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Prayers Up for my buddy FlyinFool today!!


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Last I yakked with Jeff, I think he mentioned his tendon reattach in his ankle is scheduled for today.. I KNOW he's as tough as they come and all that but figuring he still can use some help from the Lord by our thoughts and prayers for healing, pain management and help in staying down so he don't wreck the surgeons work :missingtooth:.. Prayers Up Flyinfool!!

P.S. - please remember who wrote this little thread when it comes time to aim those nozzles this winter!!!


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Well I am home, stil haf in the bag.........:happy-emoticon:......... but alive, sort of.

Hech with chasing the nurses, the doc is real hot........................:backinmyday:

but I did get to mess with the nurses a fair amount.:big-grin-emoticon:


Doc said it went wel BUT, It was much worse than the MRI showed. In addition to the 2 complete tears ther wer "numerous" small tears tha also had to be stiched and "numerous small tears that did not need to be stitched. So I was cut from the heel to mid calf.

Insted of just a boot I am in a cast from nee down to toes. in 4 weeks I get cast off and then start with the boot. I have not talked to doc yet this was relayed from family that doc talk to right after surgry. I get to see doc on 6tyh and again on 11th to get cast off and stitches out, then a new cast for a few more weeks.

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glad to hear things went well for you, you really should be more careful..... guess all those years of fidling with the weather takes it toll.... glad to know you cant be out this winter to mess with us too bad... but hopefully you aimed your machine right at Joplin and just flick the switch one in a while perferably around Christmas time... heal well my friend

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Last night I ended up having a bad reaction to the Percs. My normal resting heart rate is 50-55, about a half hour after I took the first Perc it shot up to 120-125. 7 hours later I finally got it back down to normal again. But it made for a long scary night not knowing if something was going to blow up and take me out. When I did finally get a hold of a doc after the rate had come back down he said that I should have been in the ER, and if it happens again to cal 911. I feel better today just real tired and real sore, I ain't taking no more of those Percs, so it is just OTC Tylenol for now, which don't do much.

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Last night I ended up having a bad reaction to the Percs. My normal resting heart rate is 50-55, about a half hour after I took the first Perc it shot up to 120-125. 7 hours later I finally got it back down to normal again. But it made for a long scary night not knowing if something was going to blow up and take me out. When I did finally get a hold of a doc after the rate had come back down he said that I should have been in the ER, and if it happens again to cal 911. I feel better today just real tired and real sore, I ain't taking no more of those Percs, so it is just OTC Tylenol for now, which don't do much.


Thanks for the update Jeff = glad to hear nothing really bad happened with that incident, sounds wayyy not good!! Those crazy pain killers do an amazing job but can have dangerous side affects.. Hoping and praying you can work thru the pain issues now without them..

Prayers Up my friend - prayers up...

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