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Hello everyone- I am a 'new' 2011 Royal Star Venture owner. The bike has 19.5K miles on it (and still technically under warranty). I have been riding (and have kept) a 2007 Roadstar Silverado for almost 9 years and over 60K miles (and know almost every bolt on her). The Venture is a new experience for me... bigger, heavier and with a bit less 'kick' off the line. Some questions- I hear a (sometimes loud) chirpy whine at various speeds and rpms. I researched the forum and it seems this is a somewhat normal sound, and I will be checking the oil soon (the bike has been meticulously maintained by a friend since he purchased it new in 2012). Which brings me to the next point- oil selection. I have run Rotella dino diesel 10W-40 for most of the 60K miles on my Roadstar, and see at least some here use the same oil in their Ventures, right? (not looking to start any oil wars here). Is there a reliable cross-reference for oil filters to fit the Venture? I have used the old-style WalMart brand filters with great success, but they are almost impossible to find now. Any suggestions for reasonably priced filters would be appreciated. (I change my oil and filter every 3500 miles religiously). Lastly, is their a way to use a lift/jack on the Venture for maintenance? I have a Harbor Freight lift that works well for the Roadstar, but it won't work on the Venture.... too many engine twigs and berries underneath! I think I'm going to have to do something with the rider's seat... my wife loves the passenger pillion, but I find the soft, 'squishy' driver's seat makes my back hurt. (we have a Mustang seat on the Roadstar and I love it!)

Thanks in advance! My wife and I will be heading to WY, CO, SD, UT from NW OH in August and will be riding the Venture and pulling a small trailer.

Posted (edited)

Wow, well where to start? First welcome to the group. Ain't nothin nobody can't answer or fix here, you came to the right place. Oil oil oil, EVERYONE has an opinion on this subject. First, use it :-) keep it topped off, change it and the filter and your good to go. I use Rotella synthetic in all my bikes never had a problem. I change between 5-6K miles with a filter each time. Recent consumer reports state synthetic oils should go 10K but I believe they are talking about cars. However my new Honda and Triumph Trophy (motorcycle) maintenance scheduled oil changes are every 10K miles, nuff said (let the wars begin). Filters, yes there is a cross reference list in the 2nd gen maintenance section. I have heard they changed the design of the Purolator PureOne (PL14612 or the longer PL14610) and now they leak. I wouldn't know as I bought a case awhile ago and still have a bunch yet.

Oil Filters:

Baldwin #B4100

Napa Gold #1358

Per-Form #PFJ503

WIX #51538

Mobil1 #M1-108

Bosch #3300 , #3323 (About 64mm, doesn't quite fit oil filter wrenches) MAY NO LONGER FIT WITHOUT LEAKS!

WalMart SuperTech #ST6607 or #ST7317 (Made by Champion)

AC Delco #PF1237

STP #S-02876


Yamaha #3FV-13440-00-00

Amsoil EAOM103-EA (Black)EAOM103C-EA (Chrome)


Lift/jack. Purchase the adapter on this sight. I got the one with legs so I can remove the jack. I thinks it's around $160 but well worth it. I'll have to go back and edit this post with the updates to the links.



Drive train squeak. Guess I'm lucky mine never did. If still under warranty take it back and have the dealer look at it. I caution you to have a dealer that has worked on and knows the venter. Next is it a whine? or squeak? Whine from the helical cut gears is normal, a squeak not so much. Yamaha released a Tech Exchange M2002-013 in 2002 and an update in 2008. I have it in .doc file I can send to your email


Sounds like a wonderful summer trip, enjoy!

Edited by aharbi
updated more info and links

As far as UMPHH of the line. I'd have some one check the sync on the carbs. Also the air filters, believe it or not normal operation can clog them up quickly. KN's made a big difference for me. When I first got my RSV I'd thought the same no punch. However, riding with the guys I was keeping up when we were hot dogging and most times catching and passing before the next light! The power of the V-4 comes on smoother so you don't feel that Kick in the Butt the V-twins give when they finally hit the beginning of the torque curve. Just my observation, also don't want to start a war.

You may look into a DYNA 3000 box (find an older one with the dip switches not the USB) It will move the stumble bumper up a few mph in 1st gear makes all the difference!!!


Check the forums here in reference to living links different tire sizes and others to improve the handling and remove the top-heavy feel!




Scribz, Welcome to the family.


In order of your questions/info:


1) The Roadstar is a V-Twin. Lots of torque at low RPM. The Venture is a V-4. Likes to rev and has the power band at higher RPMs than the V-Twin. If you drive it the same, the Venture will seem sluggish. The 2nd gen Ventures (of which yours is) has a rev limiter so you can't hurt it.


2) Clutch basket whine - a fairly common 'feature' caused by some harmonic in the spur gear on back of the clutch basket. Some have had luck changing the clutch basket to the G version (this is from memory - search for this information on the 2nd gen tech forum to confirm). If it doesn't really bother you, it's not a technical problem and won't cause any failures.


3) I have been running the Rotella 15W50 diesel dino oil and have 153k miles without issue. My clutch did not seem to like synthetic oils although several on here have run it successfully. The big thing is to make sure the oil does not have friction modifiers in it as the clutch REALLY does not like them. You can identify the inclusion of friction modifiers by looking at the circle symbol on the label. The bottom half of the outer ring should not have writing in it. Look at the different jugs at the store and you will see the difference.


4) Oil filters - aharbi posted a good list. I would also include the FRAM PH6017A. This is usually available at Walmart.


5) Lift adapter - +1 on the CarbonOne lift adapter. Get the one with the legs. Rock solid. Although, if you are really into wrenching, you may find the Harbor Freight lift table (a little under $300 when on sale) is the bomb. It will handle the weight of the Venture (at least mine does).


6) Seat - Boy does this open a can of worms. Several choices, but not as many as other bikes. I am an advocate for the Russell Day Long. But it is expensive and custom made on your seat pan (you will be without a seat while it is being built). It depends on the type of riding you do. If you are a 100-200 mile a day rider, the stock seat may work. 200-400 miles, there is a member here (Rick Butler) that does a modification to the seat that really helps. He does exceptional work. If you are looking to do major miles per day (Iron Butt type miles), there is no substitute for the Russell. Another option is to add a backrest. I find it really helps. Utopia and (I think) DiamondR makes one for the Venture.


7) This one is being added - Drop $12 to become a paying member here. Freebird (Our Supreme Leader without the funky bowl haircut) puts in a ton of work to make this a spectacular forum. It will be the best $12 you can invest in your Venture.


Have a great trip. You are on a great bike for this type of travel.


Ask away with any other questions. We are all glad to help.




Thanks, guys for all the great info! I'll definitely be joining as a paying member. I decided to keep my Roadstar for my 'everyday carry' bike.... I only have room for one bike and a car in my garage. The Venture is for the long distance trips and I'll park it elsewhere. The resale value of a Roadie with 60K miles on it isn't great, and I didn't want to give it away. I currently have over a thousand bucks in upgrades and new parts for the Roadie waiting to go on it. Viking bags, s/s brake lines, tires, plugs fluids, etc.


I paid 6 grand even for the Venture which is in 'like new' condition.... Pretty sure it's running well- I've put about 600 miles on it in 3 weeks and it runs great (other than the chirpy whine, which my friend said is normal). I think I got a pretty good deal!


You mentioned that you would be pulling a trailer with the Venture, if you do not already have a trailer harness on the bike, check my ads in the classified section under Member Vendors, I make a complete plug and play set up , not cutting no splicing.


If you want more umph. In the tech section is an article on changing the rear end gear ratio to the v-max gears. I have done it and like the added torque.




I prefer to think that my clutch sings because it's happy!!!


Isn't the Roadie a belt drive?? There is an interesting discussion going on in the Watering hole about shaft vs belt drive and the pro's and con's of each, one of the pro's for belt drive is less loss of torque coming off the line...


Somewhere on the site is indeed a list of what oil filters will fit, but be warned that a couple of the manufacturers have changed the style of the mating surfaces from concave to convex and will no longer work. Purolator and Bosch (what I generally use) have done this.


Yup, use the member Carbon_One's lift adapter, it beats placing pieces of wood under the appropriate spots!


You may want to contact member Rick Butler for his seat modification! Another alternative is to find a seat from an older Venture as the pillow top seats are only on the newer 2nd Generation Ventures whereas the older ones have a much stiffer seat, but even those need the Butler "Butt" modification for riding comfort! You may want to consider an aftermarket backrest, and a set of handlebar risers to pull the handlebars back a tad as it is a known fact the stock positioning can cause rider discomfort!


Welcome aboard!!!


Welcome to the forum, Scribz. This is the right place to get lots of information and help to assist you in any repair or maintenance or modification you would like to do on your Venture. As far as maintenance and such...I am not sure if it has been mentioned before, replace your gear oil every other oil change. I use 80W90 on my bike and that seem to take care of most of the whine.

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