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I will do my best to describe it. I am waiting to hear from my dealer about my new bike. It is going to be a 2018 Yamaha Star Venture TC. I can't tell you if it is red or gray (I am OK with either, honestly) because it presently is neither in the possession of, or indeed, inbound to, my dealer. Only when YMCA calls my dealer and lets them know the VIN and location will they be able to tell me. Now I have that song in my head....


Anticipa-yay-tion. It's making me wait. Different song, now that's in my head....


This will be bike #14 and Yamaha #4 . I owned a 1982 Seca 650 Turbo, a 2001 V-Star 1100 Classic, and a 2003 FJR1300. I am a big fan of Yamaha dating back before 1989 when I got the Seca.


Worst thing about waiting, I am keeping my trade-in bike (#13 is a 2015 BMW K1600 GTL Exclusive) in the garage where it is safe. Knowing my luck, now is the time for something bad to happen.


I am used to popping into a dealer and spotting a bike and thinking, sure, why not? This "wait until the dealer gets one" is a crazy way to buy your stuff. Bill of sale: signed, financing: in place, trade: evaluated, I can even tell you my monthly payment, alas, no actual motorcycle.


Maybe I will hear something today.




I remember that feeling from when I ordered my first ever new car, Everything was set for 3 months of waiting, but I had no option but to drive my trade in as it was my only other car. That also adds some excitement to the mix. My new one came in and I went to take delivery in a howling blizzard. I was not going to wait one more day.


I hope your wait ends soon....... My fingers are crossed for the red one. The red is drop dead gorgeous.


1st things first K,,,, :welcome1::welcome::wel_1Wa::RED::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers:


Glad you found us!!!!!:thumbsup:


While I am personally not one to get to excited about motorcycles and the HOURS AND HOURS OF OUTSTANDING JOY THEY BRING INTO OUR LIVES,,,, this thought just popped into my mind of something you might try if the suspense in waiting for your new born gets to heavy on your heart... Maybe you could give us the low down on your Beemer?? How many miles,, how has the notorious maintenance schedules been,, does it FLY,,, how long ya had it,,,,, got any :photographing:'s you wanna share??? Stuff like that.... :big-grin-emoticon:


Congrats on the new bike soon to arrive in your garage!!!



Sure! I have had mine since new April 2015. I put 30000 kms on it in the three seasons since. In the first year alone, it consumed 5 tires, 2 fronts, 3 rears. I ride as conservative as I can to save tires, but 130 ft-lbs of torque and the tires are just gone in no time.


It is a real head turner, I am well aware of all the stares I get riding around. I have done the majority of miles with my wife on the back, so no hooliganism. She does not like it as much as either GL1500 or GL1800 we have owned, she complains the seat is too slippery. I have her sit on a drawer liner and that helps.


It is 750lbs some such it is lighter than a GL and the wind profile is very different from a GL, you notice air blasts from other vehicles more and in a very strong gusting cross breeze the bike subconsciously leans into the wind. You never feel sheltered from the wind, it is more like you can control the air that hits you, and as a result, both rider and passenger are more comfortable on a hot day, anything in the 70's or higher.


I got the regular height seat because I have regular height (5'11" with 31" inseam) but in hindsight, I should have got the tall seat option. The regular seat puts just a bit too much bend in your legs, and aching knees is what spells "time to get off and walk around a bit". It is not as bad as my FJR1300 but in the same ilk.


The GTL Exclusive has all the whistles, the electronic adjusting suspension is very nice. in comfort mode, you barely realize you are in contact with the ground. I was told I would find the Hossack front end a bit unsettling at low speeds, but as far as I can say, it handles like a motorcycle. (I test rode a 2018 Gold Wing a week ago, that thing steers ODD and low speeds. It is as if it has a rudder, anyway, I ruled it out after trying to put my helmet in its trunk.)


I like the "wonder wheel" that controls all the settings, some hate it, I found with a bit of practice I could perform setting say, turn the heated grips on, without looking away from the road.


The peeves? It is a 13-hour job to check and adjust the valve clearances. Yikes. Twice I had to ride 5h round trip so the dealer could recalibrate my windshield, which would take to forgetting from time to time that it was supposed to go up and down. 40+ years of riding and with the K1600, I never once got the impression I was shifting the transmission smoothly. It just goes CLUNK. The horn is a bit anemic. The procedure to check the oil is nuts. See if I remember... place the bike on the centre stand and start the engine, let it idle until the fan comes on (20 minutes is some weather). Let the fan run for 60 seconds and shut off the engine. Wait exactly 60 seconds and remove the dipstick, wipe it off, swiftly return it, then remove it again and see if the oil is between the two marks. You can also go into settings and check it electronically, but I enjoy dirtying rags when I check oil. Changing the oil is nits too. Remove drain plug, drain oil. So far, so good, right? Nope, find a long allen key in the exact size metric, and reach up inside the drain hole and carefully remove the inner drain plug, slowly lowering the allen key with the plug balanced on top down through the drain hole, all the while getting hot oil on your hands, drain that oil too. Normal otherwise.


The high points? I added a cup holder. Central locking is nice, as is keyless 'entry' -- more like a car -- BMW makes cars now too, by the way. The rear wheel is very auto like, 5 lug bolts hold it in place, easy to get off and on, and you are going to do it too. EVERYONE sees you coming. if you turn on all the lights, there are 7 forward-facing white lights to announce you at intersections. I never came close to being unnoticed. The adaptive headlight is a bit eerie at first, it points around corners like a Tucker when you lean. Remember the Tucker?


When the dealership did my 1st oil change I arrived for my appointment before noon, and left around 9 the following morning. They leant me a vehicle, put me up in a hotel, and all night long they downloaded trillions of bits from a Website in Munich, slowly I might add. I have mixed emotions about this bike for this exact reason: there is no such thing as a strange thing happening, everything that might happen is normal as far as BMW is concerned. The day after I picked up the bike the starter motor failed. A less-than-1-day-old bike had to be towed back to the dealer: Normal. I want to see tire pressures in PSI and temperatures in F and consumption in MPG buy can I? No, this is not permitted. For Kanada all pressures are in Bar. Bar huh? When a biker I knew asked me later "I waved, you ignored me" I say "I was multiplying 2.9x14.6 in my head to see if my tire pressure is right, or I was multiplying 18.5x9/5+32 to see what the temperature is. All very normal. That first $800 service? Free to me. I did all the oil changes after that fiasco.


I won't miss the K1600 but it has been interesting owning it. State Farm charges a $100 surcharge for BMW, nice to see that go.


I hope you found this review informative.




I tried to upload a picture, site says I am not logged in, that's no fun. Oddly enough, my userid is displayed at the top of this page, seems logged in to me.


I will describe the picture I am trying to upload. It is a 3/4 oblique (right rear) slight elevation, showing a motorcycle, mineral white metallic in colour, leaning away on its side stand. It is evident that the vehicle has not been cleaned since last season, and as well, the colours hide dirt meh well. I grow weary...


I know I said I did not care about colour, but I like the Red. I have only seen the grey in person, it is also nice.



Sure! I have had mine since new April 2015. I put 30000 kms on it in the three seasons since. In the first year alone, it consumed 5 tires, 2 fronts, 3 rears. I ride as conservative as I can to save tires, but 130 ft-lbs of torque and the tires are just gone in no time.




I hope you found this review informative.



I did find it of value if nothing more than making me feel better about checking the valves on my Gen 2 VR. Not that I would consider owning a BMW due to reliability and maintenance costs. I really like the Star Venture but will probably never own one because it is way above my pay grade. There is also the enduring sadness that Yamaha chose not to make a 3rd Gen V4 Yamaha Venture.


I like the red one best too.


Welcome to the Asylum. Hope you enjoy yourself here.

Sure! I have had mine since new April 2015. I put 30000 kms on it in the three seasons since. In the first year alone, it consumed 5 tires, 2 fronts, 3 rears. I ride as conservative as I can to save tires, but 130 ft-lbs of torque and the tires are just gone in no time.


It is a real head turner, I am well aware of all the stares I get riding around. I have done the majority of miles with my wife on the back, so no hooliganism. She does not like it as much as either GL1500 or GL1800 we have owned, she complains the seat is too slippery. I have her sit on a drawer liner and that helps.


It is 750lbs some such it is lighter than a GL and the wind profile is very different from a GL, you notice air blasts from other vehicles more and in a very strong gusting cross breeze the bike subconsciously leans into the wind. You never feel sheltered from the wind, it is more like you can control the air that hits you, and as a result, both rider and passenger are more comfortable on a hot day, anything in the 70's or higher.


I got the regular height seat because I have regular height (5'11" with 31" inseam) but in hindsight, I should have got the tall seat option. The regular seat puts just a bit too much bend in your legs, and aching knees is what spells "time to get off and walk around a bit". It is not as bad as my FJR1300 but in the same ilk.


The GTL Exclusive has all the whistles, the electronic adjusting suspension is very nice. in comfort mode, you barely realize you are in contact with the ground. I was told I would find the Hossack front end a bit unsettling at low speeds, but as far as I can say, it handles like a motorcycle. (I test rode a 2018 Gold Wing a week ago, that thing steers ODD and low speeds. It is as if it has a rudder, anyway, I ruled it out after trying to put my helmet in its trunk.)


I like the "wonder wheel" that controls all the settings, some hate it, I found with a bit of practice I could perform setting say, turn the heated grips on, without looking away from the road.


The peeves? It is a 13-hour job to check and adjust the valve clearances. Yikes. Twice I had to ride 5h round trip so the dealer could recalibrate my windshield, which would take to forgetting from time to time that it was supposed to go up and down. 40+ years of riding and with the K1600, I never once got the impression I was shifting the transmission smoothly. It just goes CLUNK. The horn is a bit anemic. The procedure to check the oil is nuts. See if I remember... place the bike on the centre stand and start the engine, let it idle until the fan comes on (20 minutes is some weather). Let the fan run for 60 seconds and shut off the engine. Wait exactly 60 seconds and remove the dipstick, wipe it off, swiftly return it, then remove it again and see if the oil is between the two marks. You can also go into settings and check it electronically, but I enjoy dirtying rags when I check oil. Changing the oil is nits too. Remove drain plug, drain oil. So far, so good, right? Nope, find a long allen key in the exact size metric, and reach up inside the drain hole and carefully remove the inner drain plug, slowly lowering the allen key with the plug balanced on top down through the drain hole, all the while getting hot oil on your hands, drain that oil too. Normal otherwise.


The high points? I added a cup holder. Central locking is nice, as is keyless 'entry' -- more like a car -- BMW makes cars now too, by the way. The rear wheel is very auto like, 5 lug bolts hold it in place, easy to get off and on, and you are going to do it too. EVERYONE sees you coming. if you turn on all the lights, there are 7 forward-facing white lights to announce you at intersections. I never came close to being unnoticed. The adaptive headlight is a bit eerie at first, it points around corners like a Tucker when you lean. Remember the Tucker?


When the dealership did my 1st oil change I arrived for my appointment before noon, and left around 9 the following morning. They leant me a vehicle, put me up in a hotel, and all night long they downloaded trillions of bits from a Website in Munich, slowly I might add. I have mixed emotions about this bike for this exact reason: there is no such thing as a strange thing happening, everything that might happen is normal as far as BMW is concerned. The day after I picked up the bike the starter motor failed. A less-than-1-day-old bike had to be towed back to the dealer: Normal. I want to see tire pressures in PSI and temperatures in F and consumption in MPG buy can I? No, this is not permitted. For Kanada all pressures are in Bar. Bar huh? When a biker I knew asked me later "I waved, you ignored me" I say "I was multiplying 2.9x14.6 in my head to see if my tire pressure is right, or I was multiplying 18.5x9/5+32 to see what the temperature is. All very normal. That first $800 service? Free to me. I did all the oil changes after that fiasco.


I won't miss the K1600 but it has been interesting owning it. State Farm charges a $100 surcharge for BMW, nice to see that go.


I hope you found this review informative.




Welcome to the site! Just wanna say I'm totally jealous of your new baby on her way. Charcoal or Red they are by far one of the prettiest bikes on the road (IMHO!). You'll have tons of reliable smiles on that girl as well because Yamaha makes a quality machine. I'd also just like to say thank you for talking me out of a BMW. I'll never own one if they are truly as finnickey as you say! You'll find lots of knowledgeable people on here who I hope becomes as close a family to you as they have to me!!!

I know I said I did not care about colour, but I like the Red. I have only seen the grey in person, it is also nice.




Sorry you are not in Maryland. My local dealer has three ready to go.

I know I said I did not care about colour, but I like the Red. I have only seen the grey in person, it is also nice.




Red is the way to go bro! Trust me!



As 'Caharly' referred to a few posts back, you have performed a huge service for a large group of the Older Rider Gang on this site, by accurately describing perils involved with Beemer Ownership.


Most of us from time to time are guilty of serious brain cramps concerning BMW Reliability, and we begin drifting toward Dreamland concerning some of their more enticing Touring models.


Three things: Welcome to The Club; you'll love it. Thanks for the Wake-up Call! Good luck with the arrival date of your new Best Friend.



As 'Caharly' referred to a few posts back, you have performed a huge service for a large group of the Older Rider Gang on this site, by accurately describing perils involved with Beemer Ownership.


Most of us from time to time are guilty of serious brain cramps concerning BMW Reliability, and we begin drifting toward Dreamland concerning some of their more enticing Touring models.


Three things: Welcome to The Club; you'll love it. Thanks for the Wake-up Call! Good luck with the arrival date of your new Best Friend.




Thanks for that -- if I am honest, the K1600 is the least fun of my last 10 bikes. They look sooooo good in print. Another oddity I forgot to mention, b/c I am so used to the peculiarity of it, don't ever release the bars and think you are going to roll with no hands for a few seconds -- the bike seriously can't roll straight. Even one-handed you notice you have to constantly put a little input into it to go straight. Push the left side, or pull on the right, just a bit, to keep straight.

Some K1600 owners shared a similar experience, and some may have been too embarrassed to admit it.


Glad I can help.

Red is the way to go bro! Trust me!



Most of the pictures I have seen online are studio shots, it really makes a difference in the sunlight. I am sort of hoping for Red now, but I do not feel as though Gray will be any disappointment. If I get the Gray one I will get the wheels powder coated bright white. That would look sharp. Or not.


The dealer nearest my home has a Gray one but they are in no mood to send it off so I can buy it. They are also THOUSANDS of dollars off on the deal I have inked to get the thing. I gave them the first shot at it and they were unable to make a legitimate offer. And now the bike sits and waits and gathers dust. Like me.



As 'Caharly' referred to a few posts back, you have performed a huge service for a large group of the Older Rider Gang on this site, by accurately describing perils involved with Beemer Ownership.


Most of us from time to time are guilty of serious brain cramps concerning BMW Reliability, and we begin drifting toward Dreamland concerning some of their more enticing Touring models.


Three things: Welcome to The Club; you'll love it. Thanks for the Wake-up Call! Good luck with the arrival date of your new Best Friend.




Almost exactly a year ago I took two lengthy test rides, an hour or more each, on a couple bikes I am interested in, the Yamaha MT-10 and BMW S1000R. These bikes were both an absolute riot to ride. The truth is it is hard to imagine which you might want, because they are so similar. Great torque, rush of acceleration, stopping power, enticing exhaust sound. Both so ugly they're cute.


And then I think about the service on the BMW, them plugging in their computer and calling Munich to see what's up, the "hundred dollars for oil + filter" thing, the ability to address one issue and create another. Makes it an easier decision, but part of me likes the idea of something a bit exotic. Wait up, Japanese is exotic too!


July 22nd I am going on a BMW test ride event I am trying something I have been curious about for years -- the R1200GS Adventure. Apparently it is a bike you can ride all day every day and never get sore, or so I hear. I am also going to ride an R Nine T. BMW charges $20 per ride, so I try to limit the number of bikes I try out. I can share what I learn about the GS as well.



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