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Hi everyone, hope your winter was special, Yeah Right.


Michigan , well stunk, I can only imagine our Minnesota brethren's. Yikes or Wisconsin.


Anyhow down to the Brass Tax ,


I need the links to our preferred business links we used to have the (brake pads., back rest, clutch suppliers) . We had a link to an ohio based dealer whom I purchased pads an Harley License plate bracket from with good results.


I might have winter brain damage but cannot seem to find those links.


Any help is much appreciated in advance, also the Avon Venom new tyre codes for the smaller front tire , rear tire combo. I just want to make sure by checking with the Group.


Thanks in advance.


Tony you old so and so....

The narrower Avon Venom is 130/90-16 or MT90 -16

The vendors are in the forum down almost to the bottom of the page, you should be able to find whatever your looking for there. Diamond R or Utopia are the ones most use for their backrests, Diamond R has been very good to us here.

Ohio, you might be thinking of Buckeye performance, Rick H owns it and has quite a few different items for the Ventures.

Hope to catch up with you soon...be safe you nut!

Thanks Squid I knew you'd come to my rescue.


how's things partna ???


I hope all is well in the PH area???


Things are good my friend, looking forward to getting back in the saddle again. We definitely have to get another M&E going up here and get you folks out. May is gonna be busy for me with the power plant going down. But once thats done....LOOKOUT!!!


you betcha, I'd love that the roads an company are Great up that way.


That little , soda hop short of marysville is great.


I plan on doing Freebirds again this jUne, best of times. Seeing everyone wrenching an havin a great time. Tooo bad I had to cut my time short, but family situtations dictate.

It happens as we all get older. :)

Hi everyone, hope your winter was special, Yeah Right.


Michigan , well stunk, I can only imagine our Minnesota brethren's. Yikes or Wisconsin.


Anyhow down to the Brass Tax ,


I need the links to our preferred business links we used to have the (brake pads., back rest, clutch suppliers) . We had a link to an ohio based dealer whom I purchased pads an Harley License plate bracket from with good results.


I might have winter brain damage but cannot seem to find those links.


Any help is much appreciated in advance, also the Avon Venom new tyre codes for the smaller front tire , rear tire combo. I just want to make sure by checking with the Group.


Thanks in advance.

Now that's an oxymoron: quick 2nd gen:stirthepot:


thx squid, I was bout ta let looossssssssssssse with some . LOL


Believe me Marcal the way I drive, she is a definite "LandPig" according to my navagator. LOL

Now that's an oxymoron: quick 2nd gen:stirthepot:




Not to push the Envelope, but something very very similar came to my Mind ...

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