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I am a southern boy raised in the great state of Texas, and I have been going to Penn State for a year now, so by all means, I should hate Michigan. Which I would if it did not house my favorite venture riding couple and if it was not the place that I finally found my trailer hitch for my 1984. $150 shipped. Not a bad deal at all.


Pretty stoked about getting it and putting it on.




Big favor to ask. If anyone has a picture of that style bumper/hitch installed, can you post it here. The wife is trying to figure out how it will look. All I can find is the bigger bumper.

Big favor to ask. If anyone has a picture of that style bumper/hitch installed, can you post it here. The wife is trying to figure out how it will look. All I can find is the bigger bumper.

Here's a pic of the A$$ end of my '91. It may help??

91VRTailLights 007 (Medium).JPG


:thumbsup::thumbsup: NICE Coff = CONGRATS on the find!! Speaking about your favorite Venture riding couple in Michigan = hope you know you coulda saved some really big bucks on shipping, rode that gorgeous scoot out here - picked up the hitch and installed it at our house - been mighty glad to have supervised that project while feeding ya endless 1/4 pound Hot Dogs!!!!!! :backinmyday:

Love ya Sonshine!!


The shipping on it was free, but as you can see from the map below, I have never ridden in Michigan, so I might just come up for the company, some good riding, and hot dogs.


Right now I am getting her ready for a trip to Texas, so Michigan will have to wait a little while.

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