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Immigration hearing update.

Air Ready Auto

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A few weeks ago my wife and I went in for an immigration interview. We got the response today. They are booting her case,,,, again. This time it is because the adjudicator wants supporting paperwork to support the supporting paperwork her case got booted for last time. Anyone who has been through this knows what kind of nightmare all this is. Well, here goes round 3 I guess.

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I feel for you brother. It sickens me that good people get put through the ringer and have to spend years and thousands of dollars to get U.S. citizenship and the lawless illegals from across the southern border seem to be given the world and clemency from any crimes they commit.

Edited by luvmy40
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When I brought my Russian wife and stepson over, our paperwork was never rejected but there were so many appointments and documents to send in and she was fingerprinted multiple times. And every time a document was sent in or taken in there was a fee involved. I wish I had kept a log of all the documents and appointments it took over 4 years for her to get her citizenship. And then it was a hassle for my stepson to get registered to vote when he was old enough. They kept taking him off the voter registration because the local dummys didn't understand the law. They are good people. She has a degree in Electrical Engineering and he has a degree in Computer Science.

Nov19,2013 007 (768x1024).jpg

He was 11 yrs old when they came to the USA.

Feb9,2015 003 (1024x768).jpg

Edited by BlueSky
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Dang, I hate to hear that you two have to jump thru another set of hoops.


I sometimes wonder if these lawyers that specialize in dealing with the government don't know that that documentation was needed but this additional delay adds to their bottom line since they get to do it all over again.

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I'm really sorry they are still dicking you around. An added expense of course but maybe a USCIS attorney can take some of the sting out of it. Knowing what a pain in the ass it is to deal with USCIS I'm never shocked that folks overstay their visa and just hang out stateside. It's worse when some can simply sweep across the border in the night, come on over and do whatever they want, and some of our cities will actually protect them from deportation, meanwhile those who choose to do it right have this epic hassle and expense to look forward to.

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The short story as to why it is such a hassle is that she messed something up on her entrance visa. We have a great lawyer on it. The other part of it is that we have had 3 adjudicators instead of just one. Each person has wanted a separate set of "supporting paperwork". We have had 2 full on hearings and one sit down. Have to get with lawyer and maybe petition to go before a judge instead of back to a desk jockey. Problem with that is time. It takes a lot longer to get before a judge and her work permit will expire... Maybe if we commit a few felonies and go on welfare she will get approved right away.

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Well,,, RATSSSSSSSSS!! I was sure hoping and praying this whole thing was settled Ready!! Sorry to read this.. Having never been thru such a thing I really have no clue on how to advise but Tip and I want you folks to know we will continue to pray for you!!! One thing I do know,, life can certainly throw us some curve balls but with God - all things are possible!

Stay strong brother and sister!!

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The short story as to why it is such a hassle is that she messed something up on her entrance visa. We have a great lawyer on it. The other part of it is that we have had 3 adjudicators instead of just one. Each person has wanted a separate set of "supporting paperwork". We have had 2 full on hearings and one sit down. Have to get with lawyer and maybe petition to go before a judge instead of back to a desk jockey. Problem with that is time. It takes a lot longer to get before a judge and her work permit will expire... Maybe if we commit a few felonies and go on welfare she will get approved right away.



Yeah if ya get on welfare its bound ta go right thru!!!


Seriously brother commend you for getting it right!! Hope its over soon. Let us know so we can congrat our new Sister!!!:usa:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a meeting with our lawyer yesterday in Chicago. Took us 3hrs to get into the city and almost 4 to get out. Toss a little snow on the ground and everyone looses their ability to drive... Anyway, we are appealing the decision of the last adjudicator. We submitted a bunch of new paperwork and are requesting she rehear our case. Our lawyer is writing up some fancy lawyer thing and laying everything out to show what kind of extream hardship my family would face if Gabby is deported. We should hear back in a few weeks or so.

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FYI on heading down to the Immigration offices in Chicago. Drive to Kenosha and take the North Line from there. It drops you off a few blocks from the INS offices. Google 'Metra train schedule'.


Took that when we needed to get a same-day passport for son #3 a few years ago.


Good luck in getting this resolved.



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FYI on heading down to the Immigration offices in Chicago. Drive to Kenosha and take the North Line from there. It drops you off a few blocks from the INS offices. Google 'Metra train schedule'.


Took that when we needed to get a same-day passport for son #3 a few years ago.


Good luck in getting this resolved.





Our lawyers office is right in the middle of downtown. Next to the Chicago stock exchange. No quick way in or out...

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:soapbox:I am so sick & fed up of hearing about Gov't dept incompetence. It's not just your country, ours too & the UK (where I'm from originally). If you're prepared to work, pay taxes & be an honest, decent person you seem to get screwed at every turn, in favour of others who won't :mad:

The UK Gov't recently sent my wife a form to complete, enclosed with it was another form to complete to tell them what form you are sending back to them & why!! FFS!!!!

Most Gov't workers know that all they have to do to get paid is turn up, they don't need to be diligent, efficient or helpful & at the end of the day they retire with a big fat pension! :rant:

Sorry for the rant, I know it doesn't help you. Good luck in finding your way through the minefield, hope it all turns out well for you.

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20 yrs for my big fat pension that is so small I won't post it on here. I showed up for Work every day. Oh I'm sorry I called off sick 2 days in that 20 years!!! Did my Job and did it RIGHT!! Not all are just riding "Gravy" train. There just ain't any "GRAVY!!! DONE!!!


SORRY JUSTIN!!! Good Luck with the new paperwork!!

Edited by Yammer Dan
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20 yrs for my big fat pension that is so small I won't post it on here. I showed up for Work every day. Oh I'm sorry I called off sick 2 days in that 20 years!!! Did my Job and did it RIGHT!! Not all are just riding "Gravy" train. There just ain't any "GRAVY!!! DONE!!!


SORRY JUSTIN!!! Good Luck with the new paperwork!!


I feel your pain. Wife and I have paid in to our pensions 26 & 16 years. She's a teacher, I fight fire, along with technical rescue. We can be deployed anywhere for disasters, quakes, etc. High risk with low pay and now they're trying to kill our pensions.

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20 yrs for my big fat pension that is so small I won't post it on here. I showed up for Work every day. Oh I'm sorry I called off sick 2 days in that 20 years!!! Did my Job and did it RIGHT!! Not all are just riding "Gravy" train. There just ain't any "GRAVY!!! DONE!!!


SORRY JUSTIN!!! Good Luck with the new paperwork!!


My apologies Dan! No offense intended, just me being pi$$ed off with things & good folks getting messed around. I know one shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush, I'm sure there are conscientious Gov't workers too. I was talking more about the paper pushers I've come across sitting in offices looking smug & politicians, not guys on the front line as you were.

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We tend not to wax political on this site, so I'll keep it short and let you draw your own conclusions.


10 years ago or more (2006) under a conservative president with a mostly conservative legislature my Son decided to marry a girl from Columbia that was here on a "Student" visa. 1 trip to the Consulate in Miami for a certified copy of registration of birth (4 hours away) 1 trip to Tampa (45 minutes) to get paperwork fingerprint and photo, second trip to tampa to turn it all in and do an interview. Two weeks later I get a phone call as her sponsoring answer 2 or 3 questions. Two weeks after that, in the mail is a green card updating her permanent resident status, she is now an american citizen having taken the test and sworn the oath. Of course they're no longer married.


Look what our Friend is going thru now. HMMMM.


Around the same time(2008) My friend Phil retired from the county sheriffs office. he was fully vested in the pension plan at $3800 per month for life. At the time he was also putting away cash in a department run investment for retirement paid out over $400K. As the county refused pay out on overtime beyond 8 per week and he worked every detail and never took a vacation, he was owed 3000 hours compensation which was paid out at his closing rate as a corporal and differential for being both a vehicle and weapons trainer and riot specialist another $110k.


This year Jimmy took early retirement from the same department, the last two years riding a desk as sergeant, New rules $3000 a month no lump sums dispersant of accrued time, now paid out monthly over 5 years, department run investment same deal lower payout and its over at the same 5 year period ( at some point the inputed CASH values were taken out of the annual documents) So instead of almost 1/2 million dollars of investable income around $240K over 5 years!


There seems to be a theme among those on here that have recently retired as to their financial situation compared to those a few years before them.


Folks its only going to get worse every politician on the continent sees every pool of retirement money whether is a pension plan a company annuity private investment, as an untapped resource to spend themselves back into office.

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Truth is the world economy is very competitive and getting more so. Cities, Counties, States, the Fed. Gov, AND corporations cannot afford the generous pensions they promised in the past when after WWII we were the only major industrialized country left standing and we were selling our products all over the world with little competition. Corporations have mostly gone to 401ks as their pension plan Others like the company I worked for for 21 years did that and laid off as many long term employess as possible to reduce the size of their pensions. Many Cities, Counties, States, and the Fed Gov are on the verge of bankruptcy. I know it's a bad situation and it's probably going to get worse as bankruptcy becomes a reality and pensions are reduced under the bankruptcy. We are facing a heavy dose of reality.

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Truth is the world economy is very competitive and getting more so. Cities, Counties, States, the Fed. Gov, AND corporations cannot afford the generous pensions they promised in the past when after WWII we were the only major industrialized country left standing and we were selling our products all over the world with little competition. Corporations have mostly gone to 401ks as their pension plan Others like the company I worked for for 21 years did that and laid off as many long term employess as possible to reduce the size of their pensions. Many Cities, Counties, States, and the Fed Gov are on the verge of bankruptcy. I know it's a bad situation and it's probably going to get worse as bankruptcy becomes a reality and pensions are reduced under the bankruptcy. We are facing a heavy dose of reality.


And Senior Management and Investment Bankers are giving themselves bigger and bigger pieces of the pie every day.


Everyone on the Board who would like a 50% increase in compensation next year please raise your hands. Thankyou. I knew you all would agree.

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  • 1 month later...

:sign back to topic:Came in the mail yesterday. Our appeal was accepted and my wife is now a legal permanent resident!:sign woo hoo: We will be starting citizen paperwork soon. At least now we don't have to worry about her being deported and she can travel freely to visit family. Beers, burgers, brats, and whatnot on me. Will post dates for a M&E at my place sometime after the holidays.

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