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they sure "grow 'em big" over around Floresville!!!!!

though at one time, - - long time back, i thought that i was gonna have to "talk to doug, by hand", sorta straighten him out a little!

glad that i finally saw a picture of him, 'fore i "let my alligator mouth , overload my hummingbird a--!"""


good to finally see ya , bigshell!:whistling::whistling::whistling:

just jt


Hey JT, You could probably get away with slappin' me around. It don't happen often, and 90% of the time, I just let it slide right off... just don't get caught in that other 10%!


Excellent pictures :happy34:

Good to fimally put faces to a few of the members like Vance and Big Shell. You'll do more of these M&E's....I'm sure of it.

JT.....the image of you tring to put any kind of a dent in Big Shell just makes me sit and laugh. You want to talk about a futile effort :sign20:


Thanks Don & Linda for the great shots. We really enjoyed meeting new friends and seeing ones we know already. Linda, the photographer seldom is in the photos. Next time hand me the camera, I'll be happy to takes some pics for ya.


:322: Ponch

Guest longtrain59

Hey Skid,

We need to get al these guys down to Kerrville in October.


I'll do my best to make the next M&E

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