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Hi Every body, just thought I would say hello. I am still alive, and sort of well in Cincinnati, Ohio. I missed seeing everybody this year. So I thought I would just say howdy to all those members that I have known for so many years, and have not seen for many years. In the old days when the site first started on I was on here all the time. I used to be on VR chat just about every night. We would have a group of regulars that would have such a great time. I miss those days. Ventureriders has been part of Ron and my life for quite a while. I would hate to think what our life would have been like if we had never joined this wonderful group or family of the greatest people in the world.


This has not been a paid political announcement. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent, because in this group few are actually innocent. I have not been on VR Chat much lately, because I haven't, but I really should. Take care now.


Yama Mamaan-BabyKissing235.gif




Here are a couple of short vids to show ya ya aint missed much around here = Just normal ol boring times with no YamaMama to keep us whipped into shape..

No idea what happened to everyone else,, been pretty slow.. Aint seen the likes of those old days for ever sister,, place has really thinned out... I aint no "Bookie" (aka Facebooker) cause I cant stand the joint but I know the last time I checked over yonder VR had a fairly good sized group of lop eared varmints hanging out over there.. Ya might try joining up on Facebook (if you havent already) and checking it out - ya may find some oldie but goodies over yonder...



Thanks for the great videos Puc. I loved them and I love your Superman outfit. I have been practicing with my whip, maybe I need to bring it back to VR Chat.mama.gifYama Mama

  Yama Mama said:
Hi Marcarl,


I missed you too, or to, or two. Eh? May be next year. I am shy you know!


Yama Mama

You been sick or somethin???? shy??? what's happened,, go see a doctor and get back to normal,,, this is not good!!!

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