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Tech Support

This is nothing to do with my bike, but I thought it illustrates the problems with tech support.


I bought an outdoor thermometer to replace one that was always wrong by 20 degrees or so. After getting the new one out of the box and mounted outside, I noticed that the blue alcohol stuff inside was separated into sections with fairly large gaps between each chunk. Pretty hard to guess the temperature with all of the blank gaps. I finally thought to call the company that made it to see if there is some top secret procedure to make it work again. Sure - no problem - they emailed me instructions on how to fix the thermometer.


"Thank you for contacting Filament brands regarding your thermometer. There are a few ways to rejoin the liquid in your unit. First would be to grab the thermometer with the bottom portion facing down and shake the unit so that the motion is almost like pitching a baseball. The ending motion should be your arm extended with the thermometer "pointing" in front of you and the bottom of the thermometer at the very front. When doing this, be vigorous but keep a firm grip on the unit. That should force the liquid into the bulb.

Should that not work, leave the thermometer in the freezer standing upright between 5 - 10 minutes.

If above procedures do not work, please contact us once again so we may further assist you"


I tried their methods and emailed back:"I tried both methods and the air gaps in the thermometer remained unchanged. I finally tried rapping the bottom end of the thermometer on my knee about 10,000 times (just a guess) and I'm finally left with two narrow gaps which I can live with. The previous gaps were so large that the thermometer was completely useless. Now it is good enough. Thanks."

And they were nice enough to get back to me:

"You are very welcome! We constantly strive to provide the utmost in service for our customers. Please feel free to email us again if we can be of further assistance, we are always happy to hear from you."


Well - thanks again for all the great tech support!



It's the little round ball at the bottom that is causing all the problems, cut it off with a pair of very sharp sidecutters and the liquid will be all together. You could have just asked us you know, we have answers.

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