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I didn't have any problems with my CLASS system until after I trailered the beast this past weekend. Now, it will not hold front fork pressure for more than 30 minutes or so. I did the soap bubble check thing from the forks to the compressor. While I was back there, I went ahead and serviced the air dryer. (Thanks to what I learned on this site, I rejuvinated it by giving the pellets a little bake time) Anyway, is it probable that ratcheting down the front forks while trailering blew a seal somewhere? Sure is coincidental if nothing else. And why can't I find a leak? Any suggestions will be most helpful and appreciated. RC


I had something similar last week. I ride solo most of the time but last week I took my some out. He weighs about 140lbs. so I increased the pressure a little and we had a great ride. When I went to reset I noticed a "0" reading on the forks. I went ahead and increased it but it happened again the next time I checked it. That time I went ahead and release all the pressure and auto filled the forks to the low setting. It's held that pressure for a week now. Really strange. The rear wasn't effected at all. I think it was a gremlin.


It's also important to NOT tie the bike down with maximim force. In other words, some tend to bottom out the shocks when tieing a bike down. that isn't necessary You should always have some bounce room so that the shocks aren't in danger of being destroyed by a harsh bump.


I've never been into the forks, but I assume that I don't have Progressive Suspension Springs cause I can most definately tell the pressure is gone when I ride the bike. Wife and I went on a little 150 mile run a few days ago and got beat to death from the front end.


If 1st gen has over 50K on it, the original factory installed springs are worn out.


Progressive Suspensiion springs cost about same as OEM, and are far better.


You may also be low on Fork Oil, drain and refill, if nothing else, make sure you

have the proper amount of oil installed each side .


Thanks for the advise. I'll try the easier fix first and replace the fork oil. My bike has 86K on it. Previous owner kept pretty good maintenance records which mention changing fork oil through the years but no mention of springs. If I replace with the progressive springs, will front fork air pressure even be an issue? If that's the case, I'll most definately replace. As I see it, the CLASS system is just something else to break at the most inopertune time.


Yes, if you install Progressive Springs, the air pressure is of no matter !!


I put them in about 18 months ago. I installed 15Wgt Fork Oil.


Was a little stiff for a few thousand miles, but I like it now.


I might go back to 10 Wgt.


I ride single, and do not pull trailer.


There is a posting in the 1st gen maint library, concerning replaceing the springs.


Also, the Progressive, springs, are larger diameter material. So, there is less room for Oil in the tubes. Use 1 1/2 Oz. Less Oil, then called out in the service manual.

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