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Hi folks, "Captain Inept" here. Been farting around with these new saddlebag lower rails and I just cannot seem to get them low enough so that they follow the bottom "line" of the bags. As soon as I start to tighten them :confused24:they raise up ..... tried adjusting the mounting bars as low as possible.. still no go! Any ideas, someone MUST of ran into this before? thanks

Guest Saddletramp

I did the same as Gary N., I merely sprung the rail after it was tightened so that it was where it belonged.

Here is an article in the tech section http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=6365

Another way some are doing is drill another hole in the top corner of the rail above the existing hole. This alson gets it pretty close. Loosen the front screw on the crash gaurd and line it up straitght with the bag and see which way you would want to go. Hope this helps



This is what I did. Worked and looks great.

Guest sadrand

Maybe some of the bars are different than mine, but what others are saying worked for me too - after putting them on and tightneng the screws, I grabbed the back corner of the bars and pushed down hard a few times until it lined up. Quick and easy.


I tightened mine and pushed down enough so that when I let go they came back up a little but were level. You may need to do this a couple times to get them perfect. Nothing will break because the mounting tab is flimsy and will bend with no problem.




Same! I drilled a 3/8" hole above the stock hole before I removed the protective plastic bag. It bolted up pretty close. A little "foot" adjustment and you're good. Takes longer to change out the reflectors. DNB


Well, I bit the bullet and got out the drill. As described above I bore a hole in the chrome mounting bar a smidgen (technical term) below the original hole. The only things I did different where to hold the rail onto the frame with a pair of Visegrips, thereby giving me a protective little area to drill into and I put in a little baby hole (technical term) so I couldn't screw up.

Worked out great and looks like it dam should.

Many thanks to y'all .... again VentureRider.org saved by butt.

REALLY thanks alot!

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