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Marvel Mystery Oil?


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Been hearing about the benefits of Marvel Mystery oil for decades. Found some for sale on Amazon.ca and decided to try it out. Label says to add about 2 ounces to 5 gallons every fill-up. Seems to be a lot compared to the way I have been using Seafoam.


Any tips on using it?

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My next door neighbor Bob, may he rest in peace, was a great guy and old school mechanic. He would borrow equip from me all the time and I never minded that he did. When he returned the stuff it looked and ran better then it had in years. He swore by marvel mystery oil, used it in everything. I dont know how or what mix ratio he used but all I remember him talking about was that stuff, he swore it could fix anything.



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I'll admit it. I'm a "potion" fan. My straight 6 in my van loves the stuff. Runs better and much quieter. the bike likes it to, less noise etc. So yeah I like MMO. Dont over do it in the bike I heard it will turn your plug tips redish if you do.

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When I was a young fella, I remember many of the gas stations in the UK having a "RedEx" dispenser at the pumps.

It was basically a big oil can & you put in a shot of "RedEx" for every gallon of gas I think it cost a penny a shot.

It was a red coloured oil that was advertised as an upper cylinder lubricant & carb. cleaner that was meant to improve running, starting, economy etc. It seemed to disappear in the 1980's.

It went back a long way as I can remember my Dad using it too in the 50's & 60's. Maybe MMO is something similar but I'd never heard of it till now.

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Having been in the construction industry for half a decade (whoops century), this is a great product for air tools, slipping transmissions, stuck bolts and great for cable sling lubricant.



Edited by Sylvester
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Before anyone decides to pour a whole bunch of any cleaner in the gas tank or mainifold of an automobile, don't forget they have catalytic converters that can be plugged up. I suspect moderate use in a car would be the way to go. On our old motorcycles pour it in!!


Here is a link to the MSDS.



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  • 7 months later...

Bit disillusioned with MMO. After about 6 months of adding 2 oz to each tank the motor started running quite rough. Seemed familiar so I put in my last 1/3 bottle of Seafoam and now it's running much better. Before the MMO I usually added about 1/4 bottle of Seafoam every 4 months or so.


Had to get 6 bottles on Amazon so I've got 5 left. Planning on doubling the dose to 4 oz till it's all gone and re-evaluate whether it's worth buying. Seafoam is on sale this month at NAPA so I'll be getting some of that.

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here is the video



His page on youtube is ProjectFarm. He's a good dude, I think he's honest, and genuinely in it for the fun. He had a ranger that had real bad valve noise, and he put some seafoam in the oil and then I believe through the intake and that Ranger sounded like a brand new truck after he did. I decided from then on out Seafoam IS as good as they say!

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Wow! All of this stuff sounds amazing! Seems it'll cure anything.


My wife has a cat that has a bad attitude, wonder if it'll cure that. Better yet, if I drank a shot of it everyday, maybe it'll do wonders with this atrial fibrillation I've been dealing. Lol.



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His page on youtube is ProjectFarm. He's a good dude, I think he's honest, and genuinely in it for the fun. He had a ranger that had real bad valve noise, and he put some seafoam in the oil and then I believe through the intake and that Ranger sounded like a brand new truck after he did. I decided from then on out Seafoam IS as good as they say!
I find the wooden cylinder head the nearest because you would never think that motor would run.


Ride like your invisible, not invincible. Never ride faster then your angle can fly. I am as free as the wind on my face, ride to live and live to ride.

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Wow! All of this stuff sounds amazing! Seems it'll cure anything.


My wife has a cat that has a bad attitude, wonder if it'll cure that. Better yet, if I drank a shot of it everyday, maybe it'll do wonders with this atrial fibrillation I've been dealing. Lol.



Ever thought maybe that cat drank something it wasn't supposed to?[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


Ride like your invisible, not invincible. Never ride faster then your angle can fly. I am as free as the wind on my face, ride to live and live to ride.

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When I was a young lad. The men that bought old cars would use Kerosene and pour into the carb while it was running to clean the valves and pistons. That was mid to late 50'S. Didn't need to stabilize the gas because at .50 a gallon it didn't last that long. :Laugh:

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