 2019 Star Venture is taking a break for 2019. We hope to see this model return to the line-up in 2020.






From: No Reply

Sent: 10 décembre 2018 12:04

To: YMCA_Customer_Relations

Subject: Yamaha Motor :: Contact Us

So what does this mean for all of us for parts and even resale value

Got this letter from Yamaha Canada

Hello Bill,


The 2019 Star Venture is taking a break for 2019. We hope to see this model return to the line-up in 2020.






From: No Reply

Sent: 10 décembre 2018 12:04

To: YMCA_Customer_Relations

Subject: Yamaha Motor :: Contact Us

So what does this mean for all of us for parts and even resale value

I seen this earlier... I would hope it means they are trying to fix **** and fit it with a v4[emoji4] j/k on v4... But I hope it means they are gonna work out the kinks in the infotainment system and so fourth.


Sent from my LG-M255 using Tapatalk


I have a lot of thoughts on this as it has been a rumor. I think there sells in the US has been really slow. The Yamaha dealer that I usually work with has only sold one TC and one Eluder. I can't believe that they will discontinue this model as they have to much money invested in it. If they drop this model I believe they will no longer be in the touring market. Bummer

I have a lot of thoughts on this as it has been a rumor. I think there sells in the US has been really slow. The Yamaha dealer that I usually work with has only sold one TC and one Eluder. I can't believe that they will discontinue this model as they have to much money invested in it. If they drop this model I believe they will no longer be in the touring market. Bummer


IMO, they over priced it. For 27k price range most bikers would rather purchase a new Harley. At least those that I know.


Coming from Yamaha of Canada that sounds kind of strange as the reports from our Canuckian Land brothers all reported a complete early sell out up there. I remember one person reporting that he had gotten the last 2018 SVTC available in Canada and, if memory serves, that was way back in December of last year - no idea about Eluders but I am almost positive the SVTC was a complete sell out up there.. It seems like the last thing Mom Yam would do is stop production on a bike with that much demand up there.

Now if that announcement were U.S. related, and judging by the lack of sales and discounts we have seen here in our area on left overs, then, yeah,, I could see it.. Our local dealership has still not sold either 1 of either one.


On the same token though, I do feel somewhat compelled to share some personal opinion. Some of you may remember this thread: https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?102280-Let-the-discussion-begin&highlight=make+mine+fastest? In that thread back in 2015 we/I shared my own personal opinionated thoughts concerning what I would like to see in the new bike which, in fact, lined up with numerous Venture Riders ideas. In my case, those "wishes" have never resided and I still hold the opinion that had Mom Yam produced such a high performing, magic between the bars machine as we described - the sales (if that is what is holding back the '19's and/or there is any truth to the 19's being held back) in the U.S. would definitely show more competitive in the U.S..

That said, Mom Yam,, I have no idea if you ever even read our forums any more but, if you do, please note. Even though, because of health issues, my long distance, tent camping motorcycle touring days are over and my wife and I have moved on into CTFW's of a +60 MPG Micro Motorhome for that endeavor, I would STILL be 100% interested in purchasing a +160 hp, +120 Ft/pd torque, water cooled, V-4 or more, shaft driven, touring bike. You could even use the current SVTC fairing arrangement - just take those non-functional lowers and put radiators behind them.. The only thing that I am going to add to my original wish list from '15 is going to be either NO electronic speed limiter and/or a simple way to turn it off. Please let it known if you are going to do this as I have local guys standing in line wanting to buy my early model R1 named Maggy which, as soon as that +160 MPH, 3rd gear front wheel lifting, 4th gear rear tire smoking 1700cc motored new Yamaha touring bike found me, it would be my last and only scoot I would need :big-grin-emoticon:.


Here is my wish list from '15 that still applies:

I have been a Yamaha enthusiast for many many years and they have proven to me over and over again that they are TOPS!! Owned a couple early YZ monoshock MX bikes way back and they were AWESOME!! My little RD350 and RD250 (remains still in my basement) were giant killers - proving Yamaha's superiority in R&D!! My 73 XS650 beat across the country with me on its back several times, chopped it and rode it many more miles until sold. Bought a brand new 650 Special, AWESOME "cloned" mini Harley that saw the west too!! My faith in mother Yamaha has been proven 5 times over by my continual riding of the 1st Gen Ventures starting in 1987 until present day with my 83 that has almost 300k on it!! Fact is, folks at Yamaha, I AM READY FOR THE NEXT PHASE!!

All that said, here is my feeble wish list:


1700cc V-4 "V-Max" motor.. Detune it if you must (just like before) but please,, dont do another V-Twin - got enough of em.. You guys can do it,, I KNOW YOU CAN!!

Shaft drive!

EFI with a tunable tuner - even if its an add on - please provide one so we can tune it!!

LED lighting.

Engine guarding and saddle bag guarding.

Adjustable bars like on the first gen.

Factory tank and windshield bags.

Fixed Fairing.

Get the same Doctors who advised you on constructing the seat of the 1st Gens (cant remember what you call those guys) to advise you on this one - my kids, wife and I LOVE what they did!! Keep the seat height difference between the rider and passenger no more than 3 inches (2 is great) - raising the passenger higher causes weight imbalance and makes slow speed riding harder.

Ease of removal of the trunk(s) for changing rear tire.

Center stand.

Forward boards with normal foot pegs located rearward so standing up while riding is still possible, shift and brake levers at both locations (no heal toe please).

Hand warmers.

Key removable rear trunk and bags.

Grease zerks on all main pivot points.

High output stator even though it has LED's.

Double check the gear sets in the tranny and make sure they ramp up solidly.

Oversized clutch to insure NO slippage in high gears with xtra weight.

42 millimeter front fork tubes with progressive springs.

Imbed reflective tape (or use reflective paint) in paint lines (like pin striping) so all profiles of bike light up when grazed by car lights.

Add a large foot onto side stand - tired of bending over to pick up stand plate after parking on loose ground.

Explore which tire sizes are the most common and build around those standards so tire choices and finding them are easy.

Remember those long grips you used on the first gens? Use those, I love bending them back onto my knees.

Enclose the motor well to keep ANY objectional heat off both riders BUT - use lots of venting with plenums to act as heaters when needed.

Windshield it so the rear rider remains in the protective air pocket - functional vents in shield and fairing to adjust air movement if needed (hey,, could be asking for servo operated shield but I dont care for more things to go wrong).

6 speed Over drive tranny.

Use GOOD solder, especially with ECU pins. QC the daylights out of it! DONT go cheap and trust the Chinese!!

Dont short us on wire harness leads so wiring is tight - xtra 1/4 inch really helps!!

Make fairing panels easy to remove but not so they fall off.

Supply printable shop manual disc and printed well written owners manual. Supply GOOD factory tire pressure guage.

Chrome is out for me, I LOVE dull stainless (like the pipes on the "New" V-Max),, matter of fact,, build mine with no rustable chrome and all dull stainless!!

Intercom, CB and radio would be nice.. Keep the tape deck.


OK, if you REALLY are reading this and you like what I am talking,, PLEASE make mine just a little faster in stock form than anyone elses.. Not that I would ever use the extra pazzaazz but I have buddies that I gotta compete with and just KNOWING I have the fastest one would be worth an extra grand to me:big-grin-emoticon:


I KNOW you can do it!! Keep the faith mother Yamaha - I AM!!



I don't know if that letter is legit or not. I've read elsewhere that it was a hoax. On the other hand, they would have typically already announced the 2019 models with the only likely changes being the colors offered.


I admit that it brings up a lot of questions if it is indeed true. I've never seen Yamaha do that before. From the time the first Venture was introduced in 1983 and until it was dropped in 1993, there was never a year when it wasn't produced. There were minor changes in 1985 and then more substantial changes in 1986 but there were at least new colors introduced every single year.


Then the RSV came out in 1999 and from 1999 until the last year in 2013, there was never a year skipped. There were NEVER any substantial changes made to the bike but there were at least new colors offered every year. Small changes in 2000 to the trunk support and the antennas but otherwise, it went basically unchanged for the entire run of the model.


If there is indeed not going to be a 2019 model, it truly does raise the question of "why not". Is it simply because it got a slow start when introduced and they over produced and have too many '18 models still available or is it because they have identified an issue or issues that are significant enough that some major re-work is coming? I hope it's not the latter.


Although I didn't get to put hardly any miles on my '18, I rode it enough to know that in spite of the complaints from the die hard Venture riders about it not being a V4, it is one heck of a fine bike. With the highway pegs and the handlebar risers, it is quiet possibly the most comfortable bike I have ever ridden and that says a lot. Though the first gen did not fit me well, the RSV was exceptionally comfortable for me. The 2013 Harley Road Glide was also very comfortable and pretty close to equal to the RSV in that regard. The '18 Star Venture probably beats them both however. I can imagine eating up a lot of miles on it without any stops except to gas up. The handling is also fantastic, far exceeding the RSV in the handling department.


So why no 2019 model? There have been a very few complaints but at least two or three people have had an issue with the cams. I know of at least two that have posted about it here. I think, and hope, that they are isolated cases and not indicative of a more wide spread issue. I think that is the case and know a number of riders have already put a lot of miles on the bikes with no issues so I really don't think it's an issue. There have been some complaints about the infotainment system but I've had absolutely no issues with mine and I think that most of the problems have been addressed with software updates. I just haven't seen a lot of major issues reported.


So if that letter is legit, that there will be no '19 model and they HOPE to see it return in '20, it truly is perplexing. This bike is so advanced in many ways that Yamaha much have spent a ton of money on the development. I just can't imagine it being dropped. If it is, then I guess those of us who bought them will end up owning what will become a rare bike. That doesn't necessarily mean anything in regards to future value though, at least not in the near term. I just hope that they haven't discovered some major issue that we don't know about.


So yes, I'll admit to being a bit concerned. Not panicking in any way but a little concerned.


i too have heard (read0 it was a hoax somewhere, as the actual release date on the 2018 was pushed so far back due to programing issues with the infotainment system, Yamaha maybe eating for the 2019 release to early in the year say late January or early February.


I suppose time will tell, perhaps all the marketing surveys were wrong and the folks that were going to buy a v twin did either Harley Indian or one of the other offerings like the Kawasaki and Suzuki and the rest were waiting for a new gee whiz hi tech wonder from mama yama and all the got was the downsized goldwing!!


LOL....if you've had the opportunity to look at it beside the new Goldwing, you know that there is nothing "downsized" about it. It's actually a great bike.


I have read and seen several posting on you tube about HD having some major engine issues on their Milwaukee 8 motors oiling system. Wipes out the engines. One fellow on you tube had his bike in for the 3rd engine. 1 original and now the second replacement. Next motor I would be replacing it with would be something else.

LOL....if you've had the opportunity to look at it beside the new Goldwing, you know that there is nothing "downsized" about it. It's actually a great bike.


actually its just about 100 mm shorter and 45 kilos lighter than the earlier bike

I have read and seen several posting on you tube about HD having some major engine issues on their Milwaukee 8 motors oiling system. Wipes out the engines. One fellow on you tube had his bike in for the 3rd engine. 1 original and now the second replacement. Next motor I would be replacing it with would be something else.


Yes, I've read several reports about that issue. Also a lot of posts on the Harley sites about it. Seems to be an issue with oil "disappearing". Something about a seal and the last I saw, Harely hadn't really come up with a solution. That was a while back though. They may have come up with something by now.

I have read and seen several posting on you tube about HD having some major engine issues on their Milwaukee 8 motors oiling system. Wipes out the engines. One fellow on you tube had his bike in for the 3rd engine. 1 original and now the second replacement. Next motor I would be replacing it with would be something else.


Yes, I've read several reports about that issue. Also a lot of posts on the Harley sites about it. Seems to be an issue with oil "disappearing". Something about a seal and the last I saw, Harely hadn't really come up with a solution. That was a while back though. They may have come up with something by now.


Its an oil transfer issue between the transmission oil and the final drive. A handful of M8 engines have been affected. My engine has 25K problem free miles. The only problem I have had were the front rotors warping at 5K. Replaced under warranty and have been problem free so far.

As we all know the ones that have been affected are the loudest....LOL. :biker: Loving my 17 Road Glide Ultra just not the cost of accessories. Its Called "PAYING THE HARLEY TAX.":yikes:


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