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That is very well done. Can't tell what the engine is. I first figured VW but not so sure. Doesn't look like it from the little bit that I can see.


WAYYYY COOLLL!!!! Had no idea the company existed = THANK YOU for the thread and thank you for the link!!


Watching the vid,,, it brought back a lot of memories of my high school years.. A buddy and I built a VW Trike in shop class back then - sort of the same design but I am sure no where near the quality... One of the things we discovered back then was how intrusive having the engine/tranny mounted behind you can be in the case of a front end crunchy.. We lost brakes and crashed er into the side of the high school - wasnt going real fast but WOW did that front end fold up as the weight of the back end drove itself forward on impact with us between the forward moving drive train and the brick wall of the building - sort of like a trailer might do to a bike towing one if it didnt have trailer brakes and was involved in a head on collision... I suppose a good engineer could explain this effect better but I came to the conclusion back then (from that experience) that, at least in my case, I prefer having the engine in front of me so it can take any impact in my stead instead of pounding me into oblivion like always happened to my buddy Wile-EEE Coyote during his ACME Rocket Skate testing back in the day... :big-grin-emoticon:


Puc, There are pros and cons to everything. If there were one perfect solution everyone would use it. a front mounted engine might attack you in the event of a rear end collision, where the rear mounted engine might help protect you. One just never knows where the next crash is coming from.

Puc, There are pros and cons to everything. If there were one perfect solution everyone would use it. a front mounted engine might attack you in the event of a rear end collision, where the rear mounted engine might help protect you. One just never knows where the next crash is coming from.


Yea BUT,,, at least when ya get nailed from the back ya usually dont see it coming so ya dont get tramatised by having your life pass before your eyes like ya do when it all happens right in front of you - something else I learned in my extremely hazard filled growin up years Fool!! :rasberry:


I think the real question here may be,,, is it funner to get pushed or is it funner to get pulled?? :detective:


Wow! That thing is H-U-G-E! & the guy that owns it sure can't park! Park like that around here & your side would be removed by some clown!

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