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Unusual Winter


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This is one time I hope the weatherman ... errr, I mean person ... is WRONG ... (aren't they usually? LOL)


LOL yes they usually are, BUT the :snow: :snow2: :snow: has started here as predicted, I guess it's the same in your neck of the woods, (or should I say in your little bit of the Arctic!) so looks like they could be spot on this time. Keep Smilin' it'll soon be riding weather again.

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Having been laid up for 7 days after 2 days of sunshine and 3 days of dry roads I got to ride to work today. Woo-Hoo!!! :sun: :dancefool: :biker:


There is still 3" of snow in the back yard but the rest of it is mostly green. Should be 2 more days of sun before getting back to our normal Wet Coast weather. :rain2: :banana:

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