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Hello everyone I'm new here sort of introduced myself here and posted pics of my "new" bike http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?137259-Welcome-to-the-forum-Harddrv1-from-Fort-kent-AB. Anyway I built a 3d printer a few years ago and to keep costs low was wondering if anyone has any 3d models of fairing for the 84 venture if so I would be grateful if you could share them or email them to me, Im not a great modeler but I may attempt to patch mine up the best I can and scan them to make them printable if I can. Or redesign them if I can but I'm hopping one of you has done this already so I can just use your :) thanks in advance


That would be a very interesting project but since starting this forum many years ago, I've never seen mention of anybody trying it or having drawings for them.


Well damn :( lol well if anyone has an m1 and wants to test my idea I found these.https://grabcad.com/library/yamaha-m1-fairing-2 most high schools public library's and print shops should be able to print theses.

Posted (edited)

I can't seem to click link opens an email?? Anyway you can see my work here I'm still learning but getting pretty good I guess https://www.thingiverse.com/harddrv1/about I could print and send you one but would need to charge for material I'm broke ATM :( depends on the size it shouldn't be much though.


Ok typing it direct works yeah that wouldn't be difficult looks like a small arduino or similar plus a small display should be simple, I may not even half to full design it for example this may work https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:845415 would just need it a bit bigger to acomadate your expansion board and add holes for the hoses? You have comming out of it

Edited by Harddrv1

Got the right side fairing off it sucked the previous owner tryed to "fix" it and it was all glued together with the front and top parts but I got it :) this was the least damaged of the panels so I'm hoping I can scan it then mirror it for the other side. However looking At the bike now I may even revise my plan and just eliminate the fairing all together I'm missing the side pieces and the front is so damaged. I didn't think of this before as reading other posts on here I expected it to be packed full of crap in there electronics etc but either this model doesn't have it or someone has already tore it all out all I can see in there was a coolant overfill and a 12v lighting box that should be easy to move. So now thinking I may just replace headlight signal lights mirrors gadges and overFill with nicer newer ones led etc Have a "naked" front end. Any thoughts? I think it will be cheaper and give it a nicer modern look?

  RDawson said:
Oh Zagger you need to send some pics here.


You need to check out the naked Venture Zagger has here, very radical changes.



Yeah i I seen it very cool think I'm going to leave my bags on though I still may reprint front end not totally decided yet if I can get a good scan replacements can be made anyway I want once I have a template I can reform them into anything and have them bolt on something like have the headlight in a dragons mouth for example of course this will be far down the line after a Templates made and I now it will hold up etc

Posted (edited)

Very interesting.


I am not sure if the printed plastic will hold up on its own. You may have to print it and then lay up some fiberglass or something on the inside for strength?


I would think that once you have the mounting points, and interface points all located in 3D space then it is open season on the rest of the design, and that is where the fun starts.


I would love to help out, I work in 3D cad all day, but my artistic abilities can be put in a thimble with a lot of room left over.

Edited by Flyinfool




The 12 volt box....hmmm wondering if that's the CLASS controller, or did previous owner strip all that out and add something.


Find your VIN and look for a post at the top of the 1st Generation folder from Prairiehammer. he collects Vin numbers for our group and can hopefully tell you something about your bike...


I bet with some help you can bring that scoot back to stock or close to it! Many parts you can make a simple form and make yourself with ABS plastic. Plus, keep your eye out in junkyards nearby for Ventures. I would suggest EBay but it seems those parts are getting a bit expensive these days...




3D printing brings about some wild and interesting ideas for fairings. I had considered having some custom fairings shaped like the 3rd gens made for the 1st gen bikes. I love the look of the the TCs but the V twin and price tag are not for me. I had decided to sell the 86 as I dont really ride it anymore with the 07 comfort being in the same garage, buuuut now you've got me reconsidering. I really don't have the time for customizing a bike but a new custom body on a first gen would be fun.

  Flyinfool said:
Very interesting.


I am not sure if the printed plastic will hold up on its own. You may have to print it and then lay up some fiberglass or something on the inside for strength?


I would think that once you have the mounting points, and interface points all located in 3D space then it is open season on the rest of the design, and that is where the fun starts.


I would love to help out, I work in 3D cad all day, but my artistic abilities can be put in a thimble with a lot of room left over.


Yes this is one concern I have as well I have made some pretty strong prints that have held up a long time. If you checked my Thingiverse page I made that ironman helmet that thing is super strong so I'm hopeing for the best, just to add in I think I finally have a day off tomorrow so hopeing I'll get a bit of time to do the scan if it works out some clean up will probably be needed I'll post step by step as I go so if you want you can download them and help clean them up if you want. I have been super busy at work lately.

  videoarizona said:



The 12 volt box....hmmm wondering if that's the CLASS controller, or did previous owner strip all that out and add something.


Find your VIN and look for a post at the top of the 1st Generation folder from Prairiehammer. he collects Vin numbers for our group and can hopefully tell you something about your bike...


I bet with some help you can bring that scoot back to stock or close to it! Many parts you can make a simple form and make yourself with ABS plastic. Plus, keep your eye out in junkyards nearby for Ventures. I would suggest EBay but it seems those parts are getting a bit expensive these days...




yes as mentioned above once the ground work is laid it is open season on designing. I imagine as well that there will be many remixes from others too making many more options available. 2018 here soon we will be able to download our fairings and create them at home out of next to nothing kinda like Star Trek :)


verified nothing in there IMG_1640.jpgIMG_1639.jpgIMG_1638.jpgIMG_1637.jpg



Hopefully i can repair and scan tomorrow or as stated maybe i can scan 1 side repair it digitally and then mirror it for both sides ill find out soon i guess, sorry for ****ty pics my shop is pretty dark and times been tight it was fix the lights or work on my bike :(

  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I’d check in in case anyone was following this, sorry to disappoint but these fairing were way damaged the more I’d sand the more I’d discover. They were basically duct tape and bondo so unfortunately I’m going to be going another route :( I still may do a replacement fender but for now I just pieced together the other one I had. I still believe this is a great idea just don’t want to spend anymore time and money trying to repair these and on eBay there about $100 a panel. I may make another thread in my current progress which is a more a naked type, not really naked in that I’m making my own low pro type siding. Anyway...

  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...

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