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Political Rally101,or, The night ol Puc did all you lop eared gearhead varmints proud


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Tip, Tweeks, Maggie, Troop and I love this time of the season when we American's butt heads and head to voting booths :usa:to settle our :stickpoke:, :banana::banana::guitarist 2:. Besides the actual pulling of the levers (WOWZY WOW WOW WOW,, been a LONG time since that happened around here,,, remember the old days with the actual little flicker fellers and the big one armed bandit on the side of the machine - WOWZY it has been a while), we also really enjoy the rallies that go with this special time of year and love yelling "U.S.A." with the throngs of fellow :usa: - talk about fun!! We attended another one of those rallies tonight where the Vice President of our great country was scheduled to speak. Here is brief synopsis:

Tip to Me: V.P. Pence is gonna be in G.R. - wanna jump in Trooper and go for it.

Me to Tip while wiping sleep from my eyes: What time is it?

Tip to Me: quarter to 9:o

Me to Tip: not now ya lop eared silly rabbit varmint,, what time does the rally start?

Tip to Me: doors open at 4, we need to leave by 2ish.

Me to Tip: PERFECT,, gives me time to eat, shower and everything!!


Jumped online, got the tickets,, read about the things not allowed inside of the auditorium like knifes, guns and stuff,,, made a mental note to myself to remember to empty my pockets before going,, leaving my flashlight, tape measure and jack knife behind so I didnt have to visit the :mugshot: as I headed to the shower.

Fast forward to the "in line" that ya stand in after you have checked in your tickets at one of these rallies,,, you know,, that spot right before you walk thru the scanner where all the Secret Service people are staring at you.. There stands the cutest little girl (she looked like she was 12) wrapped in a bullet proof vest, hand gun on her side and "Secret Service" clearly written across here chest! :big-grin-emoticon: I couldnt help myself... I simply asked her if she had ever been in the White House? Tip did the old :doh: and gave me the old eye roll and reminded me that I was not suppose to chit chat with the Secret Service.. The girl smiled and said that it was o.k. and then she told that she was indeed stationed out of D.C.. Wayyy cool and I told her so as I gave Tippy one of my iconic :rasberry:. The Secret Service girl and I finished our conversation about her going to college in Maryland in Criminal Justice and then me and Tip thanking her for her service when a guy standing right behind me pulls a 8 inch cresent wrench out of his pocket and asked the girl if it would be allowed inside. I was really impressed to hear the Secret Service lady ask what he was doing with a cresent wrench,,, an act that pretty much had us all kind of giggling - myself included. I thought it was pretty cool that the girl just told the guy to quickly run and put it in his car and she would make sure his place in line (and it was a LONGGGGGGGGGG line) was held for him - nice girl I thought to myself. About this time I heard Tip defending the guy and saying something about finding him having a cresent wrench in his pocket not strange at all - its a guy thing she told the crowd.. About that time the index finger on my left hand felt the smooth cover on my little tape measure that I always carry. I got one of those looks on my face = ahh ohh looks on my face :shock3: when it occurred to me that I had forgotten to remove my normal pocket items (like I told myself I was gonna do wayyy back when I was on my way into the shower). The Secret Service girl shook her head in amazement as I removed my tape measure, my flashlight and my jack knife and then she sent me back to my car too:o. The people in line around us laughed historically (not a mispelling) at me and I felt embarrassed,,, for Tippy. After putting my tools inside Trooper, and taking a bite of the Arby's Market Fresh Sandwich I had left in the bag on his passenger side floor for after the rally, I ran back to the line and everything returned to normal.

Even though I have a pace maker and I had to be individually searched and wanded, things pretty much returned to normal and Tip and I headed for the standing up place right near the front row where all the young kids with lots of energy always gather. About 15 minutes later I told Tip that I was gonna have to go sit by the old people cause,, well,, basically cause I was feeling really tired like an old geezer and I didnt wanna fall asleep and land on some kid.. We moved up into the seating,, a ways away but still very good seats.. All returned to normal again as Tip talked to our geezer neighbors and I fell asleep.

When I woke up the people were all yelling as, hopefully, the future Governor of our State was getting ready to speak,, the fun was about to begin!!:usa: After speaking, he introduced the man who hopefully is gonna be our new Senator in Washington. This fine American patriot starting speaking (very good job too IMHO) and as he was speaking I noticed a small flame on the rear of one of the spot lights wayyyyyy up starting to flicker. I pointed it out to the rest of the old people sitting around us. About that time the little flame had clearly gotten bigger, one of the younger - more mobile people up there - went down and pointed out the fire to one of the people in the news booths who pointed it out to a police man. I was starting to get anxious because it was clearly a ballast that was burning and I was concerned for those folks (who were standing EXACTLY where Tip and I had been standing down below) standing under the light bank as I have seen my share of ballast burn to the point of dripping hot/melting rubber like substances. I got concerned enough that I yelled out "MOVE THOSE PEOPLE BEFORE SOMEONE GETS BURNED" - an act that got a bunch of people looking at me funny again. Thankfully, someone down there must of figured it out cause the Secret Service actually came out and forced the crowd back. Maintenance finally got involved, pulled out a ladder and went up and hit the fire with an extingwisher - looked at Tippy and the old guy sitting beside me and told them both that I really missed being young and working Maintenance:beer:.

It was neat hearing the Vice President of our Country ask us all to remember to pray for America (thinking of all this wicked stuff happening in Pittsburgh) and then later make a comment praising people that do things like fix burning lights - real Americans doing real work!! After screaming "WE LOVE YOU MIKE" one last time, Tip and I headed back to Trooper where I found my tape measure, my flash light, my jack knife and my sandwich still waiting for me. Thanks to Tippy,, me and Trooper had a really good day and,, at least IMHO,, I did you lop eared club member friends of mine right!!

The End :usa:

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You always do us right Puckster like at he Venture unveiling at Americade, at a rally with the VEEP, with hands on help for a fellow biker or just CTFW down a desert road.

Thanks for what you do Brother!! God Bless you, your family and the Good Ole US fo A.

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I was at the rally held earlier in the day on this side of the state, the ballast fire must have been a local thing because we didn't have any such entertainment. VPs plane was parked right outside the hangar the rally was held in.


Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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You always do us right Puckster like at he Venture unveiling at Americade, at a rally with the VEEP, with hands on help for a fellow biker or just CTFW down a desert road.

Thanks for what you do Brother!! God Bless you, your family and the Good Ole US fo A.


Awe,, THANKS @dfitzbiz Fitz and RIGHT BACK AT CHA BROTHER!!!:thumbsup:

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