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hi i know some folks from our northern contintgents Like this one.


Don't know if any Ohio , Indiana , Michigan folks have put it on the schedule for some weekend fun an frolick'ing?


Thought I'd throw it out there.


I plan on attending. Neeed to get me PassPort updated anyhow. LOL. :)

Guest BluesLover

I'll be there. We're planning a "sunrise ride" to get there well ahead of the crowds (we're about 90 minutes away).


Just a bit of a heads up - Port Dover is aiming to set a Guinness Book of World Records for this year's event. Last July there were nearly 75,000 people there and this year, it is the only Friday the 13th event. If you haven't already done so, you might want to check into available accommodations - you may need to be a fair bit away in order to get a place to stay.




Really, yikes, I knew it was a big venue, but jumpin jimmmine, man that port town is goingto explode with us all.


I've seen the website an your past posts, it' loooks like a nice time.


Been there once a few years ago, and it was a rainy cloudy day and you could not move and the est. attendance was approx 30,000.







Thx BradT,, it's been a while 2003 since i've gone to Canada, an well with all these stupid newcasts these days, scaring everybody.


I'll bring me passport anyhow, I've got it , might as well use it . LOL


Well I hope it don't rain, it looks like a good time either way

Guest BluesLover

Landpig - think of PD Friday the 13th as Laconia Bike Week all wrapped up into a single day...


A "cut and paste" from another forum. The little town of 3000 people is headed for the Guinness Book of World Records.


World record attempt

Friday The 13th

Monte Sonnenberg SIMCOE REFORMER

Wednesday April 23, 2008


PORT DOVER – This June’s Friday the 13th motorcycle rally in Port Dover may literally be one for the record books.


The editors of The Guinness Book of World Records have agreed to cite the rally if Norfolk’s tourism and economic development department can document 10,000 or more motorcycles in town.


Norfolk promotions co-ordinator Cindy Vanderstar thinks it can be done.

"We are trying to solicit a few volunteers," she said. "It shouldn’t be that difficult. We’re going to work with the Norfolk OPP at checkpoints. When people come through, we’re going to be giving them a tag."


The category at issue is the most motorcycles gathered in one place for an event.

Vanderstar is promoting the initiative to raise awareness of Port Dover as a destination for motorcycle riders. Tourism and economic development also wants to gather hard numbers on the event, which was founded in 1981 and has been growing ever since. Attendance figures from previous rallies have relied on the best estimates of police and organizers.


Some may find it surprising that Port Dover is eligible for such a record given the size of giant motorcycle rallies in the United States in places like Daytona Beach, Fla., Laconia, N.H., and Sturgis, S.D. However - unlike Friday the 13th rallies in Port Dover - these events are spread over several days.


Folks in Sturgis - population 6,700 - know a thing or two about massive motorcycle rallies. This summer’s rally from Aug. 4 to Aug. 10 is expected to attract more than 500,000 people. However, no one can say with certainty whether the town ever has 10,000 motorcycles in it at any given moment.


"Our town turns into a metropolitan city during the rally," Brenda Vasknetz, assistant director of the Sturgis event, said yesterday. "It seems there are more than 10,000, but I’m not sure of any documentation for that."


If past Friday the 13th rallies are any indication, Port Dover stands a good chance of meeting the Guinness standard. Authorities pegged attendance at the August 2007 rally at 100,000 people and 10,000 motorcycles. Attendance at last July’s rally surpassed that. The crowd was estimated in the range of 120,000 with 10,000-plus motorcycles in town.


"They should make it easily," said David Pollock of Brantford, who took advantage of yesterday’s nice weather to ride down to the lakeside. "This one is going to be huge. It’s going to be in June, so the weather will be perfect, and it will be the only one this year."

I'll be there. We're planning a "sunrise ride" to get there well ahead of the crowds (we're about 90 minutes away).


Just a bit of a heads up - Port Dover is aiming to set a Guinness Book of World Records for this year's event. Last July there were nearly 75,000 people there and this year, it is the only Friday the 13th event. If you haven't already done so, you might want to check into available accommodations - you may need to be a fair bit away in order to get a place to stay.



Sunrise on Friday or Thursday?

Guest BluesLover
Sunrise on Friday or Thursday?

On Friday Carl. Similar to what we did last July. Meet for coffee at 4:30 am in St. Thomas,




ride into town and have breakfast in town,




then check out "the scenery".




Last year we had 25 bikes and 30 people, so it was kind of neat and even managed to get pictures of the sunrise:






Yahoo, I'll be there.... in fact I have a meeting believe it or not for two days IN Port Dover before the event. I'll be staying at the Erie Beach Hotel right downtown on the Wed. night, but will move thursday and friday to the ball diamond where they have camping.

I was there last summer and it was absolutely packed. At one point the main street which had bikes lining both sides of the street and down the middle, with thousands of people came to a complete stop. People stopped moving. It was weird seeing this moving crowd walking up and down the street stop moving. I think someone was getting married on the main street so everything came to a standstill.


There are all kinds of beer tents, bands etc. Last year Dan Ackroyd was playing (Blues Brothers). He's from Toronto and was promoting his new wine label.


If any other Venture riders are there, look for me.. I'm wearing black leather and riding a black venture... :)


If any other Venture riders are there, look for me.. I'm wearing black leather and riding a black venture... :)



AHA - zee first clue - look for black!!!


Who knows - I may ride down as well - I'm not a big fan of BIG crowds but if the weather is nice - what the heck!!


Look for me too - I'm wearing black leather and riding a black RSTD



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