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Do you remember that Tom Cruise film? When Robert Duvall, the crew chief, was in his shop admiring the brand new race car he just built?

He muttered something to his creation like "I'm gonna give you an extra big fuel line; you'll hold an extra gallon of fuel.

You'll get an over-size oil filter; hold an extra quart of oil".

Then he looks down to see a puddle of coolant. "That's not the answer I was looking for" he says.


Well I emitted those exact words to my 89VR three days ago.


My lady and I went out to eat and then saw a movie.

It was 50 miles round trip, but it was our first "cold" of the season, 51F.


Went out to fire her up for the trip to work the next morning and saw a puddle of around, I'd guess, of 4 ounces of green stuff.


After a lower plastic removal and a visual, I don't know where it came from.

But, since it's back to the normal 70F weather, it hasn't happened again.


I'm guessing it's 30 year old rubber like o-rings that are just itching to fail!!


Party On!!


Funny. Our scoots must be cousins.


Everytime I run to Phoenix in the 89, the next morning she leaves a puddle. My thoughts are she's telling me she doesn't like being in the Phoenix. To much traffic and idiots on the road. I think she's right! I get back home and no puddles at all. They do have personalities!


Sounds like could be those pesky rubber plugs on the heads behind the false covers. Somewhere the parts number is listed and I think a complete set for the motor is under $10. Might be worth while.


I've never had a "4 oz." puddle, but I do get a few drops of coolant leaking from the "drain/run" petcock in the coolant lines when it's cold outside.

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