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Where do you want the classifieds  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you want the classifieds

    • As they are now
    • In dedicated forums

Recommended Posts


I continue to hear the occasional complaint about our classified section. We have been back and forth with this over the years and I have tried to listen and give you what you want. A few years ago, I moved all the classifieds to the forum with same categories that we have in the current classifieds. Then the majority wanted them back where they are, in a dedicated classifieds package so I moved it back. I know that opinions change over time so I thought I would open this up for discussion again. Having them in the forum and in their own place, as they are now, is confusing so it has to be one or the other. Let me know what you prefer.


I seem to forget about the "Classifieds" the way you have it set up. Most other forums I am active with have a "Buy Sell or Trade" forum and that is what I tend to look for.


I do like that the classified section is separated into specific categories and I like the fact that there is a predetermined time limit to the postings. Is there any way to keep the classified section the way it is but have new postings show in the "what's new" or 'New Posts" lists for subscribers?


I like it the way it is now except I wish a new classified post would show up when I click on "new posts" so I can check it out. I tend to forget to check what is for sale because I usually just click on "new posts" and read those. Thanks for asking.


Folks, I can certainly change it so that the classified ads show up in "new posts". The only reason they don't is because a lot of people complained about them showing up in "new posts" in the beginning. I made some custom changes in the programming to prevent them from showing up. It would be easy enough to reverse that if it is what the majority of you want.


Try to follow and stick with me here, this could more wordy than a discussion between @Marcarl and @saddlebum about whose lawn is growing faster and I apologise for that but I just dont know no other way to say it so:

Picture all of us sitting around a lake with our fishing poles in pole holders, beverage in hand,,,, talking bikes like we love to do cause after all,,, we are a motorcycle club...

I walk over and grab the local paper out of Tweeks saddlebag, turn to the classifieds, spy a real pretty Yamaha RD350 in the classifieds, point at it and say "I had one of these when I was a kid and WOWZY did it boogy!!".. Freebird puts his pole back in its holder after freshly baiting his hook, reaches over, takes the paper, takes a peek and says,,,, "I had one too and, as I recall,, my Kawasaki H1 like this - he points to a different classified ad showing an H1 - would put a major whoopin on it". Condor then grabs the classifieds from Freebird and says "Nahhhh,,, I always LOVED the looks and performance of the Arial Square Four right here" and points to yet another ad... I think this version of classified ads discussion should be allowed at the Waterhole's edge and is actually fun and healthy .

Now lets try another version:

We are all setting around the same lake, same scenario,, only this time I pull the classifieds from Tweeks saddle bag, walk over to Freebird and Condor and say - see this ad, this is my bike I have for sale, it is a 1973 RD350 and I want $2900 for it,, please buy it from me,,,,,, and I keep doing this.. Day after day I keep trying to sell stuff to my friends who are sitting fishing and wanting to talk bikes... Pretty soon,,, less and less of my friends are showing up for the chit chat because its no longer chit chat about bikes, or fishin,, or girls :hihi:,,,,,, it's become nothing more than me trying to sell stuff which gets old fast.. Definitly a non fun or healthy scenario cause being subject to constant used car salesman type chit chat is only fun if you happen to be members of a used car sales club - which we are not,, we're a bike club with an eating disorder,,, or was that an eating club with a biking disorder.. :beer:

Personally,, I wish we could be free to do scenario 1 without it creating problems and just leave the classifieds as they are for folks who want to sell stuff.

There,, I said what I wanted to say,,, I see Carl and Ben are still :Im not listening to:Im not listening toabout their lawns,,, :scratchchin:,, I wonder who really does have the fastest growing weeds,,,,, hey you two lop eared varmints,,, did I tell you two about the new fertilizer I found? It's got a label on it that says it contains no Bull Manure and spreads very easily and,,,,,,,


I've made a change so that the posts to the classifieds should now show up under the "New Posts" button. The way ut works is that any posts to the links to classifieds, craigslst, and Ebay forum will be added to the New Posts display. I did NOT add the Ebay Listings forum to the New Posts function.


The Ebay auctions forum are automatically populated by a script that taps into Ebay. The Links to Classifieds, Craigslst, and Ebay forum only include links that YOU, our supporting members ad. You do not need to add your Classfied listing to that forum, I have it programmed where it is automatically added when you list your item in the classifieds.


Bottom line is that anything you post in the Classifieds should now show up in the listings when you click on "New Post". It will not be instant. The script that ads your classifieds to the Links forum runs every few minutes. They will show up though.


We will try it this way for a while. It shouldn't be an overwhelming number of posts as it would be if I added the Ebay Auctions forum.


When I opened my email this morning there was a note from VentureRiders saying that I had been mentioned!!:happy65: I thought: oooo wowsie I'm important:banana:, somebody mentioned me!!! they know who I am!!! finally somebody has some sense!!! maybe I'll get rich??? are they offering me a REAL job????. You never know what might happen to you thoughts as you get older:think: !! So I hurried to the website to find all about myself and my time of fame,,,, Ya right:confused24: t'was only old Cowpuc trying to work out another story about Saddlebum and then getting me involved as an extra added feature, a fictitious story at best,,, hump!!! Ben and I sitting around a lake fishing!! Glad it didn't get any worse or folks might have been told we were downtown looking at beavers!


Puc!!! Someday we will both go on to a much better place, but I hope I go before you,,,,, 'cause I would sure miss you here if it were the other way.

Not sure what Cowpuc was suggesting.... sitting around a lake fishing (maybe we can try this with Freebird's pond at Maintenance Day ?)


Myself I like the ads in the classified section. Keeps the forums cleaner and as mentioned, a periodic "purge" is easy to get rid of old ads. When I've seen posts in the forums that someone has something to sell, I don't mind seeing them... quite often there are discussions on price and certainly helps the seller (or buyer) move items. These posts usually don't get very many comments but showing up in the "New Posts" is a good thing.


What I'd like :

- keep the ad's separate in the Classified section

- put MEMBERS "for sale/wanted" in the "New Posts" - I don't want to be directed to eBay, Craigs List, or other external sites. If I want to look there I will look there BUT I do want to support members first.

- if someone does put a post in the normal sections and just says "I have an item for sale/want to buy an item" I don't take offense but Don is right....it does clutter up the forums. Putting the new ad's in the "New Posts" gives people a chance to see that some item is listed or wanted and can take the action necessary.


What is the poll option for this choice?


I am not surprised,,, I KNOW, at times, I am hard to follow... Lets try this angle and see if what I am trying to say comes thru clearer..

I wish it would be ok for me to post the following in the Watering Hole for discussion purposes with out violating any forum rules:


EXAMPLE of the type of post I wish I could make = EXAMPLE ONLY (well,, not completely,, I REALLY do love this little bike):


:scared: WOWZY WOW WOW WOW,,, LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!! Click on the CL link below and tell me what you think = aint that the purdiest little whippin 2 stroker street scoot ya ever did see?? Any of you varmints ever own one??






Currently, under our forum rules the above post is in violation of our rules.. I would vote that the forum rules be changed to allow the above and others like it... Thats what I was getting at with my fishing example,,,, which, by the way,,,, I thought was very cleverly done and I am glad I used it cause it :stickpoke: Marcarl and woke him up!!!:rasberry:


THE END,,,, till next time


Mr. Cowpuc, I understand but the problem is, within a very few days, that link to Craigslist is no longer valid and then eventually you end up with a lot of post that mean absolutely nothing. There is no way to automatically delete them. It requires that I, or a moderator, go through every single post and manually get rid of them. It just doesn't work.


I also understand, and have been somewhat tolerant, of folks that post something like "I am going to see my bike but am curious as to what you think I should ask. Send me a message if you are interested" or some variation of that. It always strikes me as somebody attempting to be clever in posting their bike for sale in the forums.

Mr. Cowpuc, I understand but the problem is, within a very few days, that link to Craigslist is no longer valid and then eventually you end up with a lot of post that mean absolutely nothing. There is no way to automatically delete them. It requires that I, or a moderator, go through every single post and manually get rid of them. It just doesn't work.


I also understand, and have been somewhat tolerant, of folks that post something like "I am going to see my bike but am curious as to what you think I should ask. Send me a message if you are interested" or some variation of that. It always strikes me as somebody attempting to be clever in posting their bike for sale in the forums.


and that my dear brother is why I LOVE my "job" here of being a :stirthepot: and, at times, feel sorry for you and the moderators who have to do the tough job stuff around here to keep things upright :beer: :big-grin-emoticon:..

When Tip and I get to MD and I introduce you to her,, look at her and say = Puc tell's me that he was/is the "Party Parent" and you have always had to be the "Party Pooper Parent".. Then ask her to define the meaning of that and her answer will give you some insight into why I make the comment above pertaining to our club "jobs" :happy34::rotfl:

Really brother,, ask her,,, she is gone right now and will have no forewarning of what is coming,,, you will get a kick of how she responds,, guarenteed



I see your point Don,, THANK YOU for taking the time to explain this,, it is greatly appreciated as are you and all of our moderators who volunteer their time to make our club so amazingly special!!:thumbsup:


I wonder if there could be an option for paid members to post that they have parts for sale in the forums, but change the type of Thread it is so it only stays up for 21 days etc.


That would keep the forums from being cluttered, because they would delete themselves, and only members would be able to post or see them. I agree with puc that stuff comes up in conversation and I've sold a lot of stuff that way. I like the way the classified section is set up, and I still definitely see people continuing to use it. I never post anything for sale, but I'm always looking for parts! Whatever you do is fine with me!


Whew!! Lots of responses and points of views. I've don't really care, but.... I do like the dedicated forum style a bit better.. Most of the other sights I visit do it this way, and to me it makes sense..... Kinda the KISS formula. My 2¢

and that my dear brother is why I LOVE my "job" here of being a :stirthepot: and, at times, feel sorry for you and the moderators who have to do the tough job stuff around here to keep things upright :beer: :big-grin-emoticon:..

When Tip and I get to MD and I introduce you to her,, look at her and say = Puc tell's me that he was/is the "Party Parent" and you have always had to be the "Party Pooper Parent".. Then ask her to define the meaning of that and her answer will give you some insight into why I make the comment above pertaining to our club "jobs" :happy34::rotfl:

Really brother,, ask her,,, she is gone right now and will have no forewarning of what is coming,,, you will get a kick of how she responds,, guarenteed



I see your point Don,, THANK YOU for taking the time to explain this,, it is greatly appreciated as are you and all of our moderators who volunteer their time to make our club so amazingly special!!:thumbsup:


My friend, I have only ONE SINGLE QUESTION to ask your lovely wife. I'll look at her, I'll look at you, I'll look back at her and ask one simple question....WHY???? :confused24:

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