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Seems like mine is always cutting and poking and scraping something. She's a cute young PA. She can do an anything she wants to me ever since the time when I had to lay on my back and in order to collect a sample to send in, cutting the spot off my neck she laid down on me fully up on the table like a child coloring in a book on the floor. You should have seen her face when I thank her for the most body contact I'd had in 10 years since my divorce! We've been buddies ever since.


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Seems like mine is always cutting and poking and scraping something. She's a cute young PA. She can do an anything she wants to me ever since the time when I had to lay on my back and in order to collect a sample to send in, cutting the spot off my neck she laid down on me fully up on the table like a child coloring in a book on the floor. You should have seen her face when I thank her for the most body contact I'd had in 10 years since my divorce! We've been buddies ever since.


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Didn't even keep one foot on the floor like a pool player!


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Yesterday morning I was backing the bike out of the shed to ride in to work, then it happened, heard a loud POP, and the next thing I knew the bike and I were both laying in the grass in great pain.


How did you do that? I can never get my bike to fall over without an audience......:Avatars_Gee_George:


Heal Fast. Best Wishes.


Well neither the bike nor I are into showing off so we tend to take our naps privately.....................


Everything is now set, Sept 1 I head to the hospital at 8:45 am, surgery at 10:45am and the procedure should take 1.5 hours. After that is anyone's guess as to when anything will happen. I have to be pretty well awake before they can send me home since I will have to go up 5 stairs, on crutches to get into the house, and Erika certainly can not carry my lard a$$ into the house.


Here's hoping everything goes as planned....:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Yep, I done it good this time.


Yesterday morning I was backing the bike out of the shed to ride in to work, then it happened, heard a loud POP, and the next thing I knew the bike and I were both laying in the grass in great pain. It took me a while to get my old carcass up off the ground, I took one step and found myself laying in the grass again. At this point I realized that there was some real damage to my right ankle. It took a lot but on just one leg I managed to pick the bike up and put it back into the shed, most likely for the winter. I then hobbled my way to my truck and took myself to the ER. My ankle was so weak I could only push the gas pedal far enough to get 15 -20 mph.

The ER doc examined my ankle and said it looks like a classic ruptured Achilles tendon, but I needed to go see the specialist ASAP


So today that is where I was, at the specialist, she said yup it is a complete tear, about 2 inches above where it connects to the heel.


So now comes the fun.

I am tentatively scheduled for surgery on Sept 1 then will come months of rehab. Doc said most people take 6 months to a year to get back to normal. An elite athlete can heal in 3 to 6 months. So of course my goal is to all healed by the end of this year. After all I am an elite athlete in my own mind.



I hate going to Docs and even more so hospitals.


Good Luck on your surgery. Heal well and recover fast.


Well the surgery went well and you all are not rid of me just yet.

My heart did have a bad reaction to the pain meds when I got home so I have not been able to take any, Oh fun.........


I went to the doc today to get the dressings changed and to have her take a look at things.


She said it looks really good, and she was impressed that I have no swelling. She says that is a good thing.

Apparently I did a real number on that poor old tendon not only did it tear in half but it also was shredded. The tendon is a nice tight bundle of fibers, when it breaks it usually just tears in half and just has to get sowed back together. but me always have to do things to the max, not only did I tear it in half but the bundle of fibers shredded lengthwise from the calf muscle to the heel. So first she had to sew and tie all the loose fibers back into a bundle, and then she had to sew the ends back together. the incision runs from the heel to the calf muscle.


I will remain in a cast at least until my appointment next Wednesday, at that time I should get into a boot, but no walking in the boot till around Sept 27. At that time I will start walking with the boot and the crutches. Mid October I will start PT.




Oh ya



Went to Doc today to get stitches out.

doc said it is healing amazingly well "for someone my age or for that matter any age". She did bend the foot a few times to stretch the tendon, that got my complete and undivided attention.:scared:


She said I can start walking on it in 2 more weeks due to my fast healing ability. Hmmmm...... Maybe I am related to Wolverine.......:confused24:


So all is looking positive at this point, She said that once it is all healed it should be as strong as it was before.


But dang that was a big hole she put in my leg, a good 8-9 inches long.


Pleased you're healing well, keep up the good work.

You know I've heard that phrase "In men of your age" a number of times recently. Aaarggh!

  • 3 weeks later...

Well last week Wednesday I went to the foot doc for a scheduled check up on my surgery. She said it all looks real good and has me starting to walk on it kinda sorta. I can put up to 25% of my weight on it while still using the crutches and the boot. Next week I can move up to 50% weight with the boot and one crutch. On Friday the 13th I get to start PT.




While at the foot doc I asked about the knee on my other (left) leg it is still sore and makes grinding noises when I move it. Since she is a podiatrist she can not legally do anything above the ankle. But she said it did not look good and that I should see my regular Doc. So I did that today. He yanked and pulled and twisted and poked and sent me up for Xrays. He said it looks like I probably have a fractured kneecap, He is forwarding the xrays to an orthopedic to determine what to do about it. It could be anything from just give it time to heal on its own to surgery to fix it. ARRRRRGGGgggggg!

Posted (edited)
Well last week Wednesday I went to the foot doc for a scheduled check up on my surgery. She said it all looks real good and has me starting to walk on it kinda sorta. I can put up to 25% of my weight on it while still using the crutches and the boot. Next week I can move up to 50% weight with the boot and one crutch. On Friday the 13th I get to start PT.




While at the foot doc I asked about the knee on my other (left) leg it is still sore and makes grinding noises when I move it. Since she is a podiatrist she can not legally do anything above the ankle. But she said it did not look good and that I should see my regular Doc. So I did that today. He yanked and pulled and twisted and poked and sent me up for Xrays. He said it looks like I probably have a fractured kneecap, He is forwarding the xrays to an orthopedic to determine what to do about it. It could be anything from just give it time to heal on its own to surgery to fix it. ARRRRRGGGgggggg!



:scared:,,, :doh:,,, PRAYERS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FYI,,, I been wearing Gremlin Bells on my riding boots set up like Cowboys used to wear spurs.. Not only do they jingle really really purdy, I am testing them to see if they work as an Anti-Murph on bodies too before I market them.. Testing seems to be working fairly well,, I might suggest you do the same (get a set of Gremlin Bells, make a set of spur frames to attach to your boots and hang a bell on each one) BEFORE Friday the 13th!!!!

Edited by cowpuc

Well I was born in the same cities where hardleys are born.


This was all part of the same event that took out my tendon. After the tendon blew out the bike hit my knee while we were both falling to the ground. I just thought it was a bruise that would go away.


I think I hold te record for Broken bones round here. 14 last trip. 27 1st major trip. And a bunch in between!! I've Had ENOUGH!!!:bang head::bang head: Gotta watch that I'll break my head. Again!!:Avatars_Gee_George:

Well last week Wednesday I went to the foot doc for a scheduled check up on my surgery. She said it all looks real good and has me starting to walk on it kinda sorta. I can put up to 25% of my weight on it while still using the crutches and the boot. Next week I can move up to 50% weight with the boot and one crutch. On Friday the 13th I get to start PT.




While at the foot doc I asked about the knee on my other (left) leg it is still sore and makes grinding noises when I move it. Since she is a podiatrist she can not legally do anything above the ankle. But she said it did not look good and that I should see my regular Doc. So I did that today. He yanked and pulled and twisted and poked and sent me up for Xrays. He said it looks like I probably have a fractured kneecap, He is forwarding the xrays to an orthopedic to determine what to do about it. It could be anything from just give it time to heal on its own to surgery to fix it. ARRRRRGGGgggggg!

In 2008 I fell and broke my right ankle and left knee. My ankle was an immediate diagnosis. The knee was something I tried to address 6 weeks later. My ortho at the time refused to listen to me and released me from his care once my ankle healed. So I found another ortho who would listen and xrayed me. The xrays didn't show fractures. However, he agreed I had something going on. But he said return if I noticed swelling or pain. 4 months later at Christmas my entire leg swelled so bad I almost had to cut my pants off. So I go in to see him a few days later, a MRI later, there is a fractured knee. But the injury was too old for surgery beyond a knee replacement yrs from now. I sheared off part the thigh bone and took damage to my kneecap. He could never explain that injury to himself nor me in a way that was logical for a simple trip n fall for a healthy woman in their mid 30s.


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Don't wait on the surgery don't let anyone talk you into therapy PT or a cast and shots!!!!

3 months of that crap and guess what had the surgery anyhow and it was a doozy. they cut the tendons from 4 of my toes and stitched them together to make a new tendon to reattach my achilles, because it had shrunk up to the point it was almost up to my knee. 5 different holes in my leg and a couple titanium screws and staples then 90 days on the couch and a knee walker absolutely no weight on my leg. I put on 40 pounds that i;m still fighting to get rid of.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well it is Friday the 13th and I had my first PT session.

The therapist was amazed at the lack of swelling and the amount of flex that I already have.

She measured both feet to see how far they can move. They both matched in all motions except for how high I can raise my toes, as in stretching the Achilles. My good foot has 16° and the bad one is at 14°, so I only have 2° to go to reach my goal. The biggest part will be to get some strength back in that foot. My calf muscle is shrunk down to half the size it was and there is where near enough strength to hold my fat butt up.


Since the injury happened back in mid Aug, I have put on 15 lbs that I need to get gone just to get back to where I was at, then still have to loose the 20 that I was already working on. It will sure help a lot once I can at least get back to walking. My old brown fat dog will like when I can get back to walking also.

Well it is Friday the 13th and I had my first PT session.

The therapist was amazed at the lack of swelling and the amount of flex that I already have.

She measured both feet to see how far they can move. They both matched in all motions except for how high I can raise my toes, as in stretching the Achilles. My good foot has 16° and the bad one is at 14°, so I only have 2° to go to reach my goal. The biggest part will be to get some strength back in that foot. My calf muscle is shrunk down to half the size it was and there is where near enough strength to hold my fat butt up.


Since the injury happened back in mid Aug, I have put on 15 lbs that I need to get gone just to get back to where I was at, then still have to loose the 20 that I was already working on. It will sure help a lot once I can at least get back to walking. My old brown fat dog will like when I can get back to walking also.


:dancefool::dancefool::clap2::clap2::sign Rock On:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hopefully that Therapist also warned you about fooling around in the shed where the White Washer is housed during these cooler days.. Guess you may as well plan on leaving that thing covered for a year or so till your fully healed and both you and that little Brown pooch are back to jogging 4 miles a day:ice_yaw-vi121414111


:ice_congrats-vi6886 Jeff!! Glad to hear the good news brother!!!:thumbsup:

:dancefool::dancefool::clap2::clap2::sign Rock On:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hopefully that Therapist also warned you about fooling around in the shed where the White Washer is housed during these cooler days.. Guess you may as well plan on leaving that thing covered for a year or so till your fully healed and both you and that little Brown pooch are back to jogging 4 miles a day:ice_yaw-vi121414111


:ice_congrats-vi6886 Jeff!! Glad to hear the good news brother!!!:thumbsup:


Funny you should mention that, Shoveling White Wash is great exercise.............. I think you might need some soon also................

You would not want to fall behind now would ya?

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