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General question, I know, but can anyone give me a ball park idea of what it would cost to have an RSV painted? I would probably do something straight forward, like the Black or Silver that Yamaha currently uses. Maybe red, but again, nothing fancy. Thanks for any insight.



Thats a tough question as it really depends on what kind of job you want. I would say for a real nice job where you took the panels to someone about $1500 +

This is purely an guess on my behalf, but I'm sure some folks will chime in and set me strait if I'm way off.



Thats a tough question as it really depends on what kind of job you want. I would say for a real nice job where you took the panels to someone about $1500 +


This is purely an guess on my behalf, but I'm sure some folks will chime in and set me strait if I'm way off.

I work in a body shop as a painter and I'd say that $1500 isn't a bad guess. I have painted both my former '01 RSV and my current '06 RSV and there are just so many pieces to handle that I can't see anyone wanting to do the work for less that $1500.... probably more like $2000. Body work in my area is at $50 per hour and the price of quality materials are high (it cost me over $400 for materials to do mine). Larry


Yeah, I figured the real cost driver with the RSV is the number of parts. Thanks for the insight. If anyone else has some experience with this, please let me know.

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