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LCowpuc said to let those know that they made to WI, Glad they stopped by, it a nice night for company. Hope he likes his surprise when he gets home.


Thanks Or!! You da man brother!!! Yep,, definitely a pleasant surprise here = house is still standing and neighborhood seems really quiet - NICE!! Thanks again for letting us flop in your garage my friend = another PERFECT nights rest!! @Flyinfool = THANK YOU again for contacting Or for us.. We said our goodbyes and left early yesterday morn,, BOOKED to the terminal in Walkie and arrived at 11:35 am.. People were waiting in line,, we went in and checked and were told they had room on the 12:15 depart and if we decided to pass they could not guarentee passage on the 7:15 pmer.. Looking at the skies there, we jumped on the ship and split,, or should I say = floated away... Our phone was still no servicing so I could not reach you.. Hopefully we did not mess your day up and you got to fly with your fly group on time..

THANK YOU again you two!! Your hospitality and assistance in hooking us up was, beyond words = totally appreciated!!

Love you guys!!

Puc,,,,, n Tip,,, n Tweeksis!!


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