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Becky Is Fine, Her Car Not So Much...


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Becky had a little oops turning into our place this afternoon, she didn't quite see the big gray pickup truck coming from the opposite direction. That white looking thing on the passenger side of the pickup's bumper is Becky's rear passenger door skin...






She went to the hospital for a checkup, nothing wrong other than classic seat belt bruising, she is home and is fine other than a little stiff and sore...

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:scared: PRAISE GOD BECKY IS OK BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please give her a hug for us and let her know she has our love and prayers of thanksgiving Bob!! WOW - that could have been a LOT worse!!!
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Wow, I don't think that's gonna buff out.

You two sure have been thru a lot lately and it looks like her angel is still looking out for her. Yeah, tomorrow might be a bit tough for her as she is probably gonna feel like the truck ran over her.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you two as Becky is a very special lady.


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Ouch,,, in more ways than one.

Seems like the Good Shepherd was watching over her.

Massaging really works wonders in the healing process. May I suggest that there is a therapist in house for her.

She'll probably need a cook, window washer, floor cleaner, laundry service, shopper and other necessary job categories. Best be on your best behavior for the next while if you want to stay 'employed'. Guess Goldie is just gonna have to wait a while longer eh?

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Glad she is okay! And thanks for posting this. It's a good reminder for all of us to be careful out there. Trajedy can occur at any moment.


Wow glad Becky is ok. Tom and I hate turning in the park. That was where our accident was.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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