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Bad omen for first ride 2017?

Air Ready Auto

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Got Lucy out from storage. Rebuilt the clutch master cylinder. Took her for a few short runs up the street and back. Then I decided to hit the road for a few miles. Between miles 10 and 18 I had 3 near misses with Bambi, almost got run over by a truck that was pulling out of a driveway and had to dodge some lady from the oncoming lane who had her head in the phone and had swerved into the middle of the road. I took it as a sign and turned around at mile 20. I hope that's all I have to deal with this year...

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Important that you made it home in one piece.


I did 500 km last Sunday. Had one guy swing from the right lane across two lanes to get in front of me. Wasn't really close but I gave him a finger pointing skyward to let him know. One "comment" from one rider, he might be more observant to the next biker.

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Just this week I was was going through a green light. there was a transport on my left nosed out, legally awaiting to make a left turn and a bus and a van going through the green light ahead of me when a car from the other direction shoots a left turn between me and the van ahead of me. I was forced to slam on the brakes and I swear there was barely room for a cigarette paper between us. Thankfully I was in my pickup truck but all I could think had I been on my MC the outcome would have been a whole lot nastier.

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I went out a while back, turned a blind corner in town, (steep uphill & all one-way) to find a huge Dodge Truck just completing a 3 (or 5 or 7 who knows) point turn & coming straight at me! :confused07: I was able to stop, but not sure how! The guy was open mouthed. Then after I said "What the hell?" & pointed out he was going the wrong direction on a one way, he got all pi$$y. Have you ever noticed how belligerent & aggressive most people get when they are in the wrong? Anyway he reversed to give me room, then roared off & turned at the bottom of the hill.... onto another one way street, again going the wrong way! :doh:

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We just had a local take a buzzard to the visor. It knocked him out and laid it down. Luckily no serious injuries. Be careful out there. I once took a quail in the face and ended up with a broken nose, can't imagine a buzzard. Oh the buzzard was declared dead at the scene according to local news.

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