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I've just received my insurance renewal and am shopping for competitive quotes. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've done some checking online and most online quotes match my current renewal within approx. $25.00. I did an online quote with 'Riders Plus Insurance' (Toronto, Ontario) and they are $153.00 cheaper for the same coverage. I would follow up the online quote with a phone call to confirm information and price. Does anyone have coverage/experience/comments on this company? Thanks


I'm with Dalton Timmes in Ancaster, year before I was with Conestoga Ins. Cambridge. Both insured through Kingsway but Dalton was about $200.00 cheaper. Now I'm looking at Riders as well.


I'm with Jevco (which I think is now owned by Kingsway??). NOt sure how competitive they are but their claims service is outstanding.


Though I've had my class M since I was about 16 year old, I have not had a street bike for more than 20 years. Ridersplus was 1/2 the price of the most expensive and my rate should drop again by almost $400 next year.


I got my quote online and followed up with a telephone call and purchase with temp slips coming through email. I did all of this in January this year.


Don't know what they will be like if I make a claim. Hope I never have to find out. But the price and service sure have me convinced for now.


I hear insurance is really high in Ontario. Here in NB I pay less than $500 but then I have 2 cars, my house, business insurance, and a pile of other stuff with them. And they won't insure bikes by themselves, you have to have another vehicle insured with them.


We have a screwed up insurance system here though. A few years ago the insurance companies and the government had "negotiations". The government blinked and the consummer got screwed. There is a cap on soft tissue injuries that is so low it wouldn't cover the therapists coffee. It is also No Fault.


But it is cheapicon7.gif


I have been with Riders Plus for about 2 years. Originally I was with Kingsway on a 2003 Honda Ace. I was a new rider. I checked Riders Plus and saved about 250 a year over my Kingsway quote, even with a group discount (CMA) I checked with my auto broker for coverage on my new RSTD, and riders plus was $150 cheaper. Just a quick note, Dominion Insurance has not gotten back into the motorcycle game, and plan to be competitive with Riders Plus, but they are not as of yet, at least with my bike and experience.




Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and recommendations. I did find a previous thread....about a year ago giving similar info.......should have checked first. I am with Dominion Insurance for my auto and home policies...and my agent did mention they where in the bike business now too...but I was told...as of my last renewal a year ago...they wanted riders to have 6 years riding experience. I am currently only in my 4th riding season. So.....many have recommended Riders Plus so i will persue my quote there. Does anyone have claim's experience with them?? Thanks

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