American Posted May 10, 2018 #51 Posted May 10, 2018 (edited) Right! Puc...this is so frustrating...why oh why would not Yamaha have a working Navigation System on their bikes, RIGHT FROM THE FACTORY....and not have to make the owner jump through hoops. My 2008 Wing...had a working Nav System, right on the showroom floor! This really sucks. I've tried ten ways to Sunday, to make the *^))##) Yamaha Toolbox software see my USB stick with my SVTC Finger Print. Reformatted, slow format, fast format FAT32, exFAT32...nothing will make that program 'see' the USB drive. Yamaha knows about it...and who knows how many SVTC owners they are going to p*ss off and alienate before they release a patched, WORKING Toolbox...that runs with W10. This is crazy...I want to go somewhere in one week...I have a $35,000.00 motorcycle with no installed Navigation System...and by means of their requirements, I can't even install it, with their P.O.S. current release software. Trust me, I'm no Forum 'shill' Yamaha secret operative. I am one very frustrated owner...that wants all advertised systems to be operational. Yamaha made this a PITA for the owner...plain and simple. Yamaha may not be activating the Navigation at the factory because they are in Japan which maybe could cause a location problem once the bike gets to its North American market. My bikes navigation system was already working and this morning is the first time I have even entered into the navigation screen. I assume the dealer did any set up to turn it on. My advice to you would be to take it back to your dealer, also one other thing regarding USB sticks, sometimes a usb stick just does not work in said system in this case your Yamaha, you might try a different USB stick. I have not really played with the navigation system nor have I looked through the manual on the navigation system. All I can tell you is I can pull up the navigation system on my bike and I can display the map screen. Can you tel me what the need is for a USB stick? Just for information most devices are designed to accept FAT as your format because it is the most compatible system. If there is a way to format the usb stick on the Yamaha system that would be the best bet as sometimes formatting on a computer does not work with certain devices. Like I said I have not really played with the navigation system other then turning it on this morning and I can show the map and the enter a destination icon is not grayed out so I can open that if I want. There are a couple of grayed out icons but the label of them looks like you have to enter a destination first for them to become active. Edited May 10, 2018 by American
American Posted May 10, 2018 #52 Posted May 10, 2018 I just plugged in my Toshiba 8 GB usb thumb drive and the system did not say it was no recognized but I did not try to do anything else with it other than plug it into the system via the USB port in the front fairing pocket.
YamahaParExcellence Posted May 10, 2018 Author #53 Posted May 10, 2018 Yamaha may not be activating the Navigation at the factory because they are in Japan which maybe could cause a location problem once the bike gets to its North American market. My bikes navigation system was already working and this morning is the first time I have even entered into the navigation screen. I assume the dealer did any set up to turn it on. My advice to you would be to take it back to your dealer, also one other thing regarding USB sticks, sometimes a usb stick just does not work in said system in this case your Yamaha, you might try a different USB stick. I have not really played with the navigation system nor have I looked through the manual on the navigation system. All I can tell you is I can pull up the navigation system on my bike and I can display the map screen. Can you tel me what the need is for a USB stick? Just for information most devices are designed to accept FAT as your format because it is the most compatible system. If there is a way to format the usb stick on the Yamaha system that would be the best bet as sometimes formatting on a computer does not work with certain devices. Like I said I have not really played with the navigation system other then turning it on this morning and I can show the map and the enter a destination icon is not grayed out so I can open that if I want. There are a couple of grayed out icons but the label of them looks like you have to enter a destination first for them to become active. Thanks for all that, sir. I have tried using a 4 GB stick, a 32 GB stick...have formatted them with FAT32 and default allocation, have tried exFAT32 with default allocation. The FAT32 32 was accepted by the SVTC software and the Finger Print downloaded. The problem is now with their Yamaha Toolbox (latest version). It will not 'see' the loaded in 32GB USB stick with the Finger Print. My system loads it up and sees it just fine. I can open a window to the stick...view each file, each folder, but when I run their Toolbox...after about 20 seconds of please wait or the bottom notification it says NO DEVICE DETECTED. I am going to go out and buy a 16 GB stick...and try again. I have been in contact with Yamaha...and they fully acknowledge that other owners are having the exact same problems with their software and their USB sticks. They are sending me a countermeasure USB stick to get me up and running, but the problem then is...if I can not get a successful launch of their Toolbox (it runs...but does not find the stick...) then I can not create my own account and be able on my system, to update my system any further. The owner MUST be able to create an account on his or his own computer, and successfully log into the Navigation Supplier's site with your own 'authorized' USB stick that was authorized by the Nav Key serial number that came with your documentation. So...that's the rub...for those that had their dealer get their nav up and running, they can not update themselves, but must rely always on a visit to the dealer...for the product key, is a ONE TIME use...only on that bike...and that computer as I read this...
YamahaParExcellence Posted May 10, 2018 Author #54 Posted May 10, 2018 (edited) I just plugged in my Toshiba 8 GB usb thumb drive and the system did not say it was no recognized but I did not try to do anything else with it other than plug it into the system via the USB port in the front fairing pocket. Hi American, yes..I got my SVTC Nav System Finger Print (they call it that...what the SVTC drops onto the USB stick connected) but it is their Yamaha Toolbox (you need to use this software to read what the SVTC put onto that stick) that will not see it upon my system. Unless you can use that one time use, Serial Number (access number) to the supplier's Nav site...if you can not on your own computer system, by means of the Toolbox software creating your now 'authorized' USB stick to keep using for updates with your SVTC's software, then you can NOT yourself, update your system with features for updated Maps. You'd have to go back each time...every time, to your supplying dealer...because it is on HIS system that your bike is now registered with the Nav Supplier, unless...unless the USB stick he used, once authorized, can be used on any computer...then you are OK. I guess to all the folks that had their Nav System working, on the day they picked up their bike, or had it delivered to them...I'd suggest that you find this need the USB stick the dealer used to load in your system. He/she should give it to you...for that is the only stick that will update because of that unique one time use code that matches that stick JUST to your SVTC 'finger print'. I imagine they did that for reasons of software piracy, or DRM control. Same for any other type of software access and download. So, yes, your software on your SVTC read the USB, and can download a Finger Print if you want...but unless that stick now becomes authorized by your own system and that serial number THROUGH the Yamaha Toolbox will not be able to update your own system, at your leisure. I'd call your dealer and ask him how he updated your system..and if he did use a liaison USB stick...American...YOU need to have that stick,not him. keep having to go back and book an appointment with him/her. Yamaha Canada is sending me what they called a Countermeasures USB Stick to get me up and running, but I won't have it for my first trip...and what a bummer that is to me. It is...what it is...and I hope they will release a new version of their software (they are aware of this...they are getting request help calls from other new owners who are having the exact same problem with Toolbox not seeing their own bike's Finger Print files...) soon. Unless I can use my key code on my own system, I won't be able to update, UNLESS this Countermeasure Whatever bypasses this warning...I'll just have to sit tight...and be Navigation-less (my word) until then. About being in Japan...Honda still had a working Navigation system from the showroom floor even up to the 2017 I don't think that might be the case...that the bike is manufactured in Japan...but is being RTM in North America. should see the conversation this gorgeous bike has created when I have walked out of a Tim Horton's coffee shop...or restaurant...or even gassing up. I had one HD rider and his gal...doing their 'we see you, other biker...but won't turn our heads to acknowledge you (get that a lot with my Kawasaki) so I became nasty...I slowed down just enough to pass them by in the other lane very slowly...and WHAT A soon as I became about 30 degrees on the left to their road position, BOTH their heads SNAPPED directly focused on my bike...she poked her rider in the ribs..and they both started an animated conversation...WITH HER SMILING...and talking a mile a minute in his left ear! Oh yeah, I would have paid anything to have been 'a fly upon the wall' listening in TO THAT CONVERSATION. When we pulled up together to the next light...they BOTH were eyeballing up down, back to front Charlotte and then the both of them made eye contact with me...and he (I almost fell off the bike, LOL) gave me a thumb's up with his clutch hand. We then motored out....and they stayed behind me, continually watching my ride, (noted that in my right hand mirror) until I turned off in front of them. So...will HD riders look at, and take this bike seriously. YOU HAD BETTER BELIEVE IT! LOL That alone...was worth the purchase price to ride. What a hoot! Edited May 10, 2018 by YamahaParExcellence
YamahaParExcellence Posted May 10, 2018 Author #55 Posted May 10, 2018 Can't see it being a one-time key/use. Say you sell the bike in the future....what does the new owner do? Plus...things fail. There has to be a "reset" of some kind. Plus what if your computer fails and you get a new one? Then you are dead in the water? Don, right on the card (Navigation Activate) ...a one time use (their verbiage) only for that bike. Now..I do believe that perhaps once that un-lock code is used, on that stick, you will be able to update from any other need that stick. A call for those interested, should be made to Yamaha USA or Canada, for clarification. But until then...and I am reading the back of the Navigation Activate Card...that is is a one time use, only, for that activation CODE, and that this code will be locked to your bike's Finger Print. Makes sense now, why they call the SVTC download to that USB stick...a 'finger print'. DRM in action folks...DRM in action. As to all your other owner scenarios...I don't know...but a call (probably a good thing for all of us to do...) to either Yamaha USA, or Yamaha Canada customer find out exactly why the card is needed...what the code actually makes happen..and what are the ramifications of the way they chose to set this all up. For that...I'd have to call myself. I only called to state that I could not get their vector solution to they are sending me out, a Countermeasures USB Stick, what ever that is?!?? Dunno.
YamahaParExcellence Posted May 10, 2018 Author #56 Posted May 10, 2018 I can see there being a card (Navigation Activate Card) having a code (license) to do the initialization of the info-tainment system. That just authorizes it to work, probably for the "zone" (location) where it is used. Might be me but I'm not clear on what the "stick" is. Is this the USB memory stick what you put the update file on? Did it come with the bike or the "Navigation Activate Card"" or do you use your own? USB memory sticks do fail. Yamaha would know this and wouldn't handcuff the owner should the USB stick fails or gets lost/reformated. "un-lock code is used, on that stick, you will be able to update from any other need that stick" "locked to your bike's Finger Print" Is this like what Microsoft did with Windows where when you do the install it uses your hardware configuration (some internal number based on cpu, memory, video, MAC) to "lock" the activation to your computer. Change enough hardware and you have to re-activate Windows. This would prevent someone taking the NAV system (hardware) from one bike and putting it in another. Kind of like Honda car radios where if you disconnect battery power you have to get a "code" from Honda to enable it. Is the "Yamaha Toolkit" software that you install on your computer? Do you have to enter the "Navigation Activate Card" number into the software to get it to work....essentially a software license? Sorry for the questions...just trying to get an idea of how this system works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep the questions coming, and I'll try to answer them as I gain experience and knowledge with my SVTC. Don, the card is for the Navigation System download and activation. Not for your STVC Infotainment to work with all its other features. They come already working. The only usage and feature icon that is grayed out upon delivery, is the NAV button. Everything else works. There is no actual Navigation Map system installed into the Control Head until you use that card's access code, that came with your bike. It is not generic. It then places a license upon your (yes) USB Stick. Some call them drives), and then you use that stick with your own usage license upon it, to future access the Yamaha Navigation Site for updates and perhaps added features that you can purchase. I don't know...talking through my hat on that possibility. It does state on the card, that you can ONLY use this access code ONE TIME. I just suggest that any person interested in general, or interested because they want to entertain the notion that this can be their next bike call either Yamaha USA, or Yamaha Canada, and voice their directed questions to a Custom Service Representative. Only then, will you get 'from the horse's mouth'
ChiefGunner Posted May 10, 2018 #57 Posted May 10, 2018 I can see there being a card (Navigation Activate Card) having a code (license) to do the initialization of the info-tainment system. That just authorizes it to work, probably for the "zone" (location) where it is used. Might be me but I'm not clear on what the "stick" is. Is this the USB memory stick what you put the update file on? Did it come with the bike or the "Navigation Activate Card"" or do you use your own? USB memory sticks do fail. Yamaha would know this and wouldn't handcuff the owner should the USB stick fails or gets lost/reformated. "un-lock code is used, on that stick, you will be able to update from any other need that stick" "locked to your bike's Finger Print" Is this like what Microsoft did with Windows where when you do the install it uses your hardware configuration (some internal number based on cpu, memory, video, MAC) to "lock" the activation to your computer. Change enough hardware and you have to re-activate Windows. This would prevent someone taking the NAV system (hardware) from one bike and putting it in another. Kind of like Honda car radios where if you disconnect battery power you have to get a "code" from Honda to enable it. Is the "Yamaha Toolkit" software that you install on your computer? Do you have to enter the "Navigation Activate Card" number into the software to get it to work....essentially a software license? Sorry for the questions...just trying to get an idea of how this system works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep the questions coming, and I'll try to answer them as I gain experience and knowledge with my SVTC. Don, the card is for the Navigation System download and activation. Not for your STVC Infotainment to work with all its other features. They come already working. The only usage and feature icon that is grayed out upon delivery, is the NAV button. Everything else works. There is no actual Navigation Map system installed into the Control Head until you use that card's access code, that came with your bike. It is not generic. It then places a license upon your (yes) USB Stick. Some call them drives), and then you use that stick with your own usage license upon it, to future access the Yamaha Navigation Site for updates and perhaps added features that you can purchase. I don't know...talking through my hat on that possibility. It does state on the card, that you can ONLY use this access code ONE TIME. I just suggest that any person interested in general, or interested because they want to entertain the notion that this can be their next bike call either Yamaha USA, or Yamaha Canada, and voice their directed questions to a Custom Service Representative. Only then, will you get 'from the horse's mouth' I di t understand why people are having such an issue. When I picked up my SVTC the dealerships o had already activated EVERYTHING AND I got an 8mb stick that was attached to the spare emergency key and the key code tag. I didn’t have to do anything in regards to activation. Customer service is EVERYTHING!
American Posted May 10, 2018 #58 Posted May 10, 2018 I di t understand why people are having such an issue. When I picked up my SVTC the dealerships o had already activated EVERYTHING AND I got an 8mb stick that was attached to the spare emergency key and the key code tag. I didn’t have to do anything in regards to activation. Customer service is EVERYTHING! Mine was already activated as well, the key code is also on your remote, it is the label inside where the removable key slides out of. Updates should not be a problem as the activation code is only good for the initial activation as far as I know, updates should be nothing more than downloading them from the web site onto a thumb drive and then plugging the thumb drive into the bikes USB port in the fairing and the system should update, you will likely have to follow some prompts but if it is like my Harley was it should be pretty easy.
YamahaParExcellence Posted May 11, 2018 Author #59 Posted May 11, 2018 I di t understand why people are having such an issue. When I picked up my SVTC the dealerships o had already activated EVERYTHING AND I got an 8mb stick that was attached to the spare emergency key and the key code tag. I didn’t have to do anything in regards to activation. Customer service is EVERYTHING! I certainly didn't get any USB stick...just the activation code card. But...Yamaha Canada is sending me something to get me up and going. It is a problem, not with the Venture...but with their Toolbox software. It can't find your loaded in fingerprint stick...and always comes up as No Device Detected. Yamaha knows about this...and is trying to get a fix for the software out...yeah..just like my SVTC delivery, lol...7 months from now...
YamahaParExcellence Posted May 11, 2018 Author #60 Posted May 11, 2018 Mine was already activated as well, the key code is also on your remote, it is the label inside where the removable key slides out of. Updates should not be a problem as the activation code is only good for the initial activation as far as I know, updates should be nothing more than downloading them from the web site onto a thumb drive and then plugging the thumb drive into the bikes USB port in the fairing and the system should update, you will likely have to follow some prompts but if it is like my Harley was it should be pretty easy. American, that is NOT your Navigation activation code...that is your Logic Head code...that will allow you to enter those numbers, and along with the hard key, be able to start your bike, if you have lost or dropped(broken) your Proximity Fob. If you have not already,....I strongly suggest that you write that set of digits down...on the back of a white business card, and place that in your wallet for safe keeping. Also make about 5 copies of that number sequence. If you ever lose this digital will not be able to order a new part, or even start the bike. It costs over $4,000.00 to put in an entire new Logic Head into your bike (the brain of your bike...that controls by the Infotainment Software Suite, every feature and function of your bike. If you lose that sequence, you are screwed! Make many copies...and put them away safe, but always have one business card with that number in your wallet. You will need to input that number into your system, ALONG with using the hard key, to start your bike, if your Proximity Fob is lost, stolen, or the battery dies. Again, that is not anything to do with the Navigation system....that activation number is on the card that came with your bike documentation.
American Posted May 11, 2018 #61 Posted May 11, 2018 American, that is NOT your Navigation activation code...that is your Logic Head code...that will allow you to enter those numbers, and along with the hard key, be able to start your bike, if you have lost or dropped(broken) your Proximity Fob. If you have not already,....I strongly suggest that you write that set of digits down...on the back of a white business card, and place that in your wallet for safe keeping. Also make about 5 copies of that number sequence. If you ever lose this digital will not be able to order a new part, or even start the bike. It costs over $4,000.00 to put in an entire new Logic Head into your bike (the brain of your bike...that controls by the Infotainment Software Suite, every feature and function of your bike. If you lose that sequence, you are screwed! Make many copies...and put them away safe, but always have one business card with that number in your wallet. You will need to input that number into your system, ALONG with using the hard key, to start your bike, if your Proximity Fob is lost, stolen, or the battery dies. Again, that is not anything to do with the Navigation system....that activation number is on the card that came with your bike documentation. I know that number on the fob is emergency code to start the bike without the fob, I was just saying that the emergency fob code is also on the fob. I did not get a card with my bike nor any usb thumb drive.
ChiefGunner Posted May 12, 2018 #62 Posted May 12, 2018 I know that number on the fob is emergency code to start the bike without the fob, I was just saying that the emergency fob code is also on the fob. I did not get a card with my bike nor any usb thumb drive. The fact that I DID get a USB and all my stuff was activated AND my software was up to date BEFORE I took delivery Says a LOT about the customer service of my dealership. It’s no wonder they had 5 star reviews & the best in the Charlotte, NC area. I’m feeling kinda “spoiled” right about now. Im truly sorry some of you guys are having such issues. Believe me when I say, this bike is AMAZING when all the stuff is working properly! The only items that NEED to be addressed IMHO are these: 1. MORE way points and easier route uploads for the NAV system. 2. Isolation of the rider & pasenger comms WHILE also being able to use the C.B. My convos with Yamaha have revealed they ARE aware and working on those items to be avaialable in a forthcoming software update.
YamahaParExcellence Posted May 13, 2018 Author #63 Posted May 13, 2018 The fact that I DID get a USB and all my stuff was activated AND my software was up to date BEFORE I took delivery Says a LOT about the customer service of my dealership. It’s no wonder they had 5 star reviews & the best in the Charlotte, NC area. I’m feeling kinda “spoiled” right about now. Im truly sorry some of you guys are having such issues. Believe me when I say, this bike is AMAZING when all the stuff is working properly! The only items that NEED to be addressed IMHO are these: 1. MORE way points and easier route uploads for the NAV system. 2. Isolation of the rider & pasenger comms WHILE also being able to use the C.B. My convos with Yamaha have revealed they ARE aware and working on those items to be avaialable in a forthcoming software update. Sure does...BTW, Chief...I ordered that ShowChrome custom Tour SVTC Windshield 4 inches wider, 2 inches well as an SVTC Service Manual. I am not going to install the windshield right away...but wanted it at home...for when I do. I have seen too many times, where I have bought something...and wanted to get for instance a remote control on a cassette tape deck years ago...and only waited one year. I then went to order it...and couldn't believe my ears, when the dealer said that the company Nakamichi no longer produced the (it was wired at the time) remote control for my model. That taught me a lesson, I never forgot. If you want something...and it is>NOW! It might not even be in stock, or being made, even 6 months from now. I now have one...and that's all that matters! I learned the hard way years ago, with that wired remote, I never got a chance to purchase.
cowpuc Posted May 15, 2018 #64 Posted May 15, 2018 Just an FYI.... Apex Cycle (Cambridge) - shows one SVCT and one Eluder in stock Kelly's (Hamilton) - shows one SVCT in stock Clares (Fenwick) - shows one Eluder in stock Brantford Motorcycle (Brantford) - shows one Eluder in stock Don,,, gotta ask ya,,, are you seeing the new ones buzzin all over the place up there? I read somewhere that all but a couple of the Canadian allotment of the SVTC's are gone/sold up there so I am thinking you folks should be seeing a ton of them on the roads .. None have been sold here in our area yet and the only one spotted in West Michigan by myself or my biker neighbors was the dealer owned one parked at our local Spring Run rally point.. It will be really really interesting at the Sturgis rally this year.. I usually spend some time at the Yamaha dealership in Sturgis (quietness,,, calm, pure, simple momentary haven of rest peace is always a good thing to have available) during the rally,, meeting friends and all that fun stuff and cant wait to see how the battle between the big twins goes out there too..
YamahaParExcellence Posted May 15, 2018 Author #65 Posted May 15, 2018 Just an FYI.... Apex Cycle (Cambridge) - shows one SVCT and one Eluder in stock Kelly's (Hamilton) - shows one SVCT in stock Clares (Fenwick) - shows one Eluder in stock Brantford Motorcycle (Brantford) - shows one Eluder in stock Yes, I've only seen about two or so SVTC's still available up here...and this is May 15! I mean, they can always wait until this coming August/September for the '19's to show up. I think that Yamaha will make sure there are ample units for the dealer network. BTW, great news for myself....after updating the bike to Infotainment v12.0.6, and then right after that, uploading a Navigation Finger Print...Yeehaw!....Yamaha Toolbox FOUND that finger print...and my USB stick is now authorized for tomorrow morning when I initialize my on-board Navigation. Good stuff...for I am heading out very shortly... A working Navigation would be nice to have....LOL! Finally!
DanielM Posted May 15, 2018 #66 Posted May 15, 2018 I have yet to say that I've seen any in person. I think I saw the back end of one heading the other way on the highway but can't absolutely confirm that it was an SVCT. I haven't gone to a dealer to see one...not in the market...but I might go in to get an oil filter just to say I saw the SVCT and Eluder in person.I read in another thread that Yamahas sales projection is 2500. It is not likely that they will have hit that in the first few months of it being available. So even if they have sold 50% of the bikes they thought they would sell this year that's about 1250 bikes. This means that sightings being rare is expected, at least outside of events that attract lots of bikers to be all in one place. I've had mine for about six weeks now and the only one I've seen on the road is the one I'm riding. I'm up to about five thousand miles so far and have been in Maryland, Virginia West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and Ontario. I still get asked about it almost everywhere I go. Some folks are familiar with the bike but most aren't. Crossing the border at Niagara Falls last Friday night took me a few extra minutes because buddy at the border crossing was familiar with the bike and had a lot of questions. Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk
ChiefGunner Posted May 15, 2018 #67 Posted May 15, 2018 Yes, I've only seen about two or so SVTC's still available up here...and this is May 15! I mean, they can always wait until this coming August/September for the '19's to show up. I think that Yamaha will make sure there are ample units for the dealer network. BTW, great news for myself....after updating the bike to Infotainment v12.0.6, and then right after that, uploading a Navigation Finger Print...Yeehaw!....Yamaha Toolbox FOUND that finger print...and my USB stick is now authorized for tomorrow morning when I initialize my on-board Navigation. Good stuff...for I am heading out very shortly... A working Navigation would be nice to have....LOL! Finally! BTW Joe, the NAV system also shows up to the moment traffic info. Case in point: On my way back to North Carolina from Pennsylvania there was an accident somewhere up ahead on my route. The system informed me and asked if I wanted it to search for a different route. Pretty nice!
DanielM Posted May 15, 2018 #68 Posted May 15, 2018 BTW Joe, the NAV system also shows up to the moment traffic info. Case in point: On my way back to North Carolina from Pennsylvania there was an accident somewhere up ahead on my route. The system informed me and asked if I wanted it to search for a different route. Pretty nice!Also the weather notifications work well. Received a pop up about incoming severe thunderstorms similar to the way the text messages show up. And that was accurate and timely as well. It also kept that same alert on other screens you can see in the below picture. Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk
ChiefGunner Posted May 15, 2018 #69 Posted May 15, 2018 Also the weather notifications work well. Received a pop up about incoming severe thunderstorms similar to the way the text messages show up. And that was accurate and timely as well. It also kept that same alert on other screens you can see in the below picture. Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk I’ve had that come up a few times on mine too. I really love the tech level of this bike.
cowpuc Posted May 16, 2018 #70 Posted May 16, 2018 Also the weather notifications work well. Received a pop up about incoming severe thunderstorms similar to the way the text messages show up. And that was accurate and timely as well. It also kept that same alert on other screens you can see in the below picture. Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk I’ve had that come up a few times on mine too. I really love the tech level of this bike. Dont get me wrong in my comment here because I too think the technology is pretty cool too but,, I still get uneasy when thinking about someone on a scoot taking their eyes off the road to look down at a little TV screen.. I KNOW,, I am strange and dorky in a geezerly old school way about this stuff.. I mentioned the above point to the Mom Yam reps at Sturgis last year after being shown how this amazing sell point works and was told by them that todays younger riders are extremely familiar with the in's and out's of handling all the new techology like this even when on two wheels and that my point was really a minor issue but it still concerns me..
DanielM Posted May 16, 2018 #71 Posted May 16, 2018 Dont get me wrong in my comment here because I too think the technology is pretty cool too but,, I still get uneasy when thinking about someone on a scoot taking their eyes off the road to look down at TV screen.. I KNOW,, I am strange and dorky in a geezerly old school way.. I mentioned the above point to the Mom Yam reps at Sturgis last year after being shown how this amazing sell point and was told by them that todays younger riders are extremely familiar with the in's and out's of handling all the new techology like this and that my point was really a minor issue but it still concerns me..At least in this case, i don't see it as a concern. I always ride with the map screen displayed - and usually with GPS navigation to route me around traffic. On that screen in top right corner is current speed and speed limit. Because of this I actually never look at the speedometer. The severe weather notification is a huge overlay that can't be missed. Just glancing down to check speed, the message hits you in the face. Unless taking your eyes off the road to check speed is reckless, I see this notification as no different. Thought it was interesting so I pulled over to switch between screens to see what they showed - and took this picture. There is risk of people interacting with the infotainment system in a distracting manner. I'd argue that most (definitely not all) bike riders are acutely aware of the dangers of distraction from the many times everyday idiots in cages try to kill us bikers. As a general rule, I believe motorcycle riders on average are much better drivers due to ingrained heightened sense of situational awareness. Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk
YamahaParExcellence Posted May 16, 2018 Author #72 Posted May 16, 2018 I read in another thread that Yamahas sales projection is 2500. It is not likely that they will have hit that in the first few months of it being available. So even if they have sold 50% of the bikes they thought they would sell this year that's about 1250 bikes. This means that sightings being rare is expected, at least outside of events that attract lots of bikers to be all in one place. I've had mine for about six weeks now and the only one I've seen on the road is the one I'm riding. I'm up to about five thousand miles so far and have been in Maryland, Virginia West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and Ontario. I still get asked about it almost everywhere I go. Some folks are familiar with the bike but most aren't. Crossing the border at Niagara Falls last Friday night took me a few extra minutes because buddy at the border crossing was familiar with the bike and had a lot of questions. Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk I saw a grey one coming north up Young Street, just north of Hog's Hollow (for those that know T.O.) He did a double take, as I did...and as we closed on each other, we started waving and big *ss grins were both on our faces. He looked to be between 55-65 years of age. Probably the proper demographics to have the money to pay out around $37,000.00 CDN when all is in. So...that is the first other SVTC I've seen in Toronto. There are others, in town, and across Ontario, and will be fun to see them this summer. I hope we don't end up like HD's...twenty pass your location every 15 minutes....not too, exclusive, lol! I want to'exclusive', this Summer...yeah...petty...but the
ChiefGunner Posted May 16, 2018 #73 Posted May 16, 2018 Dont get me wrong in my comment here because I too think the technology is pretty cool too but,, I still get uneasy when thinking about someone on a scoot taking their eyes off the road to look down at a little TV screen.. I KNOW,, I am strange and dorky in a geezerly old school way about this stuff.. I mentioned the above point to the Mom Yam reps at Sturgis last year after being shown how this amazing sell point works and was told by them that todays younger riders are extremely familiar with the in's and out's of handling all the new techology like this even when on two wheels and that my point was really a minor issue but it still concerns me.. Dont get ur fur all in knots ya lop eared varmint. You don’t HAVE to read it cuz it vocally comes across ALL speakers. The written warning is in case you have the system “muted” and can’t hear.
ChiefGunner Posted May 16, 2018 #74 Posted May 16, 2018 At least in this case, i don't see it as a concern. I always ride with the map screen displayed - and usually with GPS navigation to route me around traffic. On that screen in top right corner is current speed and speed limit. Because of this I actually never look at the speedometer. The severe weather notification is a huge overlay that can't be missed. Just glancing down to check speed, the message hits you in the face. Unless taking your eyes off the road to check speed is reckless, I see this notification as no different. Thought it was interesting so I pulled over to switch between screens to see what they showed - and took this picture. There is risk of people interacting with the infotainment system in a distracting manner. I'd argue that most (definitely not all) bike riders are acutely aware of the dangers of distraction from the many times everyday idiots in cages try to kill us bikers. As a general rule, I believe motorcycle riders on average are much better drivers due to ingrained heightened sense of situational awareness. Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk I agree. Well said Daniel.
SilvrT Posted May 16, 2018 #75 Posted May 16, 2018 was told by them that todays younger riders are extremely familiar with the in's and out's of handling all the new techology like this even when on two wheels Ya but is it today's younger riders that are buying this bike ?
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