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Motorcyclist Magazine - Great Maintenance Video set on youtube

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Hi Guys and Gals,


I'm always on the quest to expand my knowledge of how to keep my Motorcycles on the road....and boy, do I have a lot to learn! :confused07:


I have recently been enjoying this set of Youtube videos from "Motorcyclist Magazine". Although the videos are not specifically about our Yamaha Venture's, they still professionally cover some of the important topics that everyone needs to know to help troubleshoot, fix, and keep their bikes running safely down the road. I sure wish I would have been able to watch these videos years ago when I first started working on my own bikes rather than learning "the hard way". :backinmyday:


Here is a good video example about diagnosing dirty carbs and how to clean them.......something my Venture's and other bikes seem to need fairly regularly since they don't get ridden enough.....and poor storage on my part! 10 year old gas just doesn't seem to go "Boom" like the new stuff!


In all my 35 years of riding I have never had to plug a tire on the side of the road....knock on wood.....Now I know how to do it!



Ever wondered how your clutch works and what it takes to replace it (general info not specific to the Venture....but still education INMHO)




There are tons of other topics these guys cover...hope you find it as insightful as I did.


"In all my 35 years of riding I have never had to plug a tire on the side of the road....knock on wood.....Now I know how to do it!"



Good videos but I would not want to use that type of rubber plug on a MC tire. I carry the stop and go kit with me and it uses rubber mushroom plugs. I have not had to use it yet (hope I just did not jinx it :confused07:)


Here is a link:




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