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Crazy summer,,, BUT AWESOME non the less!!!


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Looks like the new grandson out in Sac is gonna make life double interesting and do the full term thing.. His Mom, our oldest was born at home 2 months early and therefore "delivered" by yours truly (an interesting story in itself and NOT something I recommend if you have no medical training - which neither Tip nor I had) = all the others of our 4 came early too.. All that said,, we have been expecting this one to follow suit but,, at least at this point,,, not so!!!! Personally,,, I think he is playing games with his grampa to see just how many trips back n forth across the country I am up to LOL...

Home now but no idea for how long.. The highway recently offered up one of those motocross jumps in the form of a heat heave that I didnt see (to busy yakkin with Tip about grandkids probably) which sent us airborne... We were able to land Tweeks the flying fortress but not without damage... She's got quite a "clunk" up in her middle gear area... Of course I was hoping for drive shaft damage so I wouldnt have to pull the swingarm this morning but the drive shaft and final drive all look great (that Red grease is doing a FINE job!!)... Now it's on to pulling the swingarm so I can remove the output shaft and check out the yoke/U-Joint assembly... I hope its repairable there cause this old numb fingered, twisted grip Dupyntren infested hands lop eared varmint is NOT gonna pull a motor!!!

Getting ready to take Tip out for breakfast IN THE CAGE and then on to fixen Tweeks and preppin the car for the return trip to Sac!! Thought I best touch base here as I had gotten word (BEFORE we lost all phone connections) folks were wondering where we were (THANKS FOR THE CONCERN YA BUNCH OF LOP EARED VR VARMINTS!!! Ol Pucster and young Tip and hurtin Tweeksis feel the love!!)..


Even if it ends up being short lived,,, be it ever sooooo humble...:draming:

I will check my P.M.'s later today as I just got notified I have at least 1 :big-grin-emoticon:rocker for T.jpg

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Glad to hear from you you old lop eared buzzard. You had a lot of us pretty worried with being gone for over a month. Ya know there are people out in Cali that do have internet access..........


To bad, my 1st gen just rolled away with a stranger aboard Monday night. I'm sure we could have worked out such a deal.


As for fixing Tweeksis, it may be a cracked frame where there is a known weakness down on the bottom just behind the engine. There are pics somewhere where someone was able to weld and reinforce it and not have to pull the motor to get at it.

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Glad to hear yo are both OK & back again. We all missed ya & we wuz gettin' a bit worried! Congrats on the new grandson. :beer:So sorry about your bike though. Hope it's not to big a fix it job.

Take care both of you (or should that be all three of you).... or maybe four.... Ah! what the heck take care!!!!!!!! :bighug:

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Puc I am glad you and Tip are home safe. Sorry to hear Tweeksis has some damage. Been wonderin' how you to were with out hearing any thing. Now for the big question. How did the Dunlop do on your trip? And just remember those grand Pucsters will come when they are ready.

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Glad to hear from you you old lop eared buzzard. You had a lot of us pretty worried with being gone for over a month. Ya know there are people out in Cali that do have internet access..........


To bad, my 1st gen just rolled away with a stranger aboard Monday night. I'm sure we could have worked out such a deal.


As for fixing Tweeksis, it may be a cracked frame where there is a known weakness down on the bottom just behind the engine. There are pics somewhere where someone was able to weld and reinforce it and not have to pull the motor to get at it.


THANKS JEFF,, forgot all about this!! Got Tweeks output shaft out today and did a 100% thourough check on the frame.. I did a video of all of it but wont be posting it up till winter probably but included some pics below.. Amazingly, the frame looked great!! No sign of stress cracking thru paint at joints even... Nothing!! PHEW!! Better safe than sorry though!! Also,,, lash on output checked out PERFECT (about .003),, both middle gear bevel gears looked great,,, even though yoke(s) looked like they came out of the landing of Tweeks the Heavy just fine (will know more about this when I press in a new U-Joint - I have no way to Magna Flux but lookin good from what i can see).. It appears that the impact of the landing actually cracked the bottom of bearing cup on the u-joint enough to cause the seal to fall away and get stuck in the bearing... Things really got chewed up from there causing loss of some of the needles.. Thankfully the U-Joint is external of the middle gear so all the aborted parts and pieces got trapped in the housing molded into the swingarm... Someone (:2132:) was sure watching over the three of us!!


Puc I am glad you and Tip are home safe. Sorry to hear Tweeksis has some damage. Been wonderin' how you to were with out hearing any thing. Now for the big question. How did the Dunlop do on your trip? And just remember those grand Pucsters will come when they are ready.


Thanks Roller,, love ya brother!! Just before we left I hurt some feelings by making some opinionated statements (I can be wayyyyy over bearing sometimes,,, my passion for scoots can get out of hand) about the new Yam,, things got a little personal and I ended up with some off colored comments being sent to my phone.. I was concerned about someone knowing of our coming and goings,, shared some of my thoughts with the local Police and they suggested I make some changes - not posting our whereabouts on the net being one of them... I did have contact with videoarizona via phone for a short while but lost service out in Wendover (Bonneville Salt Flats = went camping 10 miles out,,, got video = AWESOME fun!!! = also spent a day playing at a WW2 airbase out there - WOW was that AWESOME!!! Such a big land,, such a small amount of time :cool10:)..

The Dunny worked AWESOME!!! TAKE A PEEK AT THE PIC!!! We didnt spend much time ziggin and zaggan North to South but it did see some fairly high temps!! Definitely well pleased!!!


Glad you made it home safe, kinda. Ya know, they make these things called aero-planes that scoot cross country really fast. Good luck with the fixes, and glad the red grease held up well.


Back at cha Spence and THANKS!! Roger that on the Aero-Planes there tower.... Matter of fact,,,,,,, been flying the lightweight stuff like 250 Elsinores and KX500's = landing those 180 footers got to be a an every weekend experience BUT - I really dont recall landing a Gen 1 Yamaha Heavy,,, guess what Spence,,,,,,, ya ever see in the movies where those fat aero-plane tires on the heavy's go SQWAUK when they touch down? THAT really does happen!!!! :guitarist 2:


Puc, is carrying a rocking chair on the back of Tweeksis an age related thing? When you stop to camp, you have your rocking chair to relax in before sleeping. :stickpoke:


Heyyyyyy,, Hi Sky!! :biker:

My daughter said my new Grandson didnt have a rockerbye chair so,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now he's got one!!!!!! CAN NOT WAIT TO GET BACK OUT THERE AND TRY IT OUT WITH HIM AFTER HE DECIDED TO COME OUT AND PLAY!!!!

By the way,, get this,, the old guy who we bought the chair from was a Navy Vet who retired after spending many years on "Intrepid" (ship that was docked in Manhattan when my 2nd born was going to Med School at Cornell there!!! After retirement, he went to work as a Cop and found this chair in a dumpster, restored it (its one of those chairs that has a hole covered with leather in the seat) but kept the original leather intact.. Raised their 3 kids rockin it,,, his son joined the Navy and spent his time on the famous Kitty Hawk and he and his wife also have 3 children who got the rockin chair rockin and now there Son is in the Navy!!!!!!:usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa::usa:

Got a hunch,,, that California Grandkid is gonna be one tough,, patriotic ombre!!:cool10: :essen_018::backinmyday:


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Glad to hear your home safe and about, now I was trying to find a post from you where you talking about where you get your tires from. I kinda need a rear tire in a hurry. But am pretty cheap so what tire supplier do you use i have heard several saying something about how quick they got there tires. Anyways I been out in the 4 state area just chasing the front wheel. Got me a Road name to lol by mistake but owell I dont bother me. Made a comment about a video that I looked like a butterball turkey.... so my oldest heard me and started calling me Butterball... anyways he was on his way to work the other day and chain guard got loose and omg!! Someone was definately looking over him. 20180821_123418.jpgMessage_1534876122046(1).jpg not sure when the chain guard got in it but he does about 15 miles on interstate then the other 10 on a nice curvy road.

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Glad to hear your home safe and about, now I was trying to find a post from you where you talking about where you get your tires from. I kinda need a rear tire in a hurry. But am pretty cheap so what tire supplier do you use i have heard several saying something about how quick they got there tires. Anyways I been out in the 4 state area just chasing the front wheel. Got me a Road name to lol by mistake but owell I dont bother me. Made a comment about a video that I looked like a butterball turkey.... so my oldest heard me and started calling me Butterball... anyways he was on his way to work the other day and chain guard got loose and omg!! Someone was definately looking over him. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=114181https://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=114182 not sure when the chain guard got in it but he does about 15 miles on interstate then the other 10 on a nice curvy road.


Thanks Snype = good to be home for a spell too!!

I use have used Chaparral Racing very successfully thru the years.. I usually do an Ebay search and 90% of the time they seem to come up cheapest as shown as an example in this link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/140-90-16-Kenda-K657-Challenger-Rear-Tire/323346786319?epid=171171961&hash=item4b48f8680f:g:I68AAOSwgLdaouV8

No idea what scoot (?) that tire is on or what size it is but WOWZY that dont look good - definitely snag a tire for the son there bro!!!! Your right,, the Lord DEFINITELY was lookin over em!!

I did have a not so good time with Chaparall recently as they are the company that sent me the messed up E-4 that I ended up returning.. After YEARS of buying from them (never had to do a return) I did have that one recent issue.. Other than that,, they normally ship free AND the tire gets here very fast = couple days.. When I have them ship to my Daughters in California for my swap out there - usually within 24 hours I have the new tire!!!!!! Funny though,,, it took a couple weeks to get that E-4!!! I still think it was some kind of a game going on,, a left over return maybe because it had a "Drag Specialies" sticker on it under the UPS label... Just a forewarn....

That E-4 is DEFINITELY one tough tire!!! Wayyyyyyy tougher than anything I have ran = even a high dollar Michellin Commander 2 is NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! Only problem I see now is that if I have a flat on the road there is NO WAY on Gods green earth that tire is coming off with a set of spoons - it will DEFINITELY take a tire machine so there is that.... For folks who just call a tow truck,,,,, no problem!! For us "spooners" = it aint gonna happen... Other than that - WOW am I impressed!! Be interesting to see how far it goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way,,, this link https://www.ebay.com/itm/Duro-Excursion-140-90-16-Front-Rear-Tire/332554761220?epid=171162887&hash=item4d6dcef404:g:iUsAAOSw9vlahGGn:sc:UPSGround!49445!US!-1

is the company where ended up getting the good E-4 from,,, same price and free shipping as Chap!!! REALLY ended up being a good place too IMHO and also had my tire in just a couple days and it was PERFECT!!!

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Thanks Snype = good to be home for a spell too!!

I use have used Chaparral Racing very successfully thru the years.. I usually do an Ebay search and 90% of the time they seem to come up cheapest as shown as an example in this link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/140-90-16-Kenda-K657-Challenger-Rear-Tire/323346786319?epid=171171961&hash=item4b48f8680f:g:I68AAOSwgLdaouV8

No idea what scoot (?) that tire is on or what size it is but WOWZY that dont look good - definitely snag a tire for the son there bro!!!! Your right,, the Lord DEFINITELY was lookin over em!!

I did have a not so good time with Chaparall recently as they are the company that sent me the messed up E-4 that I ended up returning.. After YEARS of buying from them (never had to do a return) I did have that one recent issue.. Other than that,, they normally ship free AND the tire gets here very fast = couple days.. When I have them ship to my Daughters in California for my swap out there - usually within 24 hours I have the new tire!!!!!! Funny though,,, it took a couple weeks to get that E-4!!! I still think it was some kind of a game going on,, a left over return maybe because it had a "Drag Specialies" sticker on it under the UPS label... Just a forewarn....

That E-4 is DEFINITELY one tough tire!!! Wayyyyyyy tougher than anything I have ran = even a high dollar Michellin Commander 2 is NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! Only problem I see now is that if I have a flat on the road there is NO WAY on Gods green earth that tire is coming off with a set of spoons - it will DEFINITELY take a tire machine so there is that.... For folks who just call a tow truck,,,,, no problem!! For us "spooners" = it aint gonna happen... Other than that - WOW am I impressed!! Be interesting to see how far it goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way,,, this link https://www.ebay.com/itm/Duro-Excursion-140-90-16-Front-Rear-Tire/332554761220?epid=171162887&hash=item4d6dcef404:g:iUsAAOSw9vlahGGn:sc:UPSGround!49445!US!-1

is the company where ended up getting the good E-4 from,,, same price and free shipping as Chap!!! REALLY ended up being a good place too IMHO and also had my tire in just a couple days and it was PERFECT!!!

Well that tire is a Kenda Challenger and we are made with six Plies but I still got the Kindle is running on Tinker which they are Kenda cruises. I believe I have almost 7,000 miles on my tires which I think you're pretty damn good for a cheap tire I also just recently balance the front wheel using your method. The eBay picture is the tire he has and after seeing his tire and knowing he made it to work I don't see where I could go wrong really.612f61f9c1af431ba2513daee247ca35.jpg90191aa3ddb646f14ef9de5f263a9927.jpgb36a5bc6e911fb009ead04efab761c92.jpg11fc11f82700700d5479d57864634a10.jpg


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Glad to hear from you you old lop eared buzzard. You had a lot of us pretty worried with being gone for over a month. Ya know there are people out in Cali that do have internet access..........


To bad, my 1st gen just rolled away with a stranger aboard Monday night. I'm sure we could have worked out such a deal.


As for fixing Tweeksis, it may be a cracked frame where there is a known weakness down on the bottom just behind the engine. There are pics somewhere where someone was able to weld and reinforce it and not have to pull the motor to get at it.


Oh,, by the way @Flyinfool = CONGRATS :guitarist 2:on selling the scoot,,,,,, you have my condolences:crying: brother .... What's next Jeff?? Give me an idea and I will keep my eyes peeled!! I KNOW you probably dont care about this but I gotta tell ya something,, my bucket list RF1 is SOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun - like owning F-4 Phantom :bikersmilie:........ I came home to find out that two of our cross roads (2 miles in length) are fresh paved :bikersmilie:................... Maggie,,,,, Maggie,,, calm down girl,,,,, calm down,,, I know,,, it's been a month,, calm down :bikersmilie:

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Well that tire is a Kenda Challenger and we are made with six Plies but I still got the Kindle is running on Tinker which they are Kenda cruises. I believe I have almost 7,000 miles on my tires which I think you're pretty damn good for a cheap tire I also just recently balance the front wheel using your method. The eBay picture is the tire he has and after seeing his tire and knowing he made it to work I don't see where I could go wrong really.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180824/612f61f9c1af431ba2513daee247ca35.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180824/90191aa3ddb646f14ef9de5f263a9927.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180824/b36a5bc6e911fb009ead04efab761c92.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180824/11fc11f82700700d5479d57864634a10.jpg


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ROCK AND ROLL!!!! :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:


Now I am going to assume that it's okay to have weights on both sides of that rim I've got a total of an ounce, they're all 7 gram weights or quarter ounce but she was smooth as silk at 110!


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PERFECT IMHO!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB SNYPE!!!!:clap2::clap2:

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Don't know if you can get on YouTube but I do have a 5-minute clip there from the pig trails and I don't know if you have Facebook I posted a couple videos I made while being out riding. I can't post them to YouTube because I imposed Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train on one of the videos then another we were stopped at a railroad track and we had to pick on a guy so we said he was doing the Kiki challenge.[emoji23][emoji23]


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Actually, I think it's been more than a month last I remember hearing from you was right after 4th of July wasn't it.


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Not sure,,, I think it may have been closer to mid July... WOW does the time fly!! We stopped at the place in mid Minnesota called "Pipestone"... It where,, for centuries,, Native Americans would put down their fighting tools and stop killing each other to quarry a very special stone for making Peace Pipes.... Extremely peaceful and amazing place!!! I would have to look at my reciept from there but I think that was day 2 of our journey and I believe I made a post or two the day before we pulled out.... Definitely was home for 4th of July fire works.... Next trip might be longer cause I am gonna play with that new born grandson after Tip spends some time rock-a-bying him in his new chair and helping the daughter with her first couple weeks home... Might be Spring before you hear from me when that happens :crackup:

This Grand Fathering gig is something to behold brother:backinmyday:

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Don't know if you can get on YouTube but I do have a 5-minute clip there from the pig trails and I don't know if you have Facebook I posted a couple videos I made while being out riding. I can't post them to YouTube because I imposed Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train on one of the videos then another we were stopped at a railroad track and we had to pick on a guy so we said he was doing the Kiki challenge.[emoji23][emoji23]


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Thats great!!:rotf:


You know how to post a Tube vid here dont cha??? Just copy the URL and paste it in,,, unless things have changed in the last month :think:

One of HD buddies stopped by today to watch me lift Tweeks using both my upstairs lifts.... I got a really great vid of him and I out having a blast on his Hacked 01 Twin Cam... Here are some primer pics for your viewing while I am waiting for the tube link Snype..DSCN7049.JPGDSCN7046.JPGDSCN7040.JPGDSCN7038.JPG

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Glad to hear it was not the frame and was something that will not be to bad to fix. I an guessing that when you went airborne that the engine / rear wheel RPM shot way up. and then had a huge drive line shock when you landed, the screech you heard.


Oh,, by the way Flyinfool = CONGRATS :guitarist 2:on selling the scoot,,,,,, you have my condolences:crying: brother .... What's next Jeff?? Give me an idea and I will keep my eyes peeled!! I KNOW you probably dont care about this but I gotta tell ya something,, my bucket list RF1 is SOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun - like owning F-4 Phantom :bikersmilie:........ I came home to find out that two of our cross roads (2 miles in length) are fresh paved :bikersmilie:................... Maggie,,,,, Maggie,,, calm down girl,,,,, calm down,,, I know,,, it's been a month,, calm down :bikersmilie:


At this point I have no idea what is next. I am still looking around. I do not think I would live long on a RF1...... I do not have near your skill set. Not to mention that I do not bend that way anymore. I have entertained the thought of getting a full size airplane instead of another scoot. In addition to my "toy" airplanes I do also have a full size pilots license. I am probably fortunate that my bike sold after the EAA show. It is way easy to go to that show and bring a new toy home.

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