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2 Not So Nice News Today


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Not a great day today...


1. B2 Mom was in a 1 vehicle accident today according to Bobbie Powell. She is in the hospital but no major injuries, no broken bones, etc. According to Bobbie's facebook post, she is in good spirits but is staying in the hospital overnight for observations. Their truck may be totaled.


2. Member Mother, who lives on the shore of Lake Ontario, is getting flooded out due to the continual rising of the lake. He showed pictures on facebook of a crew sandbagging, and pictures of his flooded out yard. From what I understand, the lake is supposed to continue to rise for the next week!


So, prayers for both people and all involved!!

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Thanks brother for passing this along,,, you got it = Prayers Up for both Patti and Mother,, sure hate to read stuff like this BUT our God is a faithful God - he does answer prayer THIS WE KNOW!!

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i got to chat with Don & Patti last night and he's holding everything together and she a bit sore from the seat belt and the airbags, but is her normal sassy self.

the truck is a total loss, but they make more trucks and Patti and Don are priceless.

they have a great VR family helping them with daily concerns.

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Will keep Don and Patti in our thoughts, hopefully a speedy and pain free recovery. Poor guys cant seem to get a break on their RV adventures, I really wish them all the best in this set-back. Sounds like Don is getting himself a brand new dually!


Hopefully Scott does not have to deal with any flooding in his house. Will keep our fingers crossed:fingers-crossed-emo



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OK, today is a much better day for news!! I will now open up and let you all in on another news issue! Last Monday Becky had a colonoscopy and they found something, and the surgeon was pretty sure it was cancer so he took a biopsy. We have been keeping this quiet but this afternoon we got great news, Becky is cancer free!!! Praise God almighty! We were prepared for her to have surgery in the next few weeks but that won't be needed now!!!


So keep praying for both Patti and Scott, and Mike, thank you for starting the go fund me page, there is a lot of additional expenses that insurance most likely won't cover!! Everybody open their hearts and pocketbooks, remember what goes around comes around, give and you will be blessed sometime in return...

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Thanks for the news Bob.

Glad you and Becky got some good news.

Praying for Pattie, Don, and Scott.

Life seems to be changing a bit as time goes on, but then has it ever been stable? Not likely, each generation has had to bare it's own burdens, so we all need to depend on the One who controls all. Someday we have a chance at being in perfection, what a day that shall be.

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