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If they make them out of titanium and carbon fiber with fragile tires 1/4 inch wide and 46 forward gears so they don't have to break a sweat the spandex dweebs will snap them up.


"Millenials aren't buying Harleys" is something I didn't see come up in the thread discussing tariffs and is the real reason behind their current issues, moving production outside of the US, they will lose some of the appeal they currently have in the foreign markets if not all the bikes are made in the US but their labor costs will be significantly reduced.


Their real problem is pretty simple, they have saturated a limited, aging market. Harleys are everywhere and bada$$ orthodontists with skulls, gold eagles and HOG rockers on their brand new leathers have become a joke, at least around here. Watch a pair of 70 year old grandparents walk into a restaurant in full leather and you'll see some younger folks suppress snickers at the "old folks in biker costumes". They see it like the younger folks who dress up like anime characters at Comic con, except not cool.


That is HD's real problem.

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