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Texting and driving

Venturous Randy

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[TD=class: alt1]This was posted on Miata.net



How no one was seriously hurt is unbelievable. It would make a great commercial to discourage texting and driving.


The motorcycle rider is in the hospital and the local media has photos of them together, she was the motorcycle riders girl friend and was driving the truck.



https://video-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/...80&oe=59E81B2A [/TD]



[TD=class: alt2]user_offline.gif report.gif[/TD]

[TD=class: alt1, align: right][/TD]



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Randy could you check and see if that link is still valid? For some reason, I keep getting a "timed out" message when I click on it.. I did go over to Miata.net and tried to find it there too but to no avail.. Thanks brother!!

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That url expired.

Here is an update with him in the hospital.

I don't know how long it will last.

This is mostly with him in the hospital, so to see the crash, you may have to start at the beginning a couple times.




Edited by Venturous Randy
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Good that he is still alive & recovering. What the hell is so important.... NOTHING! So pathetic that people can't leave their phones alone.

It's reached epidemic proportions here in the Lower Mainland of BC. Every single time I go out I see some idiot on their phone.

It has been allowed to go on unchallenged for far too long, so now it's just endemic.

I told someone a few days ago to "get off your phone" (slow moving traffic queue) her answer? The usual expletive off! then she purposely cut over & actually tried to take the front of our Jeep off. We were just stunned at the sheer stupidity.

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Indeed,, that video is down right discussting.. What are doing to each other,, how sad - we have come to a point in human history where even the life of little squirrel crossing the road or a pet mouse is more important than our human brothers.... Crazyness,, shear insanity!!

On a lighter note but still on the same thought track,, I had an open discussion about the move toward advanced Info System stuff on the newer scoots with a factory rep at Sturgis = pertaining to the new Venture.. Part of that discussion centered around my old school thoughts that them touch screen video game things on the new bikes (which is now a HUGE sell point) have no business on a motorcycle where,, once again - IMHO, a rider who looks down for even a split second to touch a screen is taking his life in his own hands AND endangering innocent bystanders should he do so at the wrong .001 of a second in time.. Factory rep's reply?? "times have changed, modern day bikers have grown up with this stuff and they are completely capible of handling this awesome technology".. Seeing this I once again wonder just how much times have really changed..

Prayers Up for that young man and Praise God he survived!!!


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Linda has two grandsons, 15 and 18 and they are staring at their phones CONSTANTLY, I mean CONSTANTLY. If they are awake, they are staring at their phone. I have tried to show them things about a car and when I look up, they are texting. The older one was over the other day and the whole time Linda was trying to have a conversation with him, he was texting. The younger one spent the week with us and I did several things on Linda's van he is driving for the week and I had asked him to help me replace some shocks, but he never came out to the garage. His other grand parents gave him a Chevy to drive and in a 25mph zone he went around a curve, sideswiped a guardrail and center punched a telephone pole. This was a week after Linda had loaned him her Miata that I insisted we get back as it also has my name on the title. I had bookmarked three Miatas that were fixer-uppers, like one had a blown engine and we have three spare engines, but after this week, forget that.

Please pardon my venting, but to me it is SO RUDE to try to have a conversation with someone while they are texting, or playing a game on their phone.


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Linda has two grandsons, 15 and 18 and they are staring at their phones CONSTANTLY, I mean CONSTANTLY. If they are awake, they are staring at their phone. I have tried to show them things about a car and when I look up, they are texting. The older one was over the other day and the whole time Linda was trying to have a conversation with him, he was texting. The younger one spent the week with us and I did several things on Linda's van he is driving for the week and I had asked him to help me replace some shocks, but he never came out to the garage. His other grand parents gave him a Chevy to drive and in a 25mph zone he went around a curve, sideswiped a guardrail and center punched a telephone pole. This was a week after Linda had loaned him her Miata that I insisted we get back as it also has my name on the title. I had bookmarked three Miatas that were fixer-uppers, like one had a blown engine and we have three spare engines, but after this week, forget that.

Please pardon my venting, but to me it is SO RUDE to try to have a conversation with someone while they are texting, or playing a game on their phone.


Woe I loved tinkering with grandpa... Crazy how times have changed.


Sent from my LG-K371 using Tapatalk

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Linda has two grandsons, 15 and 18 and they are staring at their phones CONSTANTLY, I mean CONSTANTLY. If they are awake, they are staring at their phone. I have tried to show them things about a car and when I look up, they are texting. The older one was over the other day and the whole time Linda was trying to have a conversation with him, he was texting. The younger one spent the week with us and I did several things on Linda's van he is driving for the week and I had asked him to help me replace some shocks, but he never came out to the garage. His other grand parents gave him a Chevy to drive and in a 25mph zone he went around a curve, sideswiped a guardrail and center punched a telephone pole. This was a week after Linda had loaned him her Miata that I insisted we get back as it also has my name on the title. I had bookmarked three Miatas that were fixer-uppers, like one had a blown engine and we have three spare engines, but after this week, forget that.

Please pardon my venting, but to me it is SO RUDE to try to have a conversation with someone while they are texting, or playing a game on their phone.



No need to pardon you, I think most of us would totally agree. I just cannot fathom what is so all fired important that people have to be glued to their phones every waking hour.

I recall a conversation with my brother some years ago, He was hosting a party & his son then around 18 or so was standing texting, so bro. asked who his son was texting at a party. His friend Peter was the answer, Bro said, but Peter is over there, why not just go over & talk to him? Shrug of the shoulders & Dunno was the answer!

I agree that it is extremely rude to be texting or phone-playing when with someone, how many times have we gone out for a coffee etc & at the next table is a group of girls, boys (not necessarily teens either... often older) ALL texting or messing with phones & not communicating much at all with each other directly. Unless of course they are texting each other!

I just don't get it but there again I am an old dinosaur.

PS you can fix up a Miata for me if you like & I'll text you where to deliver it! LOL

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Well as of right now Florida is one of the last states that the texting is a secondary offense. It may be changing Hurray! I'm just shy of 60 myself. I was one of the first to car a smart phone (remember the blackberry) before that a palm pilot PDA. To me its a tool just like a jack knife or a tablet and pen (which I used to carry everyday in my front pocket) I don't take selfies but I take alot of photos.


I see on a weekly basis kids under 6 with cell phones riding in shopping carts while mama has a phone wedged between her ear and shoulder pushing the same cart.


I reported a school bus driver, who had her phone on the floor of the bus, and was looking down through the steering wheel while driving!


In my car I have a bluetooth handsfree for calls, and my phone automatically responds to texts while i'm driving.

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